صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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ELL do we recollect, when we were boys, with what delight we looked forward to the coming of Christmas. It then appeared a long time from one holiday to another. But now the seasons come and go a great deal faster than they used to do. Why, it only looks like yesterday since we commenced preparing the first number of the HIVE for 1876, and now we have just finished preparing the last.

Sometimes we wonder what our young friends think about the HIVE. We dare say there are differences of opinion. Probably there are some who think it is dull and uninteresting. Now we cannot quite agree with that. Then perhaps there are some who are ready to say that it might be very much improved. Well, we cannot deny that. There is no doubt room for improvement. But then our young friends must remember that it is not always easy to do all that we wish. The proverb says, "Where there's a will there's a way,” but this, like many other proverbs, is only true within certain limits. We have many times had the will to do a thing, but could not find the way. Suppose, now, we were to inspect the copy-books of John, Tom, and Harry, or of Mary, Edith, and Annie, we should perhaps say, "Well, this writing is very good, but still there is room for great improvement." Then perhaps our young friends would say, "But, Mr. Editor, we did our best, and we intend to make the next book better." Now this would be a very proper answer to give. And this is what we say to those who have not always found the HIVE SO interesting as they wished, We have done our best, and we hope next year to do better.

We should like to begin the year 1877 with many new subscribers, and our young friends can help us in this matter. You may have cousins and companions, who, if asked, would give in their names to the Superintendent of the Sunday School, from whom the HIVE may be regularly obtained, month by month.

Wishing you all a very pleasant time during the Christmas holidays,

We are, yours faithfully,


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