| Joseph Besse - 1732 - عدد الصفحات: 466
...prefcnting our Bodies a living Sacrifice to God, is called our rea~ finable Service. Rom. xii. i. And we are to glorify God in our Body, and in our Spirit, -which are God's ; that is, by Right both of Creation and Redemption, i Cor. vi. 20. And it is laid Every "Tongue /jail... | |
| Patrick Smith (Vicar of Great Paxton) - 1732 - عدد الصفحات: 302
...prefenting our Bodies a living Sacrifice to God, is called our reafonable Service, Rom. xii. i . And we are to glorify God in our Body, and in our Spirit, which are God's; that is, by Right both of Creation and Redemption, i Cor. vi. 2.0. And it is faid, Every Zongue Jball... | |
| Richard Bundy - 1740 - عدد الصفحات: 478
...Communication out of our Mouths, Col. iii. 8. — So that, as Chriftians, we are ftrictly required to glorify God in our Body and in our Spirit, which are God's, i Cor. vi. 20. to abftain from all kinds offlejhly Lufts which tsar againjl the Soul, I Pet. ii. ii.... | |
| Richard Baxter - 1764 - عدد الصفحات: 200
...and therefore hath Nothing to alienate from his Owner. * We * are not our own,' .and * therefore muft glorify ' God in our Body, and in -our Spirit, which are •* God's (i).' Faith will derive abundant Comfort fiom this Relation, fince they that are his by Confent, and... | |
| Francis Atterbury - 1774 - عدد الصفحات: 242
...reafon follows ^ U;Fior he is the, Lord om; Godi. aad. we are, the people pf his hands." Agreeable to which the- apoftle urges us, to "glorify God in our body, and in our fpiriti which are God's." We are tO:gloiBify. him in our body, us well as our ipirit, by. out-. v-Hnl... | |
| Benjamin Clement - 1774 - عدد الصفحات: 294
...Apoftle, who requires a [i.•. ' blamdefs blamelefs Body as well as a believing Mind, and commands us to glorify God in our Body and in our Spirit, which are God's, (i. Cor. vi. 20.) /A fecond Requifite in the Holinefs of Chriftians relates to the Duration and Continuance... | |
| John Pearson - 1797 - عدد الصفحات: 632
...we are not our own, for that we are bought with a price ; we muft alfo know that we ought therefore to glorify God in our body, and in our Spirit, which are God's : thus it is neceflary to believe in the Spirit of Sanctification, that our hearts J Theff. "'• may... | |
| George Burder - 1835 - عدد الصفحات: 654
...commandments, ever remembering that " we are not our own, for we are bought with a price ; therefore let us glorify God in our body and in our spirit, which are God's." Remember you are yet in the body"; a body of sin and death : and though, through grace, you " delight... | |
| 1804 - عدد الصفحات: 476
...continually remember, that we are " bought with a. price," a very dear price, and therefore must serve and glorify God in our body, and in our spirit, which are God's; knowing that we are redeemed, not with corruptible things, such as the dumb victims, intended to be... | |
| Francis Gastrell - 1804 - عدد الصفحات: 382
...or die, we are the Lord's. And we are not our own ; for we are bought with a Price. Let us therefore glorify God in our Body, and in our Spirit, which are God's. e Let us have Grace, whereby we may ferve God acceptably ; ferving him with our Spirit in the Gofpel... | |
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