LORD GOD, LAMB of GOD, SON of the FATHER, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer. Thou that sittest at... Hele's Select offices of private devotion - الصفحة 532بواسطة Richard Hele - 1825 - عدد الصفحات: 546عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب
| Questions - 1828 - عدد الصفحات: 184
...we bless thee, we worship thee, we glorify thee, we give thanks to thee for thy great glory :" — " thou only art holy ; thou only art the Lord ; thou...Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the Father." The Sabbath is a break in our earthly life — a moment for rallying our spiritual strength — the... | |
| 1852 - عدد الصفحات: 248
...O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, have...art most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen. Then the elder, if he see it expedient, may put up an extempore prayer ; and afterward shall let the... | |
| Church of England - 1829 - عدد الصفحات: 660
...Lord God, l.amb of God, Son of the Father, that takcst away the sin* of the world, hare mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, have...God the Father, have mercy upon us. For thou only an holy ; thou only art the Lord ; thou only, O Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory... | |
| Methodist Episcopal Church - 1829 - عدد الصفحات: 204
...O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, have...world, receive our prayer. Thou that sittest at the rieht hand of God the Father, , have mercy upon us. For thou only art holy ; thou only art the Lord... | |
| 1829 - عدد الصفحات: 442
...Father, that lakest away the sins of the world, nave mercy upon us. Thou that Lakest away the fains of the world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away...world, receive our prayer. Thou that sittest at the riijht hand of God the Father, have mercy upon us. For thou only art holy ; thou only ait the Lord... | |
| William Paley - 1830 - عدد الصفحات: 358
...O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us : thou that takest away the sins of the world,...only art holy, thou only art the Lord; thou only, 0 Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art most high in the glory of God the Father. Then the Priest, (or Bishop... | |
| Episcopal Church - 1830 - عدد الصفحات: 480
...0 Lord God.Lamh of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the sins of (he world, have mercy upon us. Thou that takest away the sins of the world, have...right hand of God the Father, have mercy upon us For (hou only art holy ; thou the hills is his also. The sea is his, and he made it ; end his hands prtpa... | |
| Thomas Ken (bp. of Bath and Wells.) - 1831 - عدد الصفحات: 232
...Almighty ! O Lord, the only-begotten Son Jesus Christ! O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the sins of the world, receive our prayer...Ghost, art most high, in the glory of God the Father." Thus sing, thus feast, thus live the angels ! Thus, my soul, will I continue singing to my God, till... | |
| William Paley - 1831 - عدد الصفحات: 624
...only-begotten Son Jesus Christ ; 0 Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the sins of illiam Paley thoa only art hgly, thou only art the Lord ; thou onlv, O Christ, with the ifoly Ghost, art niost higfi... | |
| John Henry Hobart - 1832 - عدد الصفحات: 256
...O Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, that takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us : Thou that takest away the sins of the world,...art most high in the glory of God the Father. Amen. U Then the priest (the bishop, if he be present) shall let them depart with this blessmg: The peace... | |
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