| 1872 - عدد الصفحات: 610
...one moment the highly rhetorical language of the fathers and schoolmen is strongly pressed : — ' The Body and Blood of Christ are verily and indeed taken ' and received in the Lord's Supper.' But then the qualifying clause comes in, ' by the faithful ; ' and these very... | |
| 1850 - عدد الصفحات: 806
...is found in the following words of the Church Catechism : — ' The body and blood of Christ, which are verily and indeed taken and received by the faithful in the Lord's Supper.' Until late years, the teaching of these errors was, for the most part, confined to the regular use... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1808 - عدد الصفحات: 396
...My own idea is this : when I say, that, in theLord's Supper " the Body and Blood of Christ " which are verily and indeed taken and received by the " faithful in the Lord's Supper ;" I mean that though I may not know precisely what may be intended in Scripure by our eating Christ's... | |
| Week - 1809 - عدد الصفحات: 406
...eaten and drunk by all who come to his table, in remembrance of the body and blood of (Thrift, which are verily and indeed taken and received by the faithful in the Lord's Supper. f A facrament which at once, by the bread broken, fignifies the body of Chrift broken on the crofs... | |
| Thomas Newenham - 1809 - عدد الصفحات: 442
...Catechifm.-— Q. What is the inward part, .or thing fignificd ? A. The body and blood of Chrift, which are verily, and indeed taken and received by the faithful in the Lord's Supper. 3 Still, Still, however, there fubfifted a high degree of mutual diftruft and hatred between the jarring... | |
| Thomas Newenham - 1809 - عدد الصفحات: 448
...Catethifm.— g. What is the inward part, or thing fignified ? rff. The body and blood of Chrift, which are verily, and indeed taken and received by the faithful in the Lord's Supper. 3 Still, Still, however, there fubfifted a h5gh degree of mutual diftruft and hatred between the jarring... | |
| Thomas Wilson (bp. of Sodor and Man.) - 1811 - عدد الصفحات: 178
...received. 2. " What is the inward part, or thing " fignified ? A. " The body and blood of Chrift, which " are verily and indeed taken, and received by " the faithful in the Lord's Supper? Q. " What are the benefits whereof we are " partakers thereby ? A. " The ftrengtheningand refrelhing... | |
| Thomas Scott - 1811 - عدد الصفحات: 408
...enquiry.—' Qu. What is the inward ' part, or thing signified ? Ans. The body and blood * of Christ, which are verily and indeed taken and ' received by the faithful in the Lord's supper.' — But if the recipient be not a believer : then, verily, he eats and drinks his own condemnation.... | |
| Micaiah Towgood - 1812 - عدد الصفحات: 684
...through seeming opposition : in your catechism, the church instructs her children to believe, that the body and " blood of Christ are VERILY and INDEED...and received by the faithful in the Lord's sup''per" And the communicant is directed, just before receiving the elements, to pray — " Grant " us, gracious... | |
| William Paley - 1812 - عدد الصفحات: 586
...be received. Q. What is the inward part or thing signified ? A. The body and blood of Christ, which are verily and indeed taken and received by the faithful in the Lord's Supper. Q. What are the benefits whereof we are made partakers thereby ? A. The strengthening and refreshing... | |
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