! INSTRUCTION FOR The Better UNDERSTANDING OF THE LORD's SUPPER: WITH THE Necefssary PREPARATION required: For the BENEFIT of YOUNG COMMUNICANTS, And of fuch as have not well considered This HOLY ORDINANCE, To which is annexed, the OFFICE of the HOLY COMMUNION. With proper HELPS and DIRECTIONS for joining in By the Right Reverend Father in GOD, In ENGLISH and MANK S. WHITEHAVEN: Printed by J. WARE & SON. MDCCLXXVII. 138. e. 54, LELANA •BIBL THE CONTENTS SECT. Ι. Short Introduction to the true Understanding of the Lord's How a Christian ought to prepare himself for this Sacrament. The first Head of Self-examination concerning our Repentance. Concerning our Purposes of leading a new or a Christian Life. A Prayer for the Grace of loving God with all our Heart, &c. General Obfervations, pertinent to the Subjects of the foregoing Sections. 50 Obfervations on receiving worthily or unworthily the Sacrament of the SECT. Χ. Introduction to the Order of Administration of the Lord's Supper. The Order for Administration of the blessed Sacrament, with fuitable A SHORT T HERE are two Holy Ordinances or Satraments appointed by Jefus Christ as most especial Means of obtaining Grace and Salvation: Which no Christian, who hopes to be saved must wilfully neglect. These are BAPTISM, and the LORD'S SUPPER. Kiatit son Ymmyd as Vondeish T CAB. I. A daa Oardaghey Casherick ny daa Sa crament curmit orrin liorish Yeefey Creest myr ny ard Saafeyn dy chosney Grayse as Saualtys: Ad shoh cha nhegin da Creeftee erbee, ta jerkal rish Saualtys, dy meerioofagh lhiggey shaghey.---T'ad fhoh BASHTEY AS SHIBBER Y CHIARN. It must be supposed, that Shegin goaill afs laue dy vel you have already been made unnane jeh'n daa Sacrament Partaker of one of these two shoh hannah shirveishit ort, Sacraments, viz. That of ta fhen dy ghra, Yn Sacrament BAPTISM, by which you dy VASHTEY, liorish v'ou er B were |