and ev'ry furrow'd valley fills; 10 On rifing ridges down it pours, 1, 2 PSALM with freth returns of plenty crown; thy fruitful clouds drop fatnefs down. by them to paftures fresh and green; in beauteous robes of joy are feen. the cheerful downs; the vallies bring and feen for joy to fhout and fing. LXVI. LET all the lands with fhouts of joy to God their voices raise; 3 And let them fay, How dreadful, Lord, 6 He made the fea become dry land, The Second 8,9 O all ye nations, blefs our God, 20 Then blefs'd for ever be my God, in all thy works art thou! and loudly speak his praife; in mercy, Lord, incline; PSALM LXVIII. LET God, the God of battle rife, and fcatter his prefumptuous foes; who fpitefully his pow'r oppose. 2 As smoke in tempeft's rage is loft, So let the facrilegious hoft 3 But let the fervants of his will Their upright hearts let gladnefs fill, 4 To him your voice in anthems raise, In him rejoice, extol his praise, or wax into the furnace caft, before his wrathful prefence wafte. his favour's gentle beams enjoy; and cheerful fongs their tongues employ. Jehovah's awful name he bears; who rides upon high rolling spheres. to this low world compaffion draws, and judge the injur'd widow's caufe. reftores poor exiles to their home, their proud oppreffors' righteous doom. in perfon, Lord, our armies forth, convulfions fhook th' aftonish'd earth. heav'n's high arches shook with feat; of Ifrael's God the presence bear? 5 Him, from his empire of the skies, 9 Thy hand, at famith'd earth's complaint, reliev'd her from celeftial ftores; The Second Part. in ftate our conqueft did proclaim. as yet had ne'er receiv'd a foil, and to our women left the fpoil. your army's wings fhall shine as bright or filver'd o'er with paler light. 11 Thou gav'ft the word, we fallied forth, and in that pow'rful word o'ercame; While virgin troops, with songs of mirth, 12 Vaft armies, by fuch gen'rals led, Forfook their camp with fudden dread, 13 Tho' Egypt's drudges you have been, As doves, in golden funshine seen, 14 "Twas fo, when God's almighty hand o'er fcatter'd kings the conqueft won; Our troops, drawn up on Jordan's ftrand, high Salmon's glitt'ring fnow outshone. 15 From thence to Jordan's farther coaft, and Bathan's hill we did advance; No more her height shall Bashan boast, but that she's God's inheritance. 16 But wherefore (tho' the honour's great) fhould this, O mountains, fwell your For Sion is his chofen feat, where he for ever will refide. [pride? are heav'nly hofts that wait his will; as once it honour'd Sinai's hill. captivity haft captive led, the fpoil of armies, once their dread. and humble profelytes repair and all the world pay homage there. be daily his great Name ador'd; of life and death the fov'reign Lord. proportion'd vengeance hath decreed, who in prefumptuous crimes proceed. 17 His chariots numberlefs, his pow'rs 22 The Lord hath thus in thunder fpoke: "As I fubdu'd proud Bathan's king. "Once more I'll break my people's yoke, and from the deep my fervants bring, 23" Their feet fhall with a crimfon flood of flaughter'd foes be cover'd o'er; "Nor earth receive fuch impious blood, but leave for dogs th' unhallow'd gore.” The Third Part. (The grand proceffion to complete,) the wond'ring multitude furvey'd in robes of majefty array'd; loud inftruments brought up the rear; with voice and timbrel charm'd the ear. "In full assemblies blefs the Lord, the God of Ifrael's praise record." neighb'ring bounds did there attend, her counsellors in ftate did fend; and Naphtali's more diftant coast, fent up their tribes, a princely hott. from 28 Thus Godto ftrength and union brought our tribes, at ftrife till that bleft hour; This work, which thou, God, hart wrought, confirm with fresh recruits of pow'r 29 To vifit Salem, Lord, defcend, and Sion thy terreftrial throne; Where kings with prefents fhall attend, and thee with offer'd crowns atone. 30 Break down the fpearmen's ranks, who threat like pamper'd herds of savage Their filver-armour'd chiefs defeat, who in deftructive war delight. [might; 31 Egypt shall then to God ftretch forth her hands, and Afric homage bring: 32 The fcatter'd kingdoms of the earth 33 Who, mounted on the loftieft sphere From whence his dreadful voice we hear, 34 Afcribe ye pow'r to God moft high, Whofe ftrength from out the dufky iky 35 How dreadful are the facred courts, His ftrength his feeble faints fupports; their common Sov'reign's praifes fing. of ancient heav'n, fublimely rides; like that of warring winds and tides. of humble Ifrael he takes care; darts fhining terrors through the air. where God has fix'd his earthly throne! to God give praise, and him alone. PSALM LXIX. SAVE me, O God, from waves that roll, my 4 My hairs, though num'rous, are but few 5 Thou, Lord, my innocence dott fee, 9 For zeal to thy lov'd house and name and prefs to overwhelm my foul: and deluges o'erflow my head. voice is hoarfe with long complaint; whilft for my God I wait in vain. compar'd with foes that me purfue to execute their lawless fpite. as rapine, what by right was mine. nor are my fins conceal'd from thee. left for my fake thy faints defpair; reproach, and hid my face in thame. nor to my nearest kindred known; by brethren of my mother born. confumes me like devouring flame, more than at flanders caft on me. they conftrue in a spiteful fenfe: [make. 11 When cloth'd with fackcloth for their fake, they me their common proverb 12 Their judges at my wrongs do jeft, those wrongs they ought to have redreft: How should I then expect to be 13 But, Lord, to thee I will repair Relieve me from thy mercy's ifore, 14 From threat'ning dangers me relieve, From fpiteful foes in fafety keep, 15 Control the deluge ere it fpread, Nor deep deftruction's open pit 16 Lord, hear the humble pray'r I make, Relieve thy fupplicant once more 17 Nor from thy fervant hide thy face; 18 Thy timely fuccour interpofe, 19 Thou know't what infamy and icorn Nor can their clofe diffembled fpite, from libels of lewd drunkards free? zo Reproach and grief have broke my heart; I look'd for fome to take my part, To pity or relieve my pain; 21 With hunger pin'd, for food I call, And when with thirft my fpirits fink, 22 Their table therefore to their health 23 Perpetual darkness seize their eyes, 24 On them thou shalt thy fury pour, 25 And make their house a difmal cell, 26 For new afflictions they procur'd but look'd, alas! for both in vain. inftead of food they give me gall; they give me vinegar to drink. fhall prove a fnare, a trap their wealth; and fudden blafts their hopes surprise. till thy fierce wrath their race devour; where none will e'er vouchsafe to dwell. for him, who had thy ftripes endur'd ; And made the wounds thy scourge had torn to bleed afresh with tharper scorn. 27 Sin thall to fin their steps betray, till they to truth have loft the way: 28 From life thou fhalt exclude their foul, nor with the juft their names enról. 29 But me, howe'er diftrefs'd and poor, thy ftrong falvation fhall reftore: 30 Thy pow'r with fongs I" then proclaim, and celebrate with thanks thy Name. 31 Our God fhall this more highly prize than herds or flocks in facrifice; 32 Which humble faints with joy fhall fee, and hope for like redress with me. 33 For God regards the poor's complaint, fets pris'ners free from close restraint. 34 Let heav'n, earth, sea, their voices raife, and all the world refound his praise. 35 For God will Sion's walls erect, Till all her scatter'd fons repair 36 This bleffing they thall at their death And they to endless ages more, PSALM Lord, to my relief draw near, 2 Confufion on their heads return, PSALM 1, 2 IN thee I put my steadfast truft, and Judah's cities ftill protect, for never was more preffing need; defend me, Lord, from thame; The Second 15 Thy righteous acts and faving health Unable yet to count them all, 16 While God vouchfafes me his fupport, All other righteousness disclaim, 17 Thou, Lord, haft taught me from my And ever fince thy wondrous works 18 Then now forfake me not when I Till I to these, and future times, 19 How high thy juftice foars, O God! The mighty works which thou haft done! 20 Me, whom thy hand has forely prefs'd, And from the lowest depth of woe 21 Thro' thee, my time to come fhall be And me, who difmal years have pafs'd, 22 Therefore with pfaltery and harp To thee, the God of Jacob's race, 23 Then joy fhall fill my mouth, and fongs My grateful foul, by thee redeem'd, 24 My tongue thy juft and righteous acts Because thou didit confound my foes my mouth fhall ftill declare; though fumm'd with utmost care. I'll in his ftrength go on; and mention his alone. youth to praise thy glorious Name; have been my conftant theme. am grey and feeble grown, thy strength and pow'r have shown. how great and wondrous are who may with thee compare? thy grace fhall yet relieve, with tender care retrieve. with pow'r and greatnefs crown'd thy comforts fhall furround. thy truth, O Lord, I'll praife; my voice in anthems raife. employ my cheerful voice; fhall in thy ftrength rejoice. fhall all the day proclaim; and brought'ft them all to shame. in all his ways direct; 3 Then hills and mountains fhall bring forth the happy fruits of peace, 6 He fhall defcend like rain that cheers The Second 13 His providence for needy fouls 16 Of useful grain, through all the land, 18 Then blefs'd be God, the mighty Lord, PSALM Tlength, by certain proofs, 'tis plain the work of righteousness; Part. fhall due fupplies prepare; LXXIII. A That all whole hearts are pure and clean that God will to his faints be kind; fhall his protecting favour find. my itagg'ring feet had almoft fail'd; and envy'd when the fools prevail'd. 4, 5 They to the grave in peace defcend, and whilft they live are hale and ftrong; No plague or troubles them offend, which oft to other men belong. 6,7 With pride, as with a chain,they're held, and rapine feems their robe of ftate; Their eyes ftand out, with fatnefs fwell'd, they grow beyond their wishes great. 8,9 With hearts corrupt, and lofty talk, oppreffive methods they defend; Their tongue thro' all the earth does walk, their blafphemies to Heav'n afcend. 10 And yet admiring crowds are found, who fervile vifits duly make, Because with plenty they abound, of which their flatt'ring flaves partake. |