MR. HOLMES is instructed to Sell an MR. GEO. NEWMAN is instructed to old-established Publishing BUSINESS in Town. The returns amount to nearly £10,000 a year, and may be increased. Purchase money, £4,000 to £5,000.—Address Mr. Holmes, Valuer, 48 Paternoster Row. R. HOLMES is instructed to Sell a very desirable BUSINESS in Town, return Dispose of an old-established Bookselling, Fancy, and General Stationery BUSINESS, one and a half mile from the City. The returns are excellent, the Shop attractive, and may be entered upon for £600 or £850. Apply to Mr. Geo. Newman, Valuer, &c., 10 George Yard, Lombard Street, E.C. MR. ing nearly £1,400 a year. It has been established MR. GEO. NEWMAN has been directed many years, and the returns are increasing. Good MR. R. HOLMES is instructed to Sell the R. HOLMES is instructed to Sell a MR. to find a PARTNER in a well-established City Stationery Trade, combined with several branches. This will be found to be a valuable investment to an active man with £700.-Apply to Mr. Geo. Newman, Valuer and Auctioneer, 10 George Yard, Lombard Street, E.C. and Printer, eligibly situate in the North. From MR. GEO. NEWMAN is instructed to Sell the TRADE of a Bookseller, Stationer, £500 to £1,100 required.-Apply to Mr. Geo. Newman, Valuer and Auctioneer, 10 George Yard, Lombard Street, E.C. [R. GEO. NEWMAN is required to Fancy stationery BUSINESS, returning MRGED New for a thriving BUSINESS, £800 a year clear profit, not far from Town. £1,500 to £2,000 required.-For particulars address Mr. Holmes, Valuer to the Trade, 48 Paternoster Row. TO BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, and PRINTERS.-A Gentleman wishes to Purchase a bond fide BUSINESS in either or all of the above branches. Town or Country. Would not object to purchase the Premises as well as the Business. Amount of capital not limited, if a first-class Concern is offered; and a small Business not objected to, if good Premises and in a desirable Town.-Address F.P., 38 Hart Street, Bloomsbury. in Hants. To an energetic person with £200 this will be found worthy of attention. Apply to Mr. Geo. Newman, Valuer and Auctioneer, 10 George Yard, Lombard Street, E.C. MR. [R. GEO. NEWMAN is directed to Sell the TRADE of a Bookseller, Stationer, and Printer, within 70 miles of Town. To a party wishing to enter a safe concern, the above will be desirable. £500 required; a good portion may remain on security. Apply to Mr. Geo. Newman, Valuer, &c., 10 George Yard, Lombard Street, E.C. DARTNERSHIP. A Gentleman of NOTI PARTAN good education and business aptitude, who has a thorough knowledge of the Book and Publishing Trades, wishes to enter some established house where his services and capital might be made available. The highest references.-Address Alpha, Publishers' Circular Office, 47 Ludgate Hill, E.C. [OTICE of REMOVAL.-MR. T. J. ALLMAN begs to inform the Trade that he has This Day removed from Holborn Hill to more commodious premises, 463 Oxford Street, W.C. (twenty doors East of Tottenham Court Road), where all communications and applications for his Publications must in future be made. London November 29th, 1862. A Well-established Stationer, Printer, Engraver, &c., doing a good business among the North of England, wants an energetic Young Manufacturers and Merchants in a large Town in Man of good address, and well acquainted with the trade, to call upon customers and others. Address B. P., Publishers' Circular Office, 47 Lud gate Hill, E.C. TO STATIONERS and PRINTERS, radius of half a mile from St. Paul's, a genuine WANTED, by a Bookseller and Stationer BOOKSELLERS, &c. Wanted, within a TO PRINTERS. A Bargain. For WANTED, a Young Lady of agreeable Sale, the owner having no use for them, One Iron Cylinder Inking Table, 28 x 15; one Iron Standing Press; and a quantity of News and Jobbing Type.-Address X. Y. Z.A., Post Office, Dudley. manners, who thoroughly understands the Stationery and Bookselling Trades in all their branches. - Apply, with references, and with carte de visite (which will be returned), stating salary required (without board), to R. T. Barras, Sheffield. Should applicants receive no reply, they will conclude that the situation is filled. as A Young Man, aged 21, seeks a re-engagement COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS supplied six years' experience in the trade, and can give with Periodicals, Newspapers, Books, Maga: zines, Music, &c., on the most liberal terms, and with accuracy and punctuality, by C. Jenkins, Wholesale Bookseller and News Agent, 274 Strand, London, W.C.-N.B. Special attention to posting To single papers. BOOKSELLERS' ASSISTANTS.Wanted, a Young Man of good address, accustomed to the general Counter Trade. A Dissenter preferred.-Apply to T. N., Publishers' Circular Office, 47 Ludgate Hill, London. Address J. P., 56 BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, &c. Wanted, by a respectable intelligent Young Man, of active business habits, a situation as ASSISTANT in a first-class establishment; or an engagement with the view ultimately of taking a share in the Business would not be objected to. Has had ten years' experience in the trade, and can give unexceptional references. - Address B., | Publishers' Circular Office, 47 Ludgate Hill, London. TO STATIONERS, BOOKSELLERS, Man, of good address and experience, wishes a reengagement as ASSISTANT. First-class references.-Address M. T., care of Mr. Lead, High Street, Derby. STATIONERS, &c. Wanted to TO BOOKSELLERS & STATIONERS. TO place a well-educated Youth, 16 years of age, Wanted, by a Young Man, a situation as as INDOOR APPRENTICE, for three or five JUNIOR ASSISTANT. Satisfactory references.-years, in a well established Business (Country preAddress B. C., 2 Mabledon Place, London, W.C. ferred), where he would have an opportunity of obtaining a thorough knowledge of the business in all its branches.-Apply, stating terms, &c., to S., care of E. Marlborough & Co., Wholesale Booksellers, 4 Ave-Maria Lane, E.C. Wanted, by a FIDENTAL ASSISTANT, or to manage a Branch Gentleman of experience, a situation as CONBusiness.-Address X. Y. Z., care of Messrs. Goodall & Sons, Camden Town, London. TO STATIONERS. — O BOOKSELLERS, PRINTERS, and TO PRINTERS.— Wanted, a person of BOOKBINDERS. A Gentleman, of consi experience, to Superintend first-class Book and Jobbing work. A Country hand preferred.-Apply by letter, giving references, &c., to Messrs. W. H. Smith & Son, 186 Strand, London. derable practical experience, is desirous of an engagement as MANAGER of a Country Business.Unexceptionable references, and security if required. Address J. W., 63 Davies Street, Berkeley Square. COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS, TO PRINTERS.-Wanted, a respectable TLIBRARIAN, X.-BOOKSELLERS, Middle-aged Man, to undertake the Manage has a thorough knowledge of the London Trade and the management of a Circulating Library, wishes for an Engagement in the Country. Having a small amount of capital, would not object to an engagement with a view to Partnership. Un exceptionable references given. - Address A. B., 53 Ockenden Road, Islington, London, N. ANTED, directly, Wholesale or Retail, a Situation, by a Printer, Bookseller, and Stationer; twelve years' experience. - Address J. B., Mr. Gilbert's, Bookseller, Southampton. | A ment of a Country Jobbing Office, where a partly printed Weekly Newspaper is published. person competent to read and correct proofs, and occasionally write short news paragraphs, also to attend and take notes at meetings, is desired. To a suitable person the situation would be permanent. Address, stating salary required, age, previous engagements, &c., to B. W., Publishers' Circular Office, 47 Ludgate Hill, London. TO MASTER PRINTERS.-A Situation is Wanted by a respectable Young Man, who is quick and clean at Case, and a good Jobbing hand. Wages not so much an object as a comfortable situation. Satisfactory references.-Address A. B., 68 Great Russell Street, Northampton. TO MASTER PRINTERS. — Wanted, by a highly respectable and competent Young Man, a re-engagement as COMPOSITOR and PRESSMAN, in a Book, News, or Jobbing Office. Address for references, terms, &c., to A. B., Advertiser Office, Buckingham. TO MASTER PRINTERS.—Wanted, by a respectable steady Young Man, a Situation at Press and Case, in a News or Jobbing Office. Has had the management of a Country Newspaper. - Address References if required. Typo, 7 Commercial Street, Darlington, Yorkshire. WANTED, by a Young Man, a Situaa News or Jobbing Office. Accustomed to Machine work.-Address G. B. Pentney, 18 Narrow Street, Peterborough. Το O BOOKBINDERS.-A Young Man wishes for a situation as TURNOVER. Has a fair knowledge of Forwarding; a little of Finish. ing. Can speak, read, and write German and English. Is willing to accept any situation where his services may be useful. Satisfactory references given.-Address T. A., 13 Palestine Place, Bethnal Green, London, N.E. To O MASTER PRINTERS.-A Young Man, accustomed to Jobbing, desires a Situa tion in a respectable Office. Can furnish the highest testimonials.-Address W., 77 Frederick Street, Caledonian Road, Islington, N. TO MASTER PRINTERS.-Wanted, by a steady Young Man, a Situation in a News or Jobbing Office. Respectable references.-Address M. Johnson, Epworth, viâ Bawtry, Lincolnshire. WANTED, by a Young Man who has TO MASTER PRINTERS.- Wanted, had some years' experience, a situation as ASSISTANT in the Stationery Trade, in Town or Country.-E. W. S., 179 Sloane Street, S.W. O MASTER PRINTERS. то Wanted, a permanent situation as COMPOSITOR in a News, Book, or Jobbing Office. Good reference. Address Hillman, Post Office, Scarborough. - TURNOVER AP by a Young Man, a Situation in a News or Jobbing Office. Good references.-Address W. C., 82 Curzon Street, Humberstone Road, Leicester. TO MASTER PRINTERS.— Wanted, by a respectable Married Man, aged 30, a Situation at Case and Press, either in a Jobbing or News Office.-Address O. O., care of Mr. T. Cooke, Carpenter, Queen Street, Oxford. TPRENTICE, who has served two years; age TO MASTER 17; or as exchange for one who wishes to learn the Bookselling.-Address, by letter only, A. B., Post Office, Windsor. PRINTERS.-An ex perienced COMPOSITOR is desirous of a situation-Book or News. Would read and makeup.-Address E., Tuley Street, Barnstaple. 3 Books Wanted to Purchase. Particulars of price, &c. to be sent direct to the parties whose names and addresses are given. Blackburn, C. F., Bookseller, Leamington Howe on the Globes Nov. Test. ed. Hellenica. Pickering, 1843 Goulburn's Thoughts on Personal Religion, 1st edit. Blackie & Son, 44 Paternoster Row Illustrated London News. Jan. 11, 1862 Blomfield, H., 177 Grange Road, S E. Harleian Miscellany, 10 vols. uncut Gifford's Messenger, 1813. 4 vols. 8vo. uncut Brown, W., 12 High Street, Stoke Newington, N. Stuart's Arabic Grammar Dean Ramsay's Ancient Scottish Border Stories Dodd, W., Bookseller, Newcastle Opie's (Mrs) Illustrations of Lying Eaton & Son, Booksellers, Worcester Bell's British Theatre, 12mo. 1791. Vol. 12 British Almanack (with or without Companion). 1828 to 1831 inclusive Dr. Adam Clarke's Bible, royal 4to. 1810. Part containing I. and II. Corinthians Foxe's Martyrs, by Townsend and Cattley. 1841. Vols. 2 and 3 Knight's Pictorial England (original edit.) Sheets 3 P and 4 K, Vol. 4 (George IV.) Galt & Co., Booksellers, Ducie Street, Manchester Murray's Handbook to Turkey and Asia Minor Waverley Novels (old edit. 48 vols.) Vols. 19 to 34, inclusive Goodwyn, J. G., Bookseller, Long Street, Tetbury Illustrated London News. Nos. 1028, 1047, 1057, 1066 Hindley, C., Bookseller, 41 North Street, Brighton Elliott's Hora Apocalypticæ, 4 vols. 8vo. Vol. 1 Moore's Works, 12mo. green cloth. Vols. 6, 7, and 10 Su-sex Archæological Collection. Vols. 1, 2, 3 Trial of Madeline Smith for Poisoning Enfield's Philosophy Cooper's (E.) Sermons. Vol. 3 Hope, G., Bookseller, 3 Castle gate, York Jowett's Christian Visitor, in 1 vol. 1830 Combe Abbey, 12mo. Ingalton & Drake, Booksellers, Eton Purchas's Directorium Anglicanum. Masters Manning's Sermons. Vols. 1 to 4 Newman's Parochial Sermons, 6 vols. Rivingtons Knibb, T., Bookseller, Leamington Lee's Events and Times of the Visions of Daniel and St. Lockwood & Co., 7 Stationers'-Hall Court, E.C. Symington on the Atonement. 8vo. Adams's Commentary on Second Epistle of Peter Waverley Novels (Abbotsford edit.) Parts 48, 49, 51, 55, 57-60, 63-65, 67-75, 80, 82, 83, 90, 94, to the end of Vol. 9, and the whole of Vol. 11 The British Essayists, with Plates by Stothard, 29 vols. Sharpe, 1804 Macmillan & Co., Booksellers, Cambridge Hakluyt Society's Publications (complete set) Hakluyt's Voyages, 5 vols. 4to. Catron's Hist de l'Empire des Moguls, 4to. Paris, 1715 Abel Kemusat's Recherches sur les Langues Tartares, 4 vols. 1820 D'Ohsson's Histoire des Moguls. Paris. 1824 Bengal Asiatic Society's Journal. Complete set, or Vols. 1-12 Silk Buckingham's Pamphlets relating to Oudh Government Madden, James, 3 Leadenhall Street Porter's Tropical Agriculturist Norton, W., Bookseller, Cheltenham Dobson's Translation of Milton Sir W. Jones's Persian Grammar, 9th edit. Pink, J. W., Bookseller, Cheltenham Johnson's Selections from the Mahabharata Arthur Monteith, a Sequel to the Scottish Orphans Lusus Poetica (Jortin) Robinson, J. R., Bookseller, Stamp Office, Walsall Sedgwick, Daniel, 81 Sun Street, Bishopsgate Arvendel, or Sketches in Italy and Switzerland, 8vo. Nisbet, 1820 Grinfield's (Thomas) A Century of Original Sacred Songs, 12mo. London, 1836 Gisborne's (Thomas) Poems, Sacred and Moral, 3d edit. 12mo. London, 1803 Flowerdew's (Ann) Poems on Moral and Religious Subjects, 3d edit. 12mo. London, 1811 Burton's (John) Youth's Monitor, 18mo. 1800 Noel's (Gerard Thomas) Psalms and Hymns, 18mo. 1823 Shaw & Co., 27 Southampton Row Hawker's Commentary, 9 vols. royal 8vo. Jowett's Christian Visitor. Vols. 1 and 2 (2 sets) Shaw, F., Bookseller, Dundee Cunningham's Lives of the Painters, Vol. 4 (Murray's Family Library), white cloth Smith, Elder, & Co., 65 Cornhill Zoologist. No. 231 Colonial Church Chronicle. September 1860 Earl of Anglesey's Rights, &c,. lof Houses of Lords and Boxiana, complete Smith & Son, 21 Lower Sackville Street, Dublin Bentley's Miscellany. Complete set, in vols., half calf Treacher, H. & C., Booksellers, North Street, Brighton Phædrus, construed into English, for Grammar Schools Voorst, John Van, 1 Paternoster Row Bushman's Philosophy of Instinct White, T., Bookseller, 161 Fleet Street Knight's National Shakspere-Tragedies. Vol. 2 Doubleday's Political Life of Sir Robert Peel. Vol. 1 Gilfillan's Poets, 8vo. Pope, Vol. 2; Butler, Vol. 2; Dryden, Vol. 1 Wheeler & Day, Booksellers, High Street, Oxford The Last Days of the Emperor Aurelian, cloth Commentary on the Gospels, from the Fathers, 8vo. cloth, Oxford. Vol. 1, Part 1 Ingoldsby Legends, 2 vol. 8vo. edit. Vol. 1 Wyllie & Son, Booksellers, Aberdeen Mason's Vindication of the Church of England General Mundy's Life of George, Lord Rodney INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1862. PRIZE MEDAL AWARDED. Now ready, the New Edition of DARTON & HODGE'S Trade Catalogue, to be had on application, or forwarded post free. EDUCATIONAL WORKS PUBLISHED BY DARTON & HODGE. REV. T. WILSON'S CATECHISMS. Just published, price Ninepence, THE CHILD'S FIRST CATECHISM. CATECHISM of GOSPEL HISTORY. Also, New Editions of the following Catechisms, by the Rev. T. WILSON, price Ninepence each :- CATECHISM of ENGLISH GRAMMAR. CATECHISM of BOTANY. Two Parts. | CATECHISM of MODERN HISTORY. Coloured from Nature. Price One Shilling. Copied from the Authorities at the South Kensington Museum, and Revised by the Master of the National Society's Training College. Others to follow, and, when completed, a book will be published containing a Description of each Sheet. Just published, A NEW SERIES OF SCRIPTURE PRINTS, From Designs by GILBERT and others, with Texts and References to adapt them for a Regular Series of Lessons in Scripture History. Beautifully Coloured, price 3s. 6d. Size, 34 by 26. 1. JESUS BLESSING LITTLE CHILDREN. 2. JESUS and the WOMAN of SAMARIA. 3. The FLIGHT into EGYPT. 4. JOSEPH'S BRETHREN BOWING BEFORE HIM. 5. The BRAZEN SERPENT. 6. TIMOTHY TAUGHT the SCRIPTURES. 7. JOHN the BAPTIST PREACHING. 8. The CRUCIFIXION. 9. GOD'S PRESERVATION of the INFANT MOSES. 10. PHILIP and the EUNUCH. These New Series of Prints are well deserving the attention of Parents and Teachers, being the largest and most artistic of any that have yet been published. GEORGE'S MODEL OBJECT DRAWING BOOK AND Just published, Approved and Corrected at the ROYAL OBSERVATORY, GREENWICH, ELEMENTARY ASTRONOMY. By Mrs. MACKIE. Size, 40 inches by 27, in Chromo-Lithography, beautifully Illustrated with 45 Vignettes. Price 5s. London: DARTON & HODGE, 58 Holborn Hill. (783) Printed by GEORGE ANDREW SPOTTISWOODE, at 5 New-street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the City of London; and Published by SAMPSON LOW, at the Office, 47 Ludgate Hill, in the same parish.-Saturday, November 15, 1862, |