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" The Tale of the Great Persian War, from the Histories of Herodotus. By GEORGE W. Cox, MA late Scholar of Trin. Coll. "
The Publishers' Circular and General Record of British and Foreign Literature - الصفحة 339
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

The National Review, المجلد 15

Richard Holt Hutton, Walter Bagehot - 1862 - عدد الصفحات: 448
...Oxford University Pulpit at the Bampton Lecture for 1859. By George Rawliuson, MA London : Murray. 1859. The Tale of the Great Persian War, from the Histories of Herodotus. By the Rev. George W. Cox, MA London: Longman and Co. 1861. An Historical Survey of the Astronomy of the Ancients. By the Right Hon....

The Gentleman's Magazine, and Historical Chronicle, for the Year ..., المجلد 212

1862 - عدد الصفحات: 860
...is a doubtful question whether it tells most to the advantage or the disadvantage of a book to *. " The Tale of the Great Persian War. From the Histories of Herodotus. By the Kev. George W. Cox, MA" (London : Longman and Co. 1861.) GENT. MAG. VOL. CCXII. p have its two halves...

Works: Collected and Edited by James Spedding, Robert Leslie Ellis ..., المجلد 8

Francis Bacon - 1862 - عدد الصفحات: 466
...8vo. 6s. Gd. The History of Greece. By C. THIRLWALI., DD Lord Bishop of St. David's. 8 vols. fcp. 28s. The Tale of the Great Persian War, from the Histories of Herodotus. By GEORGE W. Cox, MA late Scholar of Trin. Coll. Oxon. Fcp. 3s. Gd. Greek History from Them is toe lea...

The Correlation of Physical Forces

William Robert Grove - 1862 - عدد الصفحات: 348
...TALES OF THE GODS AND HEROES. With 6 Landscape Illustrations from Drawings by the Author. Fcp. 8vo. 5s. THE TALE OF THE GREAT PERSIAN WAR, from the Histories of Herodotus. With 12 Woodcuts. Fcp. 8vo. 7s. 6d. A DICTIONARY OF ROMAN AND GREEK ANTIQUITIES, with nearly 2,000...

From Matter to Spirit: The Result of Ten Years'experience in Spirit ...

Sophia Elizabeth De Morgan, Augustus De Morgan - 1863 - عدد الصفحات: 528
...GREECE. By C. THIKLWALL, DB, Lord Bishop of St. David's. 8 vols. 8vo. £3 j or in 8 vols. fcp. 28s. The TALE of the GREAT PERSIAN WAR, from the Histories of Herodotus. By the Rev. G. "W. Cox, MA late Scholar of Trin. Coll. Oxon. T?cp. Svo. 7s. 6rf. ANCIENT HISTORY of EGYPT, ASSYRIA,...

South American Sketches: Or, A Visit to Rio Janeiro, the Organ Mountains, La ...

Thomas Woodbine Hinchliff - 1863 - عدد الصفحات: 500
...The HISTORY of GREECE. By C. THIRLWALL, DD Lord Bishop •f St. David's. S vols. fcp. Svo. price 2Ss. The TALE of the GREAT PERSIAN WAR, from the Histories of Herodotus. By GEORGE W. Cox, MA late Scholar of Trin. Coll. Oxon. Pcp. 7s. 6d. GREEK HISTORY from Themistocles to...

A Glimpse of the World, المجلد 2

Elizabeth Missing Sewell - 1863 - عدد الصفحات: 584
...the LANGUAGE and LITERATURE of Ancient Greece. By WILLI AM MUEE, of Caldwell. 5 vols. Svo. £3 9s. The TALE of the GREAT PERSIAN WAR, from the Histories of Herodotus. By GEOEQB W. Cox, M JL. New Edition. Fcp. 3s.6d. HISTORY of the LITERATURE of ANCIENT GREECE. By Professor...

The Constitutional History of England Since the Accession of ..., المجلد 1

Thomas Erskine May - 1868 - عدد الصفحات: 572
...History of Greece. ByC.THinLWALL, DD Lord Bishop of St. David's. 8 vols. fcp. with Vignette-titles, 28«. The Tale of the Great Persian War, from the Histories of Herodotus. By GEORGE W. Cox; MA, late Scholar of Trin. Coll. Oxorj. Fcp. 7«. 6rf. Greek History from Themistocles...

Lectures on the History of England, المجلد 1

William Longman - 1863 - عدد الصفحات: 552
...Pcloponnesian War, by Thucydides. Translated by Richd. Craivley, Fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. The Tale of the Great Persian War, from the Histories of Herodotus. By Rev. GW Cox, MA Fcp. 8vo. 3*. fxi. General History of Greece to the Death of Alexander tJie Great ;...

Treatise on Mills and Mill Work: On machinery of transmission and the ...

Sir William Fairbairn - 1863 - عدد الصفحات: 388
...Edition, thoroughly revised ; with 6 Illustrations on Wood from Designs by the Author. Fcp. 8vo. 5s. THE TALE OF THE GREAT PERSIAN WAR, from the Histories of Herodotus. With 12 Woodcuts. Fcp. 8vo. 7s. 6rf. A DICTIONARY OF ROMAN AND GREEK ANTIQTJITIES, with nearly 2,000...

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