BY ELIPHALET NOTT, D. D. PRESIDENT OF UNION COLLEGE IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK. Philadelphia. PRINTED BY JANE AITKEN, NO. 62, NORTH THIRD STREET. ............. 1806. gift IN GENERAL ASSEMBLY, May 20th, 1806. "Resolved, That the Standing Committee of Missions be directed to present the thanks of this Assembly to the Revd. Dr NOTT for his Sermon, and to request a copy thereof for Publication." A true Copy of Record, NATHANIEL IRWIN, P. Clk. G. A. BY THE STANDING COMMITTEE OF MISSIONS; Resolved, That the thanks of this Committee be presented to the Revd. Dr. Nort, for his Missionary Sermon, delivered at their request." Extract from the Minutes, J. J. JANEWAY, Sec. 1 COR. XV. 58. ALWAYS ABOUNDING IN THE WORK OF THE LORD, Son of man can these dry bones live? Thus spake God himself to Ezekiel in a vision: the circumstances of which were as follow. The prophet had been carried away in the Spirit, and set down in a valley full of dry bones. Having passed round about this valley, and while surveying its silent and affecting ruins, a voice addressed him, Son of man can these dry bones live? To this interrogation the prophet gives not a decisive answer, but resolves the issue into the sovereignty of God: O Lord God thou knowest. The voice which before interrogated now commands, Prophesy upon these dry bones and say unto them, hear the word of the Lord. The prophet obeys, and as he prophesies-Lo! the sinews and the flesh come upon them, and the skin covers them above. Over these bones, which as yet had no breath in them, the prophet was again commanded to prophesy, and again was obedient. Breath now came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an exceeding great army. |