MASTERPIECES OF INDUSTRIAL ART & SCULPTURE. LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS continued, but our space will not admit all the names that have been received. Bennett, Mr. J. F.R. A.S. 65 Cheapside Fitze, Mrs. E. 28 High Street, Exeter Burroughs & Watts, Messrs. Soho Square Bostock, E. Esq. The Hough, Stafford 1 - 1 Gilliat, A. Esq. 7 Crosby Square 1 1 Ford, Esq. Long Acre Vickers, E. Esq. Loughton, Essex, N.E. Mechi & Bazin, Messrs. 112 Regent Street Phillips, R. Esq. 23 Cockspur Street Bickers & Bush, Messrs. 1 Leicester Square Fitzgerald, B. P. Esq. 2 Portland Place Kennard, II. Esq. Hill, John, Esq. Hill Pottery, Burslem Phillips, George, Esq. 259 Oxford Street Baker, G. P. Esq. 85 King Street, Southsea Colman, J. Esq. Carron House, Norwich Garrard & Co. Messrs. 25 Haymarket Jeakes, Lieut.-Colonel Heud, Esq. Moore & Weinberg, Messrs. Belfast Bake, S. Esq. 12 Billiter Square Maw, C. Esq. 11 Aldersgute Street Solomon, N. Esq. 27 Leadenhall Street Oates, Henry Coope, Esq. Paris Green & King, Messrs. 23 Baker Street 1 Harris, J. Esq. Woodside, Darlington 1 Clinton, East Greenwich Rough, R. Esq. 5 Ludgate Hill Grundy, Mr. J. C. Manchester Boyall, Richard John, Esq. Grantham Lane, H. Esq. Birmingham G. W. E. Korte, Colonel, Brussels, Belgium Birberk, R. Esq. Lombard Street Reynolds, C. W. Esq. Eaton Square Wolff, B. M. Libraire à S. Pétersbourg Dorman, Mr. M. Northampton Webb, Edward, Esq. of Shanghae Luscombe, W. Esq. Eltham, Kent Lovejoy, Mr. G. Reading Cross, Mr. J. Argyle Street, Birkenhead Gibbons, R. Esq. 33 Spital Square Ford, Esq. Long Acre I. L. Scott, J. F. Esq. St. Helena Fowler, T. E. Esq. St. Helena Adam, W. A. Esq. 11 Pudding Lane 905 Carter & Co. Messrs. High Street, Stepney Fletcher, H. Esq. Dulwich 1 Grant & Reeves, Messrs. Bow 1 Mews, J. Esq. 15 Blackheath Terrace - 1 Sharples, J. Esq. Hitchin, Hertfordshire 1 Lilley, J. Esq. Sandgate, Kent 1 Atkinson, J. Esq. 24 Old Bond Street 1 Ainsworth, S. Esq. 237 High Holborn 1 Magnus, G. E. Esq. Belgrave Place, S.W. 1 Gerold, Mr. C. Vienna, per Longmans 1 Barker, J. Ashby-de-la-Zouch 1 Stern, S. Esq. George Street, Manchester Buss, T. O. Esq. 3 Upper East Smithfield Smith, Elder, & Co. Messrs. Cornhill Stenhouse, T. Esq. 15 Cannon Street, W. Shuckburgh, Sir F. Shuckburgh Park Mamontoff, N. Esq. 3 Adams Court, Old Broad Street Ellis, J. Esq. Clarence Cottage, Gloucester Gate Erick, F. J. Esq. High Street, Wandsworth Rous, B. Esq. 8 Halliford Street, Islington 1 Harvey, Mrs. A. 16 Lowndes Terrace, Knightsbridge 1 Groom, II. Esq. 26 Notting Hill Square 1 Foster, Mrs. G. H. The Holme, Regent's Park 1 Slade, F. Esq. Walcot Place, Lambeth 1 Gedge, S. Esq. 33 Cambridge Square, Hyde Park Nicholson, H. Esq. 2 Harewood Square Green, J. W. E. Esq. Colchester Alleroft, J. D. Esq. 9 Wood Square Howell, Mr. S. B. Birmingham Spottiswoode, John, Esq. New Street-square Johnson, H. Esq. 39 Crutched Friars Slater, Mr. E. Bookseller, Manchester Holland, J. G. Esq. 10 Old Bond Street 1 Davis, W. H. Esq. 11 Tavistock Square Melvill, Major-Gen. Sir P. M. 27 Palmeira Square 1 Williams, Miss, 76 Eccleston Square 1 Betts, T. Esq. 43 Sheep Street, Southampton 1 Stawell, Lieut.-Col. A. Kilbrittain Castie, Kilbrittain MASTERPIECES OF INDUSTRIAL ART & SCULPTURE. IMPORTANT. Booksellers are reminded that with the Closing Day of the International Exhibition of 1862 the List of Subscribers to Mr. Waring's great Work will be closed also, and that not one copy in excess of the List will be printed for any purpose whatever. Should the limit of 2,000 be reached before the close, further orders will be at once refused. A reference to the List of Subscribers will show that the copies already ordered (about 1,450) are positively out of the market; and the Publishers feel certain that the rate at which they have received Subscribers' Names during the last few weeks will be maintained, and even improve, until the close of the Exhibition, and that, by that time, their List will reach the fullest limit announced. The Trade, therefore, who desire to order Copies for their Customers, must do so at once, OR THERE WILL BE NO POSSIBILITY TO PROCURE THEM. The first 6 Parts will be published in the course of three weeks, and within twelve months of that time the entire Work will be completed. The vast preparations requisite to be made to supply so large a number of copies has necessarily delayed the commencement of the publication. The flattering notices that have appeared in "The Times" and other papers, in reference to all the preliminary arrangements for the Work, in the judicious selection of the subjects by Mr. Waring, and as to the perfection with which the Coloured Originals have been produced, have been summed up by " The Times," of September 24, directing attention to the inestimable value of Mr. Waring's great Work as being "by far the largest and most important Work the Exhibition will call forth;" and after enlarging upon its merits, concludes by saying-" Altogether, this great Work promises to perpetuate, in all their beauty, the greatest manufacturing and artistic chefs-d'œuvre of the Exhibition of 1862." To Messrs. DAY & SON, Lithographers to the Queen, 6 Gate Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C. Place my Name in your List of Subscribers to Mr. J. B. WARING'S great Work in Colours and Gold, Masterpieces of Industrial Art and Sculpture in the International Gxhibition, 1862, Which you are about to publish in 75 Parts-size, Folio-each Part to contain Four Plates and Descriptive Text, price 58.; the entire Work to consist of 300 Plates, and the whole Edition to be limited to 2,000 Copies, or such lesser number as may be subscribed for by the close of the Exhibition, and the Stones then destroyed. NAME ADDRESS NO. OF COPIES DATE London: DAY & SON, Lithographers to the Queen. Oct. 15, 1862 499 HISTORY of the ROMANS under the New Editions of the first Six Volumes may now be had :- 148. VOLS. IV. and V. from AUGUSTUS to CLAUDIUS.. 32s. VOL. VI. from NERO to the Destruction of Jerusalem 168. VIII The SOUTH VINDICATED: a Series of Letters written for the American Press during the Canvass for the Presidency in 1860. By the Hon. J. WILLIAMS, late American Minister to Turkey. Preceded by an Introduction by J. B. HOPKINS. 8vo. price 10s. 6d. IX REMINISCENCES of the LIFE and X Messrs. Longman and Co.'s Wall-Maps. WALL-MAPS of ENGLAND and WALES, each Map 4 ft. 8 in. long by 3 ft. 4 in. wide. Edited by WALTER M'LEOD, F.R.G.S., Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea. The Maps drawn and Engraved by E. WELLER, F.R.G.S. ENGLAND and WALES, No. I., Physical Map, price 68. on a Sheet, coloured; or price 9s. either plain or varnished, mounted on Rollers, or in a Portfolio-now ready. ENGLAND and WALES, No. II. Political Map, price 78. 6d. on a Sheet, coloured; or price 10s. 6d. either plain or varnished, mounted on Rollers, or in a Portfolio-now ready. The above 2 MAPS together in Portfolio, price 188. ENGLAND and WALES, No. III., coloured Geologically, is nearly ready, uniform with the above. London: LONGMAN, GREEN, and CO., 14 Ludgate Hill. (698) MESSRS. SMITH, ELDER, & CO.'S LIST OF WORKS IN THE PRESS. Elegant Gift Book. The NEW FOREST: its History and Scenery. By JOHN R. WISE. With Sixty Views and other Illustrations by Walter Crane, a Map of the New Forest and Sections, &c. Small 4to. printed on toned paper, and superbly bound, price One Guinea. JOURNAL of a POLITICAL MISSION to AFGHANISTAN in 1857. With an Account of the Country and People. By H. W. BELLEW, Surgeon to the Mission. Svo. with 8 Plates. WATERLOO: The Downfall of the First Napoleon. A History of the Campaign of 1815. By GEORGE HOOPER. With Maps. Svo. LIFE in NATURE. By JAMES HINTON, Author of "Man and his Dwelling Place." Crown Svo. TEN YEARS in the UNITED STATES: being an Englishman's Views of Men and Things in the North and South. By D. W. MITCHELL. Post 8vo. ADVENTURES of a BOY LOST among the AFGHANS. Related by HIMSELF. With Portrait. Post 8vo. SISTERHOODS in the CHURCH of ENGLAND. By MARGARET GOODMAN, Author of "Experiences of an English Sister of Mercy." Post 8vo. A New Volume of SERMONS. By the late Rev. FREDERICK W. ROBERTSON, M.A., of Brighton. Post 8vo. LONDON PEOPLE: Sketched from Life. By CHARLES BENNETT. numerous Illustrations. Fcp. 4to. elegantly bound. New Juvenile Works. With TUFLONGBO'S JOURNEY in SEARCH of OGRES. BY HOLME LEE, Author of "Legends of Fairy Land," &c. With Seven Illustrations. Fcp. 8vo. 3s. 6d. cloth. STORIES of OLD; or, Bible Narratives suited to the Capacity of Young Children. By CAROLINE HADLEY. FIRST SERIES.-OLD TESTAMENT. With Seven Illustrations. Fcp. 8vo. 3s. 6d. cloth. By the same Author, CHILDREN'S SAYINGS. Square 16mo. with Illustrations, 2s. 6d. cloth. New Novels. NORMANTON. By A. J. BARROWCLIFFE, Author of "Amberhill" and "Trust for Trust." 1 vol. SKIRMISHING. By the Author of "Who Breaks, Pays," and "Cousin Stella." 1 volume. A New Novel of ENGLISH LIFE. By Mrs. GASKELL. 3 vols. A New ROMANCE. By the Author of "Mr. Arle," "Caste," &c. 2 vols. New Issue of Smith, Elder, & Co.'s Shilling Series of Standard Fiction. WHEAT and TARES. Reprinted from "Fraser's Magazine." AMBERHILL. By A. J. BARROWCLIFFE. YOUNG SINGLETON. By TALBOT GWYNNE. A LOST LOVE. By ASHFORD OWEN. London: SMITH, ELDER, & CO., 65 Cornhill. (699) GRIFFITH & FARRAN'S NEW PUBLICATIONS To be published in November. APHORISMS of the WISE and GOOD. Every page richly illuminated from Designs by Samuel Stanesby, and a Photographic Portrait of Milton. Uniform with SHAKESPEARE'S HOUSEHOLD Words. OUR SOLDIERS. Or, Anecdotes of the Gallant Deeds of the British Army during the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. By W. H. G. KINGSTON. With Frontispiece from a Painting in the Victoria Cross Gallery. Fcp. 8vo. OUR SAILORS. Or, Anecdotes of the Gallant Deeds of the British Navy. A companion to the above. Fep. 8vo. My GRANDMOTHER'S BUDGET of STORIES and VERSES. By FRANCES FREELING BRODERIP. Illustrated by her Brother, Thomas Hood. Super-royal 16mo. FICKLE FLORA and her SEA-SIDE FRIENDS. By EMMA DAVENPORT, Author of 'Live Toys.' Illustrated by Absolon. NURSERY FUN; or, The Little Folks' Picture Book. PLAY-ROOM STORIES; or, How to Make Peace. By GEORGIANA M. CRAIK. Illustrated by C. Green. The LOVES of TOM TUCKER and LITTLE BO-PEEP. SCENES and STORIES of the RHINE. By M. BETHAM EDWARDS, Author of "Holidays among the Mountains," &c. Illustrated by J. W. Keyl. The FAITHFUL HOUND. A True Story in Verse. By LADY THOMAS. Illustrations by H. Weir. Imperial 16mo. MEMORABLE BATTLES in ENGLISH HISTORY, and their RESULTS. With the Military Lives of the Commanders. By W. H. DAVENPORT ADAMS, Author of "Neptune's Heroes, or the Sea Kings of England," &c. With a beautiful Frontispiece by Dudley. Post 8vo. London: GRIFFITH & FARRAN, Corner of St. Paul's Churchyard. OKE'S MAGISTERIAL SYNOPSIS.-8th Edition. (700) Just published, in 1 thick vol. 8vo. 50s. cloth, brought down to the close of the Session 1862, THE MAGISTERIAL SYNOPSIS: A Practical Guide for Magistrates, their Clerks, Attorneys, and Constables; Summary Convictions and Indictable Offences, with their Penalties, Punishments, Procedure, &c., being alphabetically and tabularly arranged. By GEORGE C. OKE, Assistant Clerk to the Lord Mayor of London; Author of "The Magisterial Formulist," &c. 8th Edition. London: BUTTERWORTHS, 7 Fleet Street, Her Majesty's Law Publishers. OKE'S MAGISTERIAL FORMULIST.-3rd Edition. Just published, in 1 thick volume, 8vo. 35s. cloth, THE MAGISTERIAL FORMULIST: Being a complete Collection of Forms and Precedents for practical use in all Cases out of Quarter Sessions, and in Parochial Matters, by Magistrates, their Clerks, and Attorneys; with an Introduction, Explanatory Directions, Variations, and Notes. By GEORGE C. OKE, Assistant Clerk to the Lord Mayor of London; Author of "The Magisterial Synopsis," "The Laws of Turnpike Roads," &c. &c. 3rd Edit., considerably enlarged, and brought down to close of Session 1861; with new Criminal Acts, &c. London: BUTTERWORTHS, 7 Fleet Street, Her Majesty's Law Publishers. WILLS ON EVIDENCE.-4th Edition. Now ready, in 8vo. price 10s. cloth, AN ESSAY ON THE PRINCIPLES OF CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE. (700*) London: BUTTERWORTHS, 7 Fleet Street, Law Publishers to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. |