Feremiahs prayer. Jeremiah. Captivity threatned. Gen. thoth, andy weighed him the money, hand of the Caldeans, and into the 23. 16. even seventeen shekels of filver. hand of Nebuchad-rezzer king of BaZec. 10 And I fubfcribed the evidence, and bylon, and he shall cake it. 11. 12. 9 fealed it, and took witneffes, and 29 And the Caldeans that fighe a Phil. weighed him the money in balances. gainst this city thall come 4.8. So I took 2 &q qfet fire a Jer. 37-10. Jer. on this city, and burn it with the ok k the e evidence of the 2 Cor. purchafe, both that which was fealed houses upon whose roofs they have 8.21. according to the law and custom, and offered incenfe unto Baal and poured 19. 13. Col. that which was open. 4.5. out drink-offerings unto other gods 30 For the children of Ifrael, 12 And1 gave the evidence of the to provoke me to anger. Dan, Purchase unro / Baruch the fon of 6.4, 5. Neriah, the fon ot Maafeiah in the children of Judah Shave only done Jer. fight of Hanameel mine uncles fon, 36.3.4. and in the prefence of the witnesses 7 ver. that subscribed the book of the pur 37.43. chafe, before all the Jews that fate Levit. In the court of the prifon. and y evil before me from their youth: 31 For this city hath been een to to me me as ta built it, 11al. from the day that they 65.5. from before my facer , even unto this day, should remove it 14. Thus faith the LORD of hosts, Ezek, the God of Ifrael, Taketheseevidences, 36.7. this evidence of the purchase both w Dan. Is fealed, and this evidence which is 9. 12. open, & put them in an earthen vessel, of Judah, that they may continue many days. thus faich the LORD of 15 For thu that of the chil- Ifai. dren of Ifrael, and of the children they have done to which they 1. 4, 6. theil Mat.7. they, thei king their prinage their prestand 13, 14. provoke me eto 2 Sam. 7.19. Job hofts, the God of Ifrael, Houses and their prophets, and the men of Judah, x Prov. fields, & vineyards shallbe & poffeffed and the inhabitants of Jerufalem. 33 42.2. And they have turned unto me Jerem. 1.24. 7-13 Kin. teaching them, yer they have not Ezek. hearkned to receive instruction. fet 34 But they y name)to defile it. their abominations Jerem. 7-30. zjer. of 7.31. and 19.6. 36 And they & built f Baal, wich high places of are in the valley of the son of Hinnom and their daugh to caufe theit fons ters to pals through and with I com 20.2. thefire unto Molech, 36 And now therefore thus ceyes are open upon LORD of hosts is name, 20.1,2, 19 a Great in counsel,& mighty bin 2Chr. work, (for thine c 76.19. all the ways of the fons of men, d to his ways, Pfal. the L to give every one according to 62. 12. &according to to the fr fruit ofhis doings) and LORD the God of ing this city, whereof a Pfalm 20 Whichhait setsigns & wonders in of Babylon, by the fword, and by the 37.21. 9.16. the land of Egypt, even unto this day, famin, and by the pestilence: Ifai. & inlfrael, and amongst other men, and 37 Behold, I will 63. 12. haft made thee e a name, as at this of all countreys, whither I havedriven Zech. them in mine anger, and in in my fury, 21 And haft foroughr forth thy peo- and in of the land of 10. 12. Exod. day, ple Ifrael our great wrath and I will bring a Jer. Egypt, them again unto this place, and Îî 6. 6. 22 And haft given them this land & 2+-7. e Acts 2. 1. Ezek. e one heart 11. 19. way that they may fear me facts of them, and of 4.32. John an everlasting 14.6. 14.6. Ephef. 3,60 Jerem. away from them to do them goodsbut 4.3, I will put my that they shall Neh. 24Behold the he mounts, they kate come 41 Yea, I will i rejoyce over them to g Jer. fear in their hearts, Jo 9. 26. unro the city to take it, and the city 2.10. that fight against it, because of the 127.2. lence, and what thou hast spoken I is Jerem. comero pass, & behold, thou seeft it. all the good bring upon themb John I have promifed them. 8.30. 43 And fields shall be bought in this Matth. land, whereof ye say. It is k defolate 16.18. without man or beast, it is given into i Zeph. the hand of the Caldeans. 44 Men LORD unto Jeremiah, saying, andsubscribe evidences, and feal the Behold, fan the LORD, the take witnesses in the land of Ben Zech. God of all flesh: Is there o any thing jamin, and in the places about en Ho 2.1. and 1.6. too hard for me? falem, and in the cities of Judah and Amos Matr 28 Therefore thus faith the LORD, I in the cities of the mountains, & in 9. 15. 16.24. Behold, p I will give this city into the the ciries of the valley, and in the ci- k. Jer. Pfalm ties of the fouth: for I will cause their 33. 10. 77:19. Ifai.55-82 Cor. 5.7.2 King 5.7. captivity to recurn, faith the LORD. Jer. Jer. v. 17. Rom. 3. 20. Numb. Gen. 18.4. 18. 8. 4. 4. Plalm 115. 3. Mai. 5. 5. John 19.11. 22. 17.26. promifith ag CH AP. XXXIII. fith a gracious return Chap. xxxlij, xxxiv. to the captivity. 17 For thus faith the LORD, Dave Luke God promije.h to the captivity a gra- vid thall never want a man to fit upon the throne of the house of Ifrael. 1.32. 18 Neither shall the priests the Le-1 King vites, want a man burnt-offerings to kindle meat-of-f ferings, & to do facrifice continually.. cious return, n, 9 and a joyfulfate. Meme untojeremiah came che a second Heb. b. time (while he was yer shut up in 1. 10. the court of the prifon) faying, Marr 2 Thus faith the LORD the b maker 16. 18. thereof, the LORD that formed it, to Ezra cestablish it, the LORD is his name. me, and I will anfwer 36.373 Dan. d Call unto me, thee, and the ev thee great and migh 2.24. cy things, which thou knoweft not. 4°.6. Luke 20 Thus faith the LORD, If yous Jer 4 For thus faith the LORD, the God of the 11. 13. kings of Judah, ware fthrown down flet 24. by the mounts, and by the sword; They 3 fai. Main in 31. 1. and for mine anger, and in my fury, Ifai. hid my face from this city. 10.5. and ٢٠٢٠ Hab. 3.2. ifal. have 6 Behold, i I will bring It health and cure and I will cure them and will k reveal unto them the abun- 58. S. and will m build chem k. Pfal. as at the firit. 8 And I will n cleanfe them from all 85.8. their iniquity, whereby they have Ifai. finned against me me, and I will pardon 39. S. all their iniquities whereby they have John finned, and whereby they have tranf 1.12. gressed against me." Jerem. all the 12. Ifai. narions of the earth, which hall hear all the good that I do unto them and they shall pfear and tremble 11. 12. for all the goodness, and for all the m Joel profperity that I procure unto it. 3.18. P Hof. 10 Thus faith the LORD, Again there shall be heard in this Place 2.18. Heb. ( qye fay shall be defolate without 2. 11. ties The word which came unto Jere- 36.25. withoutinhabitant, & without beaft;) buchad-nezzar king of Babylon, & Zech. 13. 1. sof II Ther voice of joy, and the voice of his army, and all all the kingdoms o all 25. 1. the b b Jer. Mich. gladness, the voice of bridegroom, & earth of his dominion, & all the peo- 19. 15. 7. 18. the voice of ybride, the voice of them ple fought against Jerufalem, and ac Jer. 7 that thall fay, Praise the LORD of gainst ball the cities thereof) faying, 21.10. Jer. hofts, for the LORD is good, for his 2 Thus faith the LORD, the God and 13. 1. Ifai. mercy endureth for ever, and of them of Ifrael, Go, and speak to Zedekiah 32.3. that shall bring the facrifice of praise king of Judah, & tell him, Thus faith 29. 62.7. Acts Efth. intor the house of the LORD: for I will the LORD, Behold, cl will give this a Jer.. 8.17. cause to rerurn the captivity of the city into the hand of the king of Ba-32.4 Ifai. land tas at & first, saith the LORD. bylon, and he shall burn it with fire.. and 60.3.5. Again in this place, which is defolate, hand, but thalt furely be taken, & deli- 11. Thus faith the LORD ofhofts, thou shalt efcape out of his 52.9. 5. 11. in all the cities thereof, shall be u an behold without man and without beast, and vered into his hand, & thine eyes shall Job y eyes oftheking of Babylon, 34.19. 32.43. habitation of shepherds causing their & he shall speak with theed mouth to i sam. Zech. locks to lie down. mouth, and thou shalt go to Babylon. 12. 15. 10.7. 3x in the cities of the mountains, 4 Yet hear the word of the LORD, e Jer. Hof. in the cities of the vale, and in the ci O Zedekiah king of Judah, Thus 32.5. of the fouth, and in the land of faith the LORD ofthee, Thou shalt Hab. Jer. ties 2. 15. rufalem, & in n the cities of Judal hall pass again under the hands But B 3.2. thou shalt die in peace, and f2Chr. with the fburnings of of thy fathers so shall they burn odours for thee, and 16. 14. 15.3 + Jer. 30. 20. of him that y telleth them, faith the former kings which were before thee: and Jer. LORD. saying, Ah 14 Behold, the days come, faith the they will glament 31.24. Obad. LORD, I will z perform t that good LORD: for I have pronounced the 22. ver.15. thing thing & I have promifed unto house word, faith the LORD. 22.18. b Eze. spake Matth. 14.4. 2. 10.3. z2Cor. I cause y a Branch or righteousness to of fudah in Jerufalem; 1. 20. grow up unto David, and he shall b 7 When the king of Babylons ar- 2 sam. Tit. execute judgment and righteousness my fought against Jerufalem, and a- 12.7. 1. 2. in the land. gainst all the cities of Judah that were 1 King 16 In those days shall Judah be faved, left, against i Lachith, and against 21. 19. Hai. 11. 1. Azekah and Jerufalem shali dwell farely: and Jeremiah. Disobedience thr ained. + Heb. king Zedekiah had t The Rechabites obedience. with all the people which were at Je- Tremiah from LORD came unto Je-a Jer. eut. made a a covenant He word which in the 1.3. Praim rufalem to proclaim / liberty unto days of a Jehotakim the son of Jofuah Eek. Ver. 11, vant being an Hebrew, or an Hebreweis, the house of the LORD, into one of 13, 14. go free, that none mlhould ferve chambers,&give them wine to Exod. himself of them, to wit, of a Jewn 3 Then 1. 16. drink. 4. 11. took Jaazaniah the son of i Chro. Jeremiah, the son of Habaziniah, and 2.55. m Jer. Now when all the princes, and his brethren, and all his fons, and the cikin. 9.25. his brother. 27-7and 30.8. all the people, which had entred into whole house of the Rechabites. 6.5.6. covenant, , heard heard every one should 4 And I brought them into the house 2 Chro. let his man-fervant,and every one his of the LORD, into Lev. maid-fervant go free, that none should thesons of Hanan & lon of Igdaliah a the chamber of 3. 11. 25.45. ferve themselys of them any more, fa man of God, which was by y cham 10. 1. dJr. Exed, then they obeyed and let them go. ber of the g princes, which was above Pfalm maids, whom they had let go free, to Neh. return & brought them into fubjec5-5. 20hro. 12 Therefore the word of the LORD h Drink ye wine. 28. ro. came to Jeremiah from Lord,faying, Chr. the chamber of Maafeiah the son of 112.5. Shallum the keeper of the door. 5 And I fer before the fons of the 24.5. house of the Rechabites pots full of fi Tim. But they faid, We will drink & Num. 13 Thus faith the LORD, the Gad wine: fort no 3.32. i Jonadab the fon of Rechab i Cor. of Ifrael, I made a covenant with your our father kcommanded us, saying, 12.28. tion for fervants and for hand-maids, wine, and cups; and I faid unto them 6. 11. 6 2 Pt. 2.22. of Pfalm fathers in the day that I brought Ye shall drink no 78.36. them forth out g of y land of Egypt, your fons for ever. xod. out of the house of bondmen, faying, 7 Neither shall ye m build house, nor 2.9. Ar the end of feven years, let ye fow feed, nor plant vineyard, nor have go every man his 2 Cor. and brother an an Hebrew, any: but all your days ye shall dwell 8.24. 15. 15. which hath been/fold unto thee; and in tents, § ye may n'live many days i 2 Kin. Exod. 21.2. fix years, in the land where ye be ftranzers. when he hath ferved thee thou shalt let him go free from thes: 8 Thus have we o obeyed 10.15. the voicei Matt. but your fathers hearkned not unto of Jonadah the fon of Rechah our fa- 4.2. k Lev. 19.25. me, neither enclined their ear. ther in all that he hath charged uss to Matth. 2 Pfalm 15 And ye were t now turned, and had drink no wine all our days 7.10. done right ight in my light, in proclaiming proclaiming wives, our fons, nor 16 But yeturned and x polluted my We 78.34. our II. 18. Matth. libercy every cur daughters; ver.7. man to his neighbour, & 9 Nor to build houses for us to Cor. 15.8. ye had made a covenant before mein dwell in, pneither have we vineyard, 8. 13. Jer. house which is called by my name. nor field, nor feed. 10But we have dwelt in cenes, & have 7. 29. micor. Lev. name, and caused every man his fer- obeyed, and done according to all 2 King lonadab our fat father commanded us. 5. But it came to pafs when Nebu- Jerem. g of Babylon came up 45.5. Come, Exo. and let us go to Jerufalem for fear 26.6. 19. 12. vant, and every man his hand-maid, Exod. into fubjection, Jam. 13. chad-rezzarking to be unto you for into the land, that we faid 17 Therefore thus faith the LORD, of the army of t of the Caldeans, and for Ephe ye have no 2.1 not hearkneduntome, in pro- fear of the the army of ther, and every man to his neighbour: Judg. Behold, 1 yproclaim a liberty for you, faith the LORD, to the sword, to the pestilence, & to the famin, and I will God of Ifrael, Go, and, tell the men LORD unto Jeremiah, saying, Judah, inhabitants of Je- 9 Deut. of ledarwind the inhabi tion which the LORD? 7.6. ver. 16. 18. to hearken to my words, faith 32.33. have not performed the words of the 14 The words of Ionadab the son of covenant which they had made before Rechab, that he 28.64. me when they a cut the calf in twain, not to drink wine, are performen, Deut commanded his Gen. and passed berween the parts thereof, for unto this day they drink none 19 The princes of Judah and the prin Jer. ces of lerufalem, the eunuchs, and the notwithstanding but obey their fathers commandment: 7.13. 18.0 Neh. & priests, and all the people of y land, you, rising early, and speaking, ling/1 havespoken unto and 10.20. & paffed verween the parts of the calf, ye hearkned not unto me. but 11.7. Matth. 201 willeven give them into the hand If I have fent also unto you all my 36.15. 2 Chro. 21.51. of their enemies, & into the hand of fervants the prophets, riing up early, Pralm them & feek their life; & their e dead and fending them, faying, Return ye 50.5. bodies shall be for meat unto the fowls now every man from his evil Mal. off heaven and toy beasts of earth. and amend your doings way, and the hand of the king of Babylons ar- bearkned unto me. this city, and they shall hight against he commanded them, but this people y of their father, which 7.23. it, and take it, and burn it witch fire, hath not hearkned unto and I will make the cities of Judah a 17 into me : y 2 Cor. 5.20. desolation without an inhabitant. Therefore thus faith the LORD and 16. 10. 2 Kin. 24. 2. 2. 2Chr. 36. 17. Jer.49.14. CHAP. XXXV. By the Rechabites obedience, 12 the God of hosts, God called 2. 17. Jerem. 15. 19 Feremiahs prophecy is read. Chap.xxxy). yo viakims burnes Pral, called unro them, but they have not roll wherein tchou haft read in ther Maro $1. 11. answered. ro cars of the peop people, and come. S010. 28. + Heb. 18 And Jeremiah faid unto house Baruch the fon of Neriah took roll Ezek. There of the Rechabites, Thus faith the Lord in his hand, and came unto them. 3. 6. hall of holts, the God of Ifrael, Because ye not be have obeyed the commandement of in their ears. Jonadab your ruch read it father, and kept al all his 33. 17. of hofts, the God of Ifrael Jonadab a Deu. 10.8. Jer. J 25. and jer. 1. 17. Acts the fon of Rechab + shall not want a CHAP. XXXVI. I Jeremiahs prophecy is wret and 20 is writ and read: Jehoiakim burneth it; 27 His judgment denounced. AN came to pafs in the a fourth Ayear of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, that this word cameunto Jeremiah from the LORD, saying, 2 Take thee a roll roll of a book, and write 15 And they faid unto him, Sit down/ Prov. now, and read it in our ears. So Ba-28. 13.. Ifai. 16 Now it came to pass when they 66. 2. had heard all the words, they were Exod. t afraid both one and other, and d faid 19. 16. unto Baruch, We will furely rell the 2 Kin. king of all these words. 17 And they asked Baruch, faying, Ezek. Tell us now, How didft thou write 22. 19.. 9. 14. 1 Act all these words at his mouth? book and write and let no man know where ye be. therein ball words I have spoken unto thee against Ifrael, and against court, but they zlaidup the roll iny 14. 20. 27. Judah, and against all the nations, chamber of Elishama the scribe, & told x v. 4. Mar. from the day il spake unto thee, from all the words in the ears of the king. Mat. the daysof Jofiah even unto this day. 21 So the king sent Jehudi to fer the 10. 32, 3 c Irmay be that the house of Judah roll,& he took it out of Elishama the Rom. is, 23. will hear all the evil &D purpose to scribes chamber, and Jehudi read it in 1. 16. do unto them; they may return every fears of the king, & in the ears of all y v. 26. man from his devil way, that I may the princes & ffood beside the king. Mat.2. 4 Then Jeremiah called Baruch the house in yninth month, and there was Acts of Neriah, &Baruch e wrote from a fire on hearth burning before him. 22 Jer. 25. 3. forgive their iniquity and their fin. 22 Now the king fate in the a winter- 13. e Deur. 5.29. 23. 16. John the mouth of Jeremiah all the words 23 And it came to pass, that when Pfalm 2. 24. of the LORD, which he had fpoken Jehudi had read three or four leaves, 121. he 6 cut it with the pen-knife, & caft 3. 8. d.Jer. unto him, upon a roll of a book. 18.8.5. And Jeremiah commanded Ba- it into the fire that was on hearth, 12 Ch ev. 18. ruch, saying, I am f thut up, I cannot until all the roll was confumed in the 20. 10. 21.7. dan, that come out of their cities. Neh. 7. It may be they will b present their 6..10. fupplication before the Lord, and Num. will i return every one from his evil 19. 11. way for great is the anger and the Lev. fury that the LORD hath pronounced Seralah the son of Azriel, and She- 12, 13. 23.27. against this people. Jer. 14. 8 And Baruchy ion of Neriah did ac- Baruch the scribe, and Jeremiah the 36. 12. But the the king commanded Je- 22. 8. rahmeel the fon of Hammelech, and Am. 7.. lemiah the son of Abdiel, to take e Ifai. prophet but but the LORD shid them. .and. 127 Then the word of the LORD 37. RD 37. 1. b Jer. 37.20. 9 And it came to pass in the fifth had burnt the roll, and the words 5. 11. words of Lord in the Lord's house. came to Jeremiah (gafter that y king a Eph. Jam. year of lehoiakim the fon of Jofiah which Baruch wrote at the mouth of e 1 Ki. king of Judah, in the ninth moneth, Jeremiah) faying, 49. 19. 14. Ifai. that they proclaimed ka falt before f 18 b Take thee again another roll, fv. 19. Jon.. and to all the people that came from 4.8. the cities of Judah unto Jerufalem. that were in the first roll, which 29 Jer.28 78.24. kingshouse, into ferines chamber, of David, and his dead body shall be Jer. 21 Ki. and lo, all the princes fate there, even caft out in the day to the heat, and 32. 3. 6.5,6. Elishama the scribe, and Delajahthes in the night to the froft. Ver. 19 Eze fon of Shemaiah, and Elnathan the 31 And I will m punish him and his 26. 12 fon of Achbor, and Gemariah the fon feed, and his fervants for their ini-k2 Ki. of Shaphan, and Zedekiah the fon quity, and I will bring upon them, 24. 1. Ch. of 9. 02 Ki. and upon the inhabitanes 7.61 4.9 of Hananiah, and all the princes. g declared unto 13 Then Michaiah 25. 35. them all the words that he had heard, the evil that I have pronounced a-12, 17 IKI. when Baruch read the book in the ears gainst them but they hearkned nor. Jer.. lem, and upon the men o 2 of Jerufa-l 12 Kla of Judah, all 24. S 32. Then took Jeremiah another roll, 22.30 14 Therefore all the princes fent Je- & gave it to Baruch the scribe, the fon m Jer. 4.6. hudi the fon of Nethaniah the fon of of Neriah, who wrote therein from the 23. 34. Sam. Shelemiah, the fon of Cushi, unto Ba-n mouth of Jeremiahsally words of fn Exo 25. 17. ruch, faying, Take in thine hand the Sevemiahs pur in the dungeon. Jeremiah. book &Jehoiakim king of Judah had 191 burnt in the fre, Where befides unto them many like words. & there were added which prophefied unto you, faying, 23. CHAP. XXXVII. Zedekiab fendeth to feromiah re:ple. to Jeremian in the dungeon. are now your prophets Jer. 23.4. come 2 King K 3.13. Heb. The king of Babylon thall not cong nor against you pra for the 20 my fupplication, 12. 24. reigned in stead of a Coniah z left I die there. Jeremiah into the court of the his fervants, fon bnor his Prov, king in the land of Judah. a commit 10. 12. 29. 12. 2 But neither he b pri-2 Co. fon, and that they should give him 6. 4. 2 Chr. nor the people of the land Theark-daily ba piece of breadour of the ba- Pfalm 36. 12. en unto the words of the LORD, kers street, until all the bread in the 33.19. Exo. w he spake by the prophet Jeremiah. city were spent. Thus Jeremiah re- and 8.28. 3 And Zedekiah the king fent Jehucal mained in the court of the prifon. King the fon ofshelemiah, and Zephaniah 5. the son of Maafeiah the priest, to the fv. 3. unto the prophet Jeremiah, saying, lence: but he that goeth f the pesti forth 2.11. b Jer. 37.21. Acts to the 28. 30. hoshall have c Jer. 21. 9. for a prey, and shall live. 3 Thus faith LORD, This city shall d Gen. me,to enquire of me, Behold, Pharaohs army furely be e 33. 10. enquire of Prov. wis come forth to help you, shallgre of Babylons army, which shall take it. Jer. given into y hand of king 19. 17. 21. 30. turn to Egypt into their o ownland. 4 Therefore 8 And the Caldeans hall come a b Jer. the fprinces faid unto 32.4. We beseech thee let this man be fIfai. f &put to death: for thus heb weakneth 1. 10. hands of the men of war & remain in i Cor. 9. Thus faith the LORD Jer. 17. mall Turely depart i deceive this city, and the hands of all the peo- 1.26. nor your selvs, faying, the Caldeans ple, in speaking such words unto & : for this man i feeketh not the 26. 11. welfare of this people, but the the hurt. b Exo. 540 Then Zedekiah king faid, Behold, in your hand: for the king not John do any thing againftyou. II. 28. them, kyet should they rife up every man 16 Then took they Jeremiah and i Acts n in his cast him into dungeon or Malchiah 17. 6. 16, 17. tent, and burn this city with fire. the fon of Hammelech that was in and Ver. 15, And it came to pass, that the court of the prifon: and they let 245. 16. when the army of the Caldeans was down Jeremiah with cords: and in the ki Sa Phil. broken up from Jerufalem for fear dungeon there was no 11 Then Jeremiah went forth out 77 Now when Ebed-melech mire: fo Jeremiah funk in the mire. Eccl. water but 39.9. mEthio- 16. 10. 16. eunuchs which was was nin Jer. Thef of Jerusalem go into and 1 Co. Benjamin, to feparate himself the kings house, heard they had put 41. 7. 13.5. 6,7. thence in the mids of the people. Jeremiah in the dungeon, (the king 2 Cor. 13 And when he he was in the migate of Pfal. Benjamin, a captain of the ward was of then fitting fitting in the gate of Benjamin, 4. 8. 9. 35. 11.. there, whose name was Irijah, the fon kings house, and o spake to the king's 8 Ebed-melech went forth out of the H Heb. Jer. 20. of Shelemiah, the son of of Hananiah, & faying, 11.36. m Luk. he cook Jeremiah the prophet, faying, 10. Heb. Thou n fallest away to the Caldeans. done evil in all that they have done to n Phil.. My lord the king these men have 10. 33. 14 Then faid Jeremiah, It is false, Jeremiahy prophet, whom they have 4. 12. he hearkned not to him: so Irifah die for hunger in y place where he is, 8. 10. took Jeremiah, and brought him to for there is no more bread Neh. the princes. 6.8. Wherefore y princes were o wroth Gen. with Jeremiah and Psmore him,and 39. 19. put himin prifon, in the house of Jer. 9 Jonathan the fcribe, for they had in the city. P V. 1. melech the 10 Then the king geommanded Ebed-Prov. Ethiopian, faying, Ta Take 30. take up Jeremiah the prophet out of Job from hence thirty men with thee, and 9, 10. the dungeon before he die. 31.-340 11 So Ebed-melech took the men & Pro. with him, and went unto the house of 21. 1.. thence old caft clouts, and old rotten the king under the treasury, and took Efth. 39. 6. made that the prison. g ver. 16 When Jeremiah was entred into 12, 20. dungeon, & into the cabins, & JereJer.26.. miah had remained there many days: 20, 21. 17 Then Zedekiah the king Acts took him out, and the 1. 24. him fecretly in his house, and faid, 12 And Ebed-melech Ethiopian faid Mar. Mar..5.. 12. fent and king asked rags and let them down by 5.2. cords into Rev. 12. 16. Is there t any word from the he Lord? ?unto eremiah, Put now these old caft 12. 42. and Jeremiah faid, There is: Gen. he, Thou shalt be u for, faid clouts andr rotten-ragsfunder thine I Cor.. the hand of the king delivered into arm-holes, under the cords and Je-1. 12.15. Babylon. Mar.. 181 Moreover, Jeremiah faid un remiah did fo. 6..20.: to king Zelekiah, x What have l'of- 113 So they'd Mat. fended against thee 1г. 7:. fervants, 17. Ifai. they drew up Jeremiah with 51.6. cords, and took him up our of the and Judg. 14 Then 5.29. v. 6. Jer. 37-2 or against thy or against this by dungeon, and Jeremiah remained in 64.6.. Dan. that ye have put me in this people, the court of the prifon |