صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

(0) V. Church of Christ, p. 101 a, 102 g, 103 m, 5.

(g) V. Peace and Union, p. 186 k, 187 u,

(p) V. p. 184 x, y.

190 W. V. Duty of Ministers, p. 240 n, 250 £.

(s) Adultery, p. 194. V. Corrupting

220 1.

V. p. 252 1. (t) V. Trust in God, p. 138 n, o, p.

of God, p. 144 0, 145 0, p.

(r) V. p.

Virgins, ibid.

(u) V. Love


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Shewing what RELIGION is, and how the KNOWLEDGE of it is to be obtained.


NDER the name of religion is comprebended all that worship and service, which is due prommen to God: Whatever we ought or are bound to do in obedience to him: Whatever he will reward us for doing, or punish us for not doing.

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