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Basic Arithmetic and Algebra: A Focused Review

Dr. Heimerl, “Papa Joe” to his grandchildren, is convinced he can lead the reader to solutions to the quadratic equation using step-by-step mathematical processes, provided the reader can count to ten.

Nightmare Worlds

Nightmares during sleep are terrifying dreams of helplessness, extreme anxiety, or sorrow. But nightmares can occur while awake, manifested as an ordeal, a horror, a calamity, or a trial.


If you’ve ever forgotten anything, then MEMORY! is for you. You’ll learn techniques for remembering names and faces, speaking without notes, and 101 Q&A’s for beating absent-mindedness.

The Tao of Mia and Leo

Funny, heartwarming, insightful, vignettes based on the author’s observations of her two very wise, very busy kitties. Struggling with her own spiritual reawakening, she discovers that the secret to living authentically can be found nipping at her toes.

Over the Celestial Wireless

These critical and dynamic essays are perceptive, penetrating, forceful, and informative. They are as smooth as a John Coltrane’s melody. These powerful essays will transform your life for the better.


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Anna's Secret Legacy
by S.A. Williams