صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

belongs alike to all: and he who refuses to recognize their. Christianity, must be branded as a bigot.

(To be continued.)


It is not always the gospel that is delivered from the pulpit. A man may preach very sensibly concerning the divine perfections, and the authority of God's government and laws. He may set forth the general obligations to duty and obedience. He may inculcate the amiableness of virtue in general, or of particular virtues, and may represent many worthy examples for men's encouragement and excitement. He may earnestly call on men to repent of their sins, and to reform the disposition of their hearts and their course of life. He may inculcate this with all the advantages of earnestness and action that would entitle him to the character of the complete orator. The composition may be very skilful, the language elegant and pathetic, and the preacher may be so greatly applauded, that it may sometimes be said, He hath his reward. Not only may the ears of the hearers be tickled, but their minds may be very agreeably entertained with sentiments that are


themselves just, and with many a good thought. Yet, in all this, there may be nothing by which a soul may be relieved and refreshed that labours and is heavy laden; nothing by which a serious soul may be directed to the proper sources of sanctification. A discourse may have in it much

truth that is consistent with the gospel, and presupposed by it, and yet have nothing in it of the gospel, properly so called. Of such a discourse, with all its advantage of sentiments and expression, it may be said, as the apostle says of the law, that it is weak through the flesh. The cor ruption of nature, in which sin hath dominion, is too strong for philosophy, logic, and rhetoric; too strong for refined speculation, strong argument, and the greatest oratory. Miss. Mag.


A CONSTANT seeking after heavenly wisdom, is no bad evi dence of having already attained it.

To believe we have immortal souls, while we shew no concern about their eternal welfare, is to display our folly in the highest degree.

When a believer's trials come by the hand of man, a hard struggle may likely ensue, before he attain to a forgiving spirit.

To manifest a real concern for the good of a person's soul and body, in return for an injury received, is a clear evidence of a Christian spirit.

To be laying up for the body at the expense of the soul, is a piece of very unprofitable bu


Multitudes appear to live at ease in Sion, although they know that a wo is denounced in Scrip ture against them.

A conviction of gospel truth, joined to a disregard of it in the same person, gives a dreadful ev idence of that person's state

Ibid. will



THE Celebrated Mr. Shepard, on his death-bed, being visited by some of his younger brethren in the ministry, observed to them, "Your work is great, and calls for great seriousness." With respect to himself, he said, that the studying of his sermons very frequently cost him tears; that before he preached his sermons to others, he derived profit from them himself; and that he always went to the pulpit, as if he were immediately after to give up his account to his Divine Master.


THE following anecdote of Monica, the mother of St. Augustine, when considered in connexion with his after conversion, affords great encouragement to pious parents to pray for their children.

It is thus related by Angustine himself, in the 3d book of his Confessions.

" I remember that she (my mother Monica) entreated a cer,


tain bishop to undertake to rea
son me out of my errors.
was a person not backward to at-
tempt this, where he found a do-
cile subject. But your son, said
he, is too much elated at prese
ent, and carried away with the
pleasing novelty of his error, to
regard any arguments, as appears
by the pleasure he takes in puz-
zling many ignorant persons
with his captious questions. Let
bim alone; only continue pray-
ing to the Lord for him; he will
in the course of his study discov-
er his error. I myself, pervert-
ed by my mother, was once a
Manichee, and read almost all
their books; and yet at length
was convinced of my error, with-
out the help of any disputant.
All this satisfied not my anxious
parent; with floods of tears she
persisted in her request, when
at last he, a little out of temper,
on account of her importunity,
said, "Be gone, good woman;
it is not possible that a child of
such tears should perish." She
has often told me since, that this
answer impressed her mind as
a voice from heaven."

Review of New Publications.

American Revolution.

(Concluded from p. 384.)

Mrs. Warren's History of the cruelty and carnage; and the devout mind will be gratified by the author's repeated acknowledgments of the superintending providence of God, and its frequent interpositions in our favour. Butshe seems to have occasionally forgotten that she was writing the history of the American Revolution, and has introduced narra

THE History of the events during the revolution is both interesting and entertaining, and will be read with pleasure by those, who can be satisfied with out entering into the minutix of

tives, (and those rather copious) of transactions, which had no connexion with it. The conclusions of the 22d and 27th chapters are of this kind.

In vol. 3, p. 93, we have an instance of filial piety, such as is seldom met with, and perhaps the only one of the kind, which has ever occurred in the United States. On the death of Henry Laurens, Esq. "his only surviving son closed his eyes. His

fond affection for his father led - him to deviate from the usual customs of his countrymen in the manner of interring their friends. He reared an altar, on which he burned the body of the patriarch, and carefully gathered the ashes from the hearth, deposited them in a silver urn, and placed them in his bed-chamber, with reverence and veneration, where they remained to the day of his death. This circumstance is mentioned, as a peculiar instance of filial affection, and at once a mark of respect due to the memory of both the patriot and the parent."

This representation differs so widely from the impression made upon our minds at the time of the event, that we have been led to a review of the publications of that day, to see what was then said on this subject; and in the New-York Magazine for January, 1793, p. 64, we find "The following extract of a letter dated Charleston, (S. C.) Dec. 24, is copied from the Norwich Weekly Register, of Jan. 14.

"A few days since departed this life, Henry Laurens, Esq. about seventy years of age, and his corpse was burnt the third day after his decease. This was done by his son, at the request

of his father; who made this reserve in his will," that unless his son complied with his request, he should be cut short of any of his estate," which was worth about 60,000l. sterling. The ashes remaining from the body were taken up, and put into a silver urn for that purpose. The reason that Mr. Laurens gave for this singular desire was, "that his body was too good to be eaten by worms." We pretend not to decide which statement is the more correct, but leave it to the reader to form his own opinion.

The work before us is "The History of the Rise, Progress and Termination of the American Revolution;" having reached the termination, we might be expected to stop; but " more last words" remain: ninety-nine pages of supplementary observations on events "after the termination" are yet before us; to which the following paragraph is an introduction.

"The narration of the revolutionary war between Great-Britain and her former colonies, brought down to its termination, leaves the mind at leisure for more general observations on the subsequent consequences, without confining it to time and place."

Amongst the " subsequent consequences" are enumerated "the insurrection in Massachusetts; a general convention of the States; the adoption of a new constitution; the choice of Gen. Washington as President; the treaty with Great Britain, negotiated by Mr. Jay; and Gen. Washington's second retreat from public life." Beside these, "banks; the funding system; the Cincinnati; the federal city; the distribution of offices; the French Revolution; scepticism;"

the importance of delegating suit-
able men for the administration
of government; the clergy; the
rights of man; and the equal
claims of mankind, have not
"General ob-
been forgotten.
servations" conclude the whole.

In the course of the work a great number of characters are drawn: in this the author has discovered much facility, but we are not sufficiently informed to be able to pronounce upon her accuracy. We think a freedom is used in some instances which a gentleman would not, perhaps, have thought prudent. After many remarks upon the characters and conduct of Gen. Washington and Mr. Adams, the read er is informed that

"The operations and the consequences of the civil administration of the first President of the United States, notwithstanding the many excellent qualities of his heart, and the virtues which adorned his life, have since

gentleman, during the administration of Gen. Washington," may have excited her sympathy, and upon some occasions infiuenced her pen.

"The President of the United States held the hearts of all America in his hand from the moment of his elevation to the command of her armies, to his honourable retirement to private life, and from his dignified retreat to his inauguration at New York. Placed in the executive chair by the united voice of all parties, it was expected the chief magistrate, whom flattery endows with all perfection, and to whom justice attributes many excellent qualities, would have felt himself above the partialities that usually hang about the human heart; and that divesting himself of the little prejudices that obtrude, and frequently sully the greatest characters, he would have been of no party in his appointments, and that real merit, whether federal or anti-federal, would have been equally noticed... .....Many of the people begin to inquire whether all the late energetic exertions were designed only to subserve the interests of a certain party, and to furnish

been viewed at such opposite points, salaries, sinecures, and extravagant

that further strictures on his


ter and conduct shall be left to future historians, after time has mollified the passions and prejudices of the present generation." Vol. III. p. 389. administration of his immediate successor we shall also leave." p. 391. "The laborious statesmen, whowith ability and precision defined the rights of men, and supported the freedom of their country; without whose efforts America never would have had an army, are many of them neglected or forgotten." p. 418.

The historian has evidently aimed at being impartial; but as she justly observes, "complete perfection is not to be attributed to man; undue prejudices and partialities often imperceptibly creep into the best of hearts." We naturally feel for our friends, and it is not impossible that the following complaints extracted from "a letter to the author," written by a very judicious


compensations for the favourites of the army and the sycophants of power, to the exclusion of all who had not adopted the creed of passive obedi


Our author's remark respecting the clergy is, that they " should keep within their own line, which directs them to enforce the moral obligations of society, and to inculcate the doctrines of peace, brotherly kindness, and the forgiveness of injuries, taught by the example of their divine Master, nor should they leave the appropriate duties of their profession to descant on political principles or characters." The remark is certainly just; and if any of the gentlemen referred to have left "the appropriate duties of their profession to descant on political principles or characters," they de

serve, and ought to receive censure; but, at the same time, it must be observed, that the clergy possess rights, liberties, privileges, and property, in common with their fellow-citizens, and have an equal right to judge to whose care they may be best committed, and to express their opinion, as to the suitableness of persons proposed: it is their duty to do so; for their profession, as clergymen, does not exempt them from their duties as men; and indeed it is easy to conceive that cases may occur, in which even their duty, as clergymen, would require their descanting, and descanting freely to, upon both political and religious principles and characters. The advice, however, is good; and might with great propriety have been extended to other classes of the community, for we all have our " appropriate duties:" according to the apostle Paul, (Tit. ii. 3) even "aged women" have a sphere of usefulness; and in his first epistle to Timothy, (chap. ii. 11, 12) he points out a part of the duty of women generally.

Upon the whole; although we cannot bestow unqualified commendation on the work before us, nor agree with the author in every sentiment it contains, we have no hesitation in acknowledging that we have derived considerable pleasure, and, we hope, some profit, from a careful peru

sal of it.

A Sermon delivered by EZRA STILĖS ELY, on the first Sabbath after his Ordination. Hartford, Lincoln & Gleason. 1806. THIS sermon is founded on

1 Cor. ii. 2, For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.

The introduction, though on the whole, striking and appropriate, is yet in some instances exceptionable.

The writer's observations, respecting his early "resolution to be a minister of the everlasting gospel;" and the time of his admission to the Christian church, and a few other remarks of a similar nature, though doubtless highly interesting to himself, would have better become another pen. Too much concerning " ourselves" is, on no occasion, either "proper" or "necessary."

After treating of the peculiar honour and happiness of those, who are used as instruments in the salvation of men; the writer adds;

"The man, who by the energy of the Holy Spirit, turns a sinner from the path of destruction into the way which leadeth unto everlasting life, shall cover a multitude of sins. But Alexander, having subdued what was then supposed the world, sat down and wept, because there was no other world in which he might display his military prowess."

The last clause of the sen

tence, to say nothing of its triteness, is not happily introduced. It neither illustrates nor enforc es the first. Had he said "the man who turns a sinner from the path of destruction" &c. " shall shine as the brightness of the firmament," the contrast would have been proper. As it stands there is no contrast. Again,

"In the fulness of God's time, it is my humble hope, that I was in a sense prepared by the washing of regenera. tion, which opened my blind eyes, conquered the obduracy of my heart, and gave new motives, views, affections, and moral habits to the soul." Habits are acquired, not given.

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