James Whiting, Printer and Engraver to His Majesty for the Prevention of Forgery, Beaufort House, Strand, London. PREFACE. IT has long been apprehended, that the time of the Gospel mission would only be of two thousand years' continuance; and under the probability of that opinion being well-founded, ought we not to consider that we are in the last century of that period? More prophecies, therefore, cannot be expected; but there are many as yet unexplored; and Daniel, in his concluding chapter, speaking apparently of the last times, says, "Knowledge shall be increased;" this we must suppose means divine knowledge. And as the end approaches, and we stand in need of more strength in our faith, may not human creatures be allowed a more ready perception of the wrapt meaning of Scripture than heretofore? At least this is an encouragement to peruse the Scriptures; and as the Jews are still a standing miracle, increasing developments, and more obvious fulfilments concerning them, may, towards the end of the world, be the method by which the Deity will make his power evident to all nations; and the identity of his holy spirit in prophecy, clear to the readers of Scripture, who will then see that it is not an unknown God, but the very God of Jacob, whom they worship. In the twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew, third verse, we are told that "the disciples came privately to Jesus, saying, Tell us what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world ?" The answer is given at some length, with an account of many changes and calamities that must first take place; and at the fourteenth verse, which, as succession of time is generally signified by order of place, we must conclude |