صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


First Leffon. John 14. 12.

Erily, verily, I fay unto you, he that believeth on me, the Works that I do fhall he do alfo, and greater Works than thefe fhall he do.

And whatsoever ye fhall ask in my Name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son, if ye love me, keep my Commandments;

And I will pray the Father, and he fhall give you another Comforter; that he may. abide with you for ever:

The Spirit of Truth, whom the World cannot receive, becaufe it feeth him not, neither knoweth him; but ye know him, for he dwelleth with you, and fhall be in you,


R. Bleffed be thy merciful Providence, O Lord, who when thou hadst finifhd thy great Work on Earth, afcended'st up to Heaven, to draw up, our Minds even' thither after thee, Alleluja, That where our Happiness is, there might our Hearts be alfo. bieffed be thy infinite. Goodness, O dear Redeemer! who when thou had'ft taught us the Words of eternal Life, fent'st down the Holy Ghoft to make us obferve them, and raife up our Affections to that glorious Kingdom, whither thou art gone before us, Alleluja. That where our



Second Leffon.

ND when the Day of Pentecoft was fully come, they were all with one Accord, in one Place;

And fuddenly there came a Sound from Heaven, as of a mighty rufhing Wind, and it filled all the Houfe where they were fitting.

And there appeared to them ClovenTongues, like asof Fire, and it fate upon each of them.

And they were all filled with the Holy Ghoft; and began to fpeak with other Tongues, as the Spirit gave them Utte


And there was dwelling at Jerufalem, Jews, devout Men of every Nation under Heaven...

And when this was noifed abroad, the Multitude came together, and were confounded, becaufe that every Man heard them fpeak in his own Language, the wonderful Works of God.

Refp.] Thus were the Words Prophets fulfilled, and the Prom our Saviour performed, and the Far the Christian Church miraculously be Alleluja. O may it still go on, and encrea and multiply, till every Nation fpeak in their own Tongue the wonderful Works of God, Alleluja, Alleluja.

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Govern, O blessed Spirit, the Church thou fo wonderfully haft establish'd; govern it with thy fpecial Grace, and always preferve it in Obedience to thee, and us in Obedience to it, Alleluja. O may it


Third Leffon. Acts 4. 13.

ND the Multitude of Believers were of one Heart, and of one Soul, neither faid any of them, that ought of the things that he poffeffed was his own, but they had all things common.

And with great Power gave the Apoftles witness of the Refurrection of the Lord Jefus, and great Grace was upon them all,

Neither was there any of them that lacked; for as many as were Poffeffors of Lands or Houfes, fold them, and brought the Prices, and laid them at the Apostles Feet,

Refp. happy Life! O Heaven upon Earth! this is the bleft Effect of the Fire of the true Spirit, which warms without fcorching, and flames without fmoaking, and enlightens without confuming. Kindle, O Lord, in our Hearts this holy Fire of Meeknefs, and Peace, and Unity, That all the World may know whofe Difciples we are, by feeing us Love one another. Alleluja. But, Odeliver us from the contrary Fire of the falfe Spirit, that fcorches, without warming, and fmoaks without



fhining, and confumes without enlightning: Deliver us from Schifm, and Herefie, and every the least uncharitable Paffion. That all the

Glory be to the Father, &c.
As it was in the Beginning, &c.

Te Deum Laudamus.

E Praise thee, O God, we acknowledge thee, &c. as in Sunday Mattins.

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Lauds for the Office of the Holy Ghost.

V. O God, make speed, &c. as at Sunday Lauds.


Kindle in our Hearts, O Lord, thy holy Fire; that we may offer to thee the Incense of Praise, Alleluja.


Onfider now, my Soul, the Mercies of thy God; confider the Wonders he hath wrought for the Children of Men. The eternal Father created us of nothing; and fetus in the Way to everlasting Happiness.

The eternal Son came down from Heaven to feek us; and restored us again when we had-loft our felves.


The eternal Spirit fends, and brings his Grace to fanétifie us; and gives us Strength to walk that holy Way.

Thus every Perfon of the Sacred Trinity has freely contributed his particular Bleffing:

And altogether as one Co-infinite Goodnefs, have graciously agreed to compleat our Felicity.

But, O ingrateful we! was it not enough to receive of our God all we have, and are? Was it not enough that the Son of God fhould come down; and live to teach us, and die to redeem us?

Was not all this enough to make us love? and Love is all he aim'd at, and Love is all we needed.

Let us confefs to thee, O merciful Lord! let us confefs to thee our miferable Condition:

Such, alas, was the Corruption of our Nature; and fo many, and ftrong the Temptations that are round about us:

That without this thy last miraculous Favour; fending the Holy Ghoft to guide and quicken us:

We should ftill have remain'd in our old dull Pace; flow to understand, and flower to obey.

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We fhould quite have forgotten our God that made us; and, neglected the Service of our Lord that bought us.



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