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" The Tale of the Great Persian War, from the Histories of Herodotus. By GEORGE W. Cox, MA late Scholar of Trin. Coll. "
The Publishers' Circular and General Record of British and Foreign Literature - الصفحة 339
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

The Indoor Gardener

Miss E. A. Maling - 1863 - عدد الصفحات: 336
...TALES OF THE GODS AND HEROES. With 6 Landscape Illustrations from Drawings by the Author. Fcp 8vo 5* THE TALE OF THE GREAT PERSIAN WAR, from the Histories of Herodotus. With 12 Woodcuts. Fcp8vo7*6d A DICTIONARY OF ROMAN AND GREEK ANTIQUITIES, with nearly 2,000 Wood Engravings,...

The Life of William Warburton, D.D., Lord Bishop of Gloucester from 1760 to ...

John Selby Watson - 1863 - عدد الصفحات: 750
...TALES OF THE GODS AND HEROES. With 6 Landscape Illustrations from Drawings by the Author. Fcp. 8vo. 5s. THE TALE OF THE GREAT PERSIAN WAR, from the Histories of Herodotus. With 12 Woodcuts. Fcp. Svo. 7s. Gd. A DICTIONARY OF ROMAN AND GREEK ANTIQUITIES, with nearly 2,000...

The History of the Supernatural in All Ages and Nations: And in ..., المجلد 1

William Howitt - 1863 - عدد الصفحات: 554
...OF THE GODS AND HEROES. With 6 Landacape I Illustrations from Drawings by the Author. Fcp Svo 5s | THE TALE OF THE GREAT PERSIAN "WAR, from the Histories of Herodotus. With 12 Woodcuts. FcpSvo7sM A DICTIONARY OF ROMAN AND GREEK ANTIQUITIES, with nearly 2,000 Wood Engravings,...

The History of Newfoundland

Charles Pedley - 1863 - عدد الصفحات: 600
...Edition, thoroughly revised ; with 6 Illustrations on Wood from Designs by the Author. Fcp. 8vo. 5s. THE TALE OF THE GREAT PERSIAN WAR, from the Histories of Herodotus. With 12 Woodcuts. Fcp. 8vo. 7s. (jd. A DICTIONARY OF ROMAN AND GREEK ANTIQUITIES, with nearly 2,000...

From Matter to Spirit: The Result of Ten Years'experience in Spirit ...

Sophia Elizabeth De Morgan, Augustus De Morgan - 1863 - عدد الصفحات: 500
...TALES OF THE GODS AND HEROES. With 6 Landscape Illustrations from Drawings by the Author. Fcp 8vo 5s THE TALE OF THE GREAT PERSIAN WAR, from the Histories of Herodotus. With l2 Woodcuts. Fcp 8vo 7* 6rf A DICTIONARY OF ROMAN AND GREEK ANTIQUITIES, with nearly 2,000 Wood...

Dartmoor Days; Or, Scenes in the Forest: a Poem

Edward William Lewis Davies - 1863 - عدد الصفحات: 210
...TALES OF THE GODS AND HEROES. With 6 Landscape Illustrations from Drawings by the Author. Fcp 8vo 5s THE TALE OF THE GREAT PERSIAN WAR, from the Histories of Herodotus. With 12 Woodcuts. Fcp8vo7*6d A DICTIONARY OF ROMAN AND GREEK ANTIQUITIES, with nearly 2,000 "Wood Engravings,...

The constitutional history of England, 1760-1860, المجلد 1

Thomas Erskine May (baron Farnborough.) - 1863 - عدد الصفحات: 590
...TALES OP THE GODS AND HEROES. With 6 Landscape Illustrations from Drawings by the Author. Fcp. 8vo. 5s. THE TALE OF THE GREAT PERSIAN WAR, from the Histories of Herodotus. With 12 Woodcuts. Fcp. 8vo. 7*. 6d. A DICTIONARY OF ROMAN AND GREEK ANTIQ.TJITIES, with nearly 2,000...

Healthy Moral Homes for Agricultural Labourers ...

Peter Thompson (Carpenter.) - 1863 - عدد الصفحات: 224
...TALES OF THE GODS AND HEROES. With 6 Landscape Illustrations from Drawings by the Author. Fcp. 8vo. 5s. THE TALE OF THE GREAT PERSIAN WAR, from the Histories of Herodotus. With 12 Woodcuts. Fcp. 8vo. 7s. 6d. A DICTIONARY OP ROMAN AND GREEK ANTIQUITIES, with nearly 2,000...

A Glimpse of the World, المجلد 2

Elizabeth Missing Sewell - 1863 - عدد الصفحات: 588
...TALES OF THE GODS AND HEROES. With 6 Landscape Illustrations from Drawings by the Author. Fcp Svo 5s THE TALE OF THE GREAT PERSIAN WAR, from the Histories of Herodotus. With 1 2 Woodcuts. Fcp Svo Is 6rf A DICTIONARY OF ROMAN AND GREEK ANTIQUITIES, with nearly 2,000 Wood...

The House of Scindea: A Sketch

John Hope - 1863 - عدد الصفحات: 152
...TALES OF THE GODS AND HEROES. With 6 Landscape I Illustrations from Drawings by the Author. Fcp Svo 5s THE TALE OF THE GREAT PERSIAN WAR, from the Histories of Herodotus. With 12 Woodcuts. Fcp Svo 7* 6d A DICTIONARY OF ROMAN AND GREEK ANTIQUITIES, with nearly 2,000 Wood...

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