On the holy sacrament of the Lord's supper. On the holy sacrament of the Lord's supper. On meekness: its nature and great excellence in the SERMON Χ. The goodness and power of Christ, manifested by his works on earth, conclusive proofs of his divine nature. John, chap. 9, verse 32.... Since the world began was it SERMON ΧΙ. On the duty of holding the righteous in remembrance, and the important advantages derived from the recol- On the caution necessary to be observed in our censure Refrain from these men, and let them alone; for if this council, or this work be of men, it will come to nought. SERMON I. On the extraordinary perfections of Christ as a teacher. JOHN, CHAP. 7, VERSE 46. "Never man spake like this man." JESUS Christ is, in every respect, the most wonderful personage that ever appeared upon the theatre of the world. The personal grandeur of his character, the innocence of his life, the noble generosity of his actions, the severity of his sufferings, the sublimity and wisdom of his discourses and instructions, taken either separately or in connection, have never been equalled in the history of mankind. In him we behold the Deity made flesh and dwelling among men. In him we see a man, holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sin ners. In him we admire a great philanthropist continually going about doing good. In him we see a martyr suffering in the best of causes and with unexampled fortitude and resignation. In him we listen to a great teacher speaking as never man spake-declaring truths of infinite importance, in a manner the most admirably adapted to the understanding of his hearers, with infinite wisdom and irresistible persuasion. Such a bright constellation of excellencies dazzles the sight, and can only be viewed separately and in detail. The text, (which is not the language of encomium, or the panegyric of a friend, but the confession of his enemies, extorted by the irresistible force of truth,) leads us to consider him as a publick teacher, and to point out his great superiority, not only to the philosophers and orators of ancient heathenism, but also to all the former messengers and prophets of the Most High. And the truth of the assertion of the officers in the text will fully appear, if we consider the matter, the manner, and the effect of our Saviour's preachings, and shew that never man spake truths of such importance-never man spake in such a manner-never man spake with such authority and power. These three things constitute the excellence |