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Of Melchisedec

Chap. vii.

and Christ. could swear by no greater, he 4 Now consider how great this man was, unto whom even the 14 Saying, Surely blessing, I patriarch Abraham gave the tenth will bless thee: and multiplying, of the spoils.

sware by himself,

I will multiply thee.

5 And verily they that are of 15 And so, after he had pati-the fons of Levi, who receive the ently endured, he obtained the office of the priesthood have a promise. commandment to take tithes of 16 For men verily swear by the the people, according to the law, greater; and an oath for confir-that is, of their brethren, though mation, is to them an end of all they come out of the loins of strife. Abraham:

17 Wherein God, willing more 6 But he, whose descent is not abundantly to shew unto the heirs counted fromthem received tithes of promise the immutability of of Abraham, and blessed him his counsel, confirmed it by an that had the promises.


7 And, without all contradic

18 That by two immutabletion, the less is blessed of the things, in which it was impossi-better. ble for God to lie, we might have 8 And here men that die rea strong consolation, who have ceive tithes but there he receiv fled for refuge to lay hold upon eth them, of whom it is witnessed the hope set before us: that he liveth.


19 Which hope we have as an 9 And, as I may so say, Levi anchor of the soul, both sure and also, who receiveth tithes, paid stedfast, and which entereth into tithes in Abraham.

that within the vail,

10 For he was yet in the loins 20 Whither the forerunner is of his father, when Melchisedec for us entered, even Jesus, made met him. an high priest for ever, after the order of Melchisedec.


11 If, therefore, perfection were by the Levitical priesthood, (for under it the people receive Of Melchisedec and Christ. the law,) what further need was OR this Melchisedec, king there that another priest should of Salem, priest of the Mostrise after the order of MelchiseHigh God, who met Abraham dec, and not be called after the returning from the slaughter of order of Aaron ? the kings, and blessed him ;

12 For the priesthood being 2 To whom also Abraham changed, there is made of necesgave a tenth part of all; first being, sity a change also of the law. by interpretation, King of righ- 13 For he, of whom these teousness, and after that also, things are spoken, pertaineth to King of Salem, which is, King another tribe, of which no man of peace; gave attendance at the altar.

3 Without father, without mo- 14 For it is evident, that our ther, without descent, having Lord sprang out of Juda; of neither beginning of days, nor which tribe Moses spake nothing end of life; but, made like unto concerning priesthood. the Son of God, abideth a prief 15 And it is yet far more evicontinually. dent; for that after the simili

Christ's sacrifice.


A new covenant.

tude of Melchisedec, there aris-and then for the people's: for this he did once, when he offered

eth another priest.

28 For the law maketh men

16 Who is made, not after the up himself. law of a carnal commandment, but after the power of an endless high priests, which have infirmlife. ity; but the word of the oath, 17 For he testifieth, Thou art which was since the law, maketh a priest for ever, after the order the Son, who is consecrated for of Melchisedec. levermore.


18 For there is verily a disannulling of the commandment go. The priesthood of Aaron lost in ing before, for the weakness and unprofitableness thereof.


19 For the law made nothing NOW of the things which we

have spoken, this is the sum: perfect, but the bringing in of a We have such an high priest, better hope did; by the which we who is set on the right hand of draw nigh unto God. the throne of the Majesty in the

20 And inasmuch as not with-heavens; out an oath he was made priest: 2 A minister of the sanctuary, 21 (For those priests were and of the true tabernacle, which made without an oath; but this the Lord pitched, and not man. with an oath, by him that said 3 For every high priest is orunto him, The Lord sware, and dained to offer gifts and sacrifices: will not repent, Thou art a priest wherefore, it is of necessity that for ever, after the order of Mel-this man have somewhat also to chisedec: loffer.

22 By so much was Jesus 4 For if he were on earth, he made a surety of a better testa-should not be a priest, seeing that there are priests that offer


23 And they truly were many gifts according to the law: priests, because they were not 5 Who serve unto the example suffered to continue by reason of and shadow of heavenly things, death: as Moses was admonished of 24 But this man, because he God, when he was about to make continueth ever, hath an un-the tabernacle: for, See, saith changeable priesthood. he, that thou make all things ac25 Wherefore he is able also cording to the pattern shewed to to save them to the uttermost, thee in the mount. that come unto God by him, see- 6 But now hath he obtained a ing he ever liveth to make inter-more excellent ministry, by how cession for them. much also he is the mediator of

26 For such an high priest be-a better covenant, which was came us, who is holy, harmless, established upon better promises. undefiled, separate from sinners, 7 For if that first covenant had and made higher than the hea-been faultless, then should no place have been sought for the


27 Who needeth not daily, as second. those high priests, to offer up 8 For finding fault with them, sacrifice, first for his own sins, he saith, Behold, the days come,

Christ's sacrifice superior Chap. ix.

to those of the law. saith the Lord, when I will make 4 Which had the golden cena new covenant with the house ser, and the ark of the covenant of Israel, and with the house of overlaid round about with gold, Judah: wherein was the golden pot that

9 Not according to the cove-had manna, and Aaron's rod that nant that I made with their fa-budded, and the tables of the cothers, in the day when I took venant; them by the hand to lead them 5 And over it the cherubims out of the land of Egypt; because of glory shadowing the mercythey continued not in my cove-seat; of which we cannot now nant, and I regarded them not, speak particularly.

saith the Lord.

6 Now, when these things were 10 For this is the covenant that thus ordained, the priests went I will make with the house of Is-always into the first tabernacle, rael, After those days, saith the accomplishing the service of God: Lord, I will put my laws into 7 But into the second went the their mind, and write them in high priest alone once every year, their hearts and I will be tonot without blood, which he of them a God, and they shall be to fered for himself, and for the me a people: errors of the people:

11 And they shall not teach 8 The Holy Ghoft this signievery man his neighbour, and fying, that the way into the holi every man his brother, saying,est of all, was not yet made maKnow the Lord: for all shall nifest, while as the first tabernacle know me, from the least to the was yet standing:


9 Which was a figure for the

12 For I will be merciful to time then present, in which were their unrighteousness, and their offered both gifts, and sacrifices, sins and their iniquities will Ithat could not make him that did remember no more. the service perfect, as pertaining

13 In that he saith, A new co-to the conscience: venant, he hath made the first old. 10 Which stood only in meats Now, that which decayeth and and drinks, and divers washings, waxeth old, is ready to vanish and carnal ordinances, imposed away. on them until the time of reformation.


Blood of Christ above all sacrifice. 11 But Christ being come an TH HEN verily the first cove-high priest of good things to nant had also ordinances of come, by a greater and more perdivine service, and a wordly fect tabernacle, not made with sanctuary. hands, that is to say, not of this

2 For there was a tabernacle building. made; the first wherein was the 12 Neither by the blood of candlestick, and the table, and goats and calves, but by his own the shew-bread; which is called blood, he entered in once into the The sanctuary. holy place, having obtained eter

3 And after the second vail,nal redemption for us. the tabernacle, which is called 13 For if the blood of bulls, The Holiest of all; land of goats, and the ashes of an

The sacrifice of the law Hebrews. inferior to that of Christ's body. heifer, sprinkling the unclean, themselves with better sacrifices sanctifieth to the purifyng of the than these.


24 For Christ is not entered 14 How much more shall the into the holy places made with blood of Christ, who through the hands, which are the figures of eternal Spirit, offered himself the true; but into heaven itself, without spot to God, purge your now to appear in the presence of conscience from dead works to God for us:

serve the living God?

25 Nor yet that he should offer 15 And for this cause, he is himself often, as the high priest the Mediator of the new testa-jentereth into the holy place every ment, that by means of death, for year with blood of others; the redemption of the transgres-26 (For then must he often sions that were under the first have suffered since the foundatestament, they which are called, tion of the world;) but now once, might receive the promise of in the end of the world, hath he eternal inheritance. appeared to put away sin, by the

16 For where a new testament sacrifice of himself. is, there must also of necessity 27 And as it is appointed unto be the death of the testator. men once to die, but after this

17 For a testament is of force the judgment; after men are dead: otherwise it 28 So Christ was once offered is of no strength at all while the to bear the sins of many; and testator liveth. land unto them that look for him 18 Whereupon, neither the shall he appear the second time, first testament was dedicated without sin, unto salvation.

without blood.

19 For when Moses had spoken every precept to all the people, according the law, he took the

Christ's perfect sacrifice.
OR the law having a shadow
the things a she


blood of calves, and of goats, not the very image of the things, with water, and scarlet wool, and can never with those sacrifices, hyssop, and sprinkled both the which they offered year by year book and all the people, continually, make the comers 20 Saying, This is the blood of thereunto perfect : the testament which God hath 2 For then would they not enjoined unto you. have ceased to be offered? be21 Moreover, he sprinkled cause that the worshippers, once likewise with blood both the purged, should have had no more tabernacle, and all the vessels of conscience of sins. 3 But in those sacrifices there 22 And almost all things are is a remembrance again made of by the law purged with blood; sins every year.

the ministry.

and without shedding of blood 4 For it is not possible that the is no remission. blood of bulls and of goats should

23 It was therefore necessary take away sins. that the patterns of things in the 5 Wherefore, when he cometh heavens should be purified with into the world, he saith, Sacrifice these; but the heavenly things and offering thou wouldst not,

Christ's perfect sacrifice. Chap. x. An exhortation to faith. but a body hast thou prepared 19 Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest


6 In burnt-offerings and sacri-by the blood of Jesus, fices for sin, thou hast had no 20 By a new and living way, pleasure: which he hath consecrated for 7 Then said I, Lo, I come, (inus, through the vail, that is to the volume of the book it is writ-say, his flesh;

ten of me) to do thy will, O God. 21 And having an high priest 8 Above, when he said, Sacri-over the house of God,

fice, and offering, and burnt-of-22 Let us draw near with a ferings, and offering for sin, thou true heart, in full assurance of wouldest not, neither hadst plea-faith, having our hearts sprinkled sure therein; (which are offered from an evil conscience, and our by the law ;) bodies washed with pure water.

9 Then said he, Lo, I come to 23 Let us hold fast the profesdo thy will, O God. He taketh sion of our faith without waveraway the first, that he may esta-ing; for he is faithful that problish the second. mised;

10 By the which will we are 24 And let us consider one sanctified, through the offering another, to provoke unto love, of the body of Jesus Christ once and to good works :

for all.

25 Not forsaking the assem11 And every priest standeth bling of ourselves together, as daily ministering, and offering the manner of some is; but exoftentimes the same sacrifices, horting one another: and so much which can never take away sins: the more, as ye see the day ap12 But this man, after he had proaching.

offered one sacrifice for sins, for 26 For if we sin wilfully after ever sat down on the right hand that we have received the knowof God; ledge of the truth, there remain13 From henceforth expecting eth no more sacrifice for sins, till his enemies be made his foot- 27 But a certain fearful lookstool. ing for of judgment, and fiery in14 For by one offering he hath dignation, which shall devour perfected for ever them that are the adversaries. 28 He that despised Moses' 15 Whereof the Holy Ghostlaw, died without mercy, under also is a witness to us: for after two or three witnesses: that he had said before,


29 Of how much sorer punish16 This is the covenant that Iment, suppose ye, shall he be will make with them, After those thought_worthy, who hath troddays, saith the Lord, I will put den under foot the son of God, my laws into their hearts, and in and hath counted the blood of their minds will I write them; the covenant, wherewith he was

17 And their sins and iniqui-sanctified, an unholy thing, and ties will I remember no more. hath done despite unto the Spirit 18 Now, where remission of of grace? these is, there is no more offering 30 For we know him that hath for sin. said, Vengeance belongeth unto Q q

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