Punch, المجلد 21Punch Publications Limited, 1913 |
من داخل الكتاب
الصفحة 269
... car jumped the track in the afternoon . The car jumped the track I should say about half way between bridge 49 and bridge 50. When we went back I was riding on the flat car facing towards Ischua . I didn't see Booth at all while I ...
... car jumped the track in the afternoon . The car jumped the track I should say about half way between bridge 49 and bridge 50. When we went back I was riding on the flat car facing towards Ischua . I didn't see Booth at all while I ...
الصفحة 273
... car jumped the track ? A. Well , now , of course I would not notice , whether it was within five rods , but I noticed the track right along while I was working there , and going over it . Booth wasn't with me . He wasn't with me when I ...
... car jumped the track ? A. Well , now , of course I would not notice , whether it was within five rods , but I noticed the track right along while I was working there , and going over it . Booth wasn't with me . He wasn't with me when I ...
الصفحة 281
... car jumped the track there were eight or ten men on it and the tool box and tools . The car just seemed to jump right up and jump right off the track . I should say the train was going then somewheres around 8 or 10 miles . RE - CROSS ...
... car jumped the track there were eight or ten men on it and the tool box and tools . The car just seemed to jump right up and jump right off the track . I should say the train was going then somewheres around 8 or 10 miles . RE - CROSS ...
الصفحة 313
... car jumped the track , the particular point . I told you I did- n't know the exact point . The description I gave is a general description of the track . I don't know just where the accident occurred . Q. Can you tell me any point in ...
... car jumped the track , the particular point . I told you I did- n't know the exact point . The description I gave is a general description of the track . I don't know just where the accident occurred . Q. Can you tell me any point in ...
الصفحة 377
... car or two off . Maybe other days they would go along pretty smooth . 377 Q. Take it along in September before you ... jump the track myself . Whenever I saw them they were al- ready off the track . They were dump cars used 381 J. Clapp , for ...
... car or two off . Maybe other days they would go along pretty smooth . 377 Q. Take it along in September before you ... jump the track myself . Whenever I saw them they were al- ready off the track . They were dump cars used 381 J. Clapp , for ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
26th day accident alleged amount Appellate apples Attorneys Bainbridge Bank of Buffalo barrels Bidwell bill of lading C. F. Pfeiffer Carnegie Trust Company Carroll cause of action check or draft Cheney complaint condition connecting carrier contributory negligence County Court Cross damage day of October defendant defendant's Deft delivered deposit dinky engine dinky track Direct Examination duly evidence Exhibit fendant firm of C. F. foot gang Gasport Gilbert H. J. Maddox Hastings header inches wide information and belief injury Ischua joists Judson jury Kerbaugh knew liability livestock Maddox Grocery Company ment nonsuit notice numbered owners paid payment Pfeiffer & Sons plain plaintiff Pltf proceeds thereof question R. W. Blacklock railroad rails Re-direct received riding running board scaffold shipment shipped sold Stock Yards Bank thereafter and prior tiff tion trust obligation Union Stock Yards wall Weimert witness York Central