صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Deliver us, O gracious Lord, from every evil Spirit, and vouchfafe to give us of thine own good Spirit.

Leffon. Gal. Chap. 5. Ver. 19.

the Works of the Flesh are mani

Nfeft, which are thefe, Adultery, For

nication, Uncleannefs, Lafcivioufnefs. Idolatry, Witchcraft, Hatred, Variance, Emulations, Wrath, Strife, Seditions, Herefies,

Envyings, Murthers, Drunkenness, Revellings, and fuch like; of the which I tell you before, as I have alfo told you in time past, that they who do fuch Things, shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.

But the Fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Long-fuffering, Gentleness, Goodnefs, Faith,

Meeknefs, Temperance, against such there is no Law.

And they that are Christ's have crucified the Flesh, with the Affections and Lufts thereof.

If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

Let us not be defirous of Vain-Glory, provoking one another, envying one another.



Come, Holy Spirit, fend down those


Which gently flow in filent Streams,
From thy bright Throne above;
Come, thou Enricher of the Poor,
And bounteous Source of all our Store,
Come fill us with thy Love.

Come, thou our Souls delicious Gueft,
The wearied Pilgrims sweetest Rest,
The Sufferers beft Relief;
Come thou our Paffions cool Allay,
Whofe Comfort wipes all Tears away,
And turns to Joy all Grief.

Come, thou bright Sun, fhoot home thy

Pierce to the Center of our Hearts,
And make our Faith love Thee;
Without thy Grace, without thy Light,
Our Strength is Weakness, our Day Night,
We cannot move, or fee.

Lord, wash our finful Stains away,
Water from Heaven our barren Clay,

Our many Bruises heal:

To thy fweet Yoke our stiff Necks bow,
Warm with thy Fire our Hearts of Snow,
Our wand'ring Feet repeal.

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O grant thy Faithful, dearest Lord,
Whose only Hope is thy fure Word,
The Seven Gifts of thy Spirit;
Grant us in Life t'obey thy Grace,
Grant us at Death to fee thy Face,
And endless Joys inherit.

All Glory to the Sacred Three,
One Ever-living Deity,

All Power, and Blifs and Praife;
As at the first when Time begun,
May the fame Homage still be done,
Till Time it felf decays. Amen.


Blessed be thy Name, O holy Spirit of God, who divideft thy Gifts to every one as thou pleaseft, and workeft all in all! In thee our Sorrows have a Comforter to allay them, and our Sins an Advocate to plead for them; in thee our Ignorances have a Guide to direct them; and our Frailties a Confirmer to ftrengthen them; and all our Wants a God to relieve them. Alleluja, Alleluja.

Magnificat, &c. as at Sunday Vefpers.
Then repeat Antiphon.

V. By thy precious Fruits thou art fure.

ly known,

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R. Controuling all the manifeft Works of the Flesh.

Let us Pray.

GOD, who by thy Holy Spirit didst at first establish a Church, and fanEnying it by the fame Spirit, doeft ftill preferve and govern it! Hear, we beseech Thee, the Prayers of thy Servants, and mercifully grant us the perpetual Affistance of thy Grace, that we may never be deceived by any falfe Spirit, nor overcome by the vicious Suggestions of Flesh, and Blood, but in all our Doubts be directed in the Ways of Truth; and in all our Actions guided by thy Holy Spirit; who, with Thee, and thy Eternal Son, liveth and reigneth, One God, World without End.


V. O Lord, hear, &c. as at the End of Sunday Vefpers.



V. Our Help is in, &c. as at Sunday Compline.


The Spirit of the Lord hath made me, and the Almighty hath given me Life.



Ome, my Soul, let us further confider who this Holy Ghost is; that we may the better adore him.

He is a fpiritual Divine Subftance; the Third Perfon in the glorious Trinity. He is diftinct from the Father, and the Son in the Unity of both, proceeding from both.

He is the Comforter, but Comfort prefumes Sadness; therefore let us take Comfort in him, notwithstanding our Sins.

For Sin does not make us wholly incapable of Comfort; though want of true Repentance for Sin does.

So that we always carry away fo much of the true Comfort of the Holy Ghost, as we have true Sorrow for our Sins.

But deliver us all, O Lord, from all those Sins that exclude this Comforter. Deliver us, O Lord, from Prefumption, and from Despair.



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