Messrs. MACMILLAN & Co.'s New List includes Vacation Tourists, Notes of Travel in 1861, published this day, edited by Francis Galton, and including St. Petersburg and Moscow, by the Rev. Archibald Weir; The Country of Schamyl, by William Marshall; The Amazon and Rio Madeira, by the Rev. Charles Young; &c. Messrs. DEAN & SON, who were, we believe, the original inventors of Children's Moveable Books, are about to issue another entitled The Blondin, Leotard, and Female Blondin Moveable Book. The ingenious movements in this book will give our young friends an idea of the wonderful and daring performances (without danger to the performer) of the performers after whom the book is designated. Messrs. DARTON & HODGE publish this day Part I. of Examples of London and Provincial Architecture of the Victorian Age, and Monthly Review of World's Architectural Progress (an Exhibition Number with Supplement gratis). The work is in an illuminated wrapper, and contains a tinted view of the entrance to the Exhibition building, lithographs of sections showing constructive details and interior decorations, printed in brilliant colours. Messrs. HOULSTON & WRIGHT publish this day, small folio, illustrated, price One Penny, a new monthly periodical entitled The Happy Home. story of domestic life, by Mrs. Few modern authors can boast Messrs. JARROLD & SONS have just published an interesting Sewell, entitled Patience Hart's First Experience in Service. of as wide a circulation as Mrs. Sewell has been able to obtain for her stories. But what will our readers say to the fact that the issue of her ballads entitled Mother's Last Words and Our Father's Care conjointly has reached, as announced, the extraordinary number of 360,000? The question of what kind of facts may or may not be divulged or discoursed upon by literary and other gossippers in the public papers is a nice one; but it is very necessary that some sort of rules should be laid down and observed. There is the question of circulation of periodicals and other publications. Can a writer with propriety speculate, or state vague rumours on the subject of the sales which take place over a publisher's counter? Messrs. Smith, Elder, and Co. have, we observe, put forth a protest against a recent paragraph in the Literary Gazette, which, after alluding to the fabulous numbers occasionally mentioned over dinner-tables in connection with popular magazines, states on the authority of a "hardworking newsagent and magazinedealer, who knows to a nicety what the members of his trade use," that the circulation of the Cornhill is 30,000. Hardworking newsagents are, we suppose, too attentive to their own business to be well informed on that of other persons. At all events, Messrs. Smith, Elder, and Co. state positively that the average sale of each number of the magazine at the last time of making up accounts was upwards of 84,000 - the smallest number ever sold being 67,000, whilst some of the numbers have exceeded 100,000. This is conclusive; but our readers will, we think, agree that writers are not justified in thus compelling publishers in their own justification towards their advertisers to reveal the contents of their private ledgers to the world. If any publisher chooses to state such facts he is, of course, at liberty to do so. If he does not, no person can be well informed unless he has committed a breach of confidence; and if he is not well informed it is impossible to make statements without risk of doing serious injury. A clearer case is that of the publication in the Illustrated News and the Times of the will of a Mr. Prince, whom both those journals designated as Brother Prince, notorious for his connection with the Agapemone. It appears that the Mr. Prince, whose will they published, was a simple clergyman, who had no connection whatever with Brother Prince; and friends and relatives justly complain of the pain and annoyance inflicted upon them by the wide dissemination of the erroneous statement. The question involved, however, is of more importance. It must be obvious to everyone on reflection, that wills are not laid open to the public at Doctors' Commons for the gratification of idle curiosity, but for the inspection of those whom they may concern. They necessarily contain much matter of a private character; indicate the family relations, and their pecuniary circumstances. If the idle and the curious are permitted to read thein on payment of a small fee as readily as the nearest relative of the deceased, it is only because clerks at Doctors' Commons have no talisman by which the idle and the curious may be distinguished from other folks. Are our public journals justified in taking advantage of this fact? We think not. The evil is one which can only be reached by public opinion. This power, however, has already done so much in enforcing the observance of good morals, that we do not despair of seeing the day when the publication of the wills of private persons will be as uncommon as those scandalous details of private life which were so common in the satirical papers of forty years ago. Messrs. CHAMBERS & Co. have just published A Handy Guide to London, Illustrated, price One Shilling, which contains every kind of information useful to strangers in London at the present time. The author is Mr. G. Dodd. Besides general description, tables, lists, and miscellaneous information concerning public institutions and amusements, the Exhibition building, tables and lists concerning railways, omnibuses, cabs, telegraphs, &c., it gives good practical sketches of pleasant and easy excursions in the environs. It has also a full index, which shows at a glance that the information is of the latest kind. Such books are generally intended for visitors, but probably a resident Londoner would find it a curious experiment to take a copy in hand, and note how much which is useful to be known about the Metropolis he has yet to learn. The Index, a new Weekly Journal of Politics, Literature, and News, which makes its first appearance this day, is remarkable as being the avowed organ in England of the Confederate States of America. AUCTIONS DURING THE ENSUING FORTNIGHT.-Messrs. Puttick & Simpson, May 6 to 10, library of the Bungay Book Society, and library of an eminent naturalist. Messrs. Leigh, Sotheby, & Co., May 2, 3, and 5, large collection of county histories, English monkish writers, illustrated works, and general literature; May 6-9, the choice library of the late Miss Drummond, of Bristol; May 12 and following days, the library of the late Sir F. Palgrave. New Works PUBLISHED FROM THE 14TH TO THE 30TH OF APRIL. ..[1260 ABBOTT (Jacob)-Mary Erskine: a Franconian Story. New edit. 18mo. cloth, 1s. (Routledge) .........[1259 ACROSS the CARPATHIANS. Post 8vo. pp. 300, cloth, 7s. 6d. (Macmillan) [vide Adv. 215}.. ADDISON (Joseph)-Selections from the Essays in "The Spectator." For the use of Upper Schools and Colleges. 12mo. (Glasgow, Hamilton) pp. 66, sd. 8d. (Simpkin)[1261 AIMARD (Gustave)-The Last of the Incas: a Romance of the Pampas. 12mo. pp. 320, boards, 2s. (Ward & L.)[1262 ALBITES (A.)-French Genders Conquered. 4th edit. 12mo. cloth, 18. (Longman) ...[1263 ALBERT (Prince)-Golden Precepts; or, the Opinions and Maxims of His late Royal Highness the Prince Consort, selected from his Addresses, &c. Some now for the first time collected, and carefully arranged, with an Index. Square 16mo. pp. 142, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Low) [vide Adv. 281]........ .... [1264 ALBUM of SCRIPTURE ILLUSTRATIONS, containing Fifty Engravings of Subjects from the Old and New Testament, after Original Designs by Elster. 12mo. case, 2s. (Philp) [1265 APPLE (The) BLOSSOM; or, a Mother's Legacy: a Tale. By Onyx Titian. 12mo. pp. 178, cl. 3s. 6d. (Masters) [1266 ARMS OF ALL NATIONS. Coloured, on a card, 1s. (Letts) ..[1267 ARTIST and CRAFTSMAN. Cheap edit. post 8vo. pp. 450, cloth, 6s. (Macmillan) ..[1268 BACON (Lord)-The Story of Lord Bacon's Life. 12mo. pp. 490, cloth, 78. 6d. (Murray) [vide Adv. 328] ......... [1269 BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1861 (County Courts): a Summary of the New Practice of the County Courts in Bankruptcy; with the Authorised Fees, Solicitors' Costs, and Practical Forms for the use of the Profession and Officers of the Courts; with a complete Index by the Registrar of the Birmingham County Court. 12mo. (Birmingham, Howell) pp. 160, cloth, 5s. (Simpkin) .. ..[1270 BEADLE'S AMERICAN LIBRARY: Tales. Vols. 1, 2, and 3, 12mo. boards, each, 1s. 6d. (Beadle) ....... ...[1271 BEAL (William) - The Fathers of the Wesley Family, Clergymen in Dorsetshire, 1650-1662 (the present the Bicentenary of their Ejection), and references to Events and Changes of their Times. 2d edit. with many additions, 12mo. pp. 80, cloth, 1s. 6d. (Freeman)........ [1272 BEARDMORE (Nathaniel)-Manual of Hydrology; containing Hydraulic and other Tables, Rivers, Flow of Water Springs, Wells and Percolation, Tides, Estuaries and Tidal Rivers, Rainfall, and Evaporation. 8vo. pp. 400, cloth, 42s. (Waterlow) ..[1273 The work is founded on a smaller treatise called Hydraulic Tables, published in May 1860. BEVERIDGE (Henry) A Comprehensive History of India, Civil, Military, and Social. Vol. 3, royal 8vo. pp. 770, cloth, 21s. (Blackie)... ..........[1274 BINNEY (Rev. A.)-Theological Compend; containing a System of Divinity, or a Brief View of the Evidences, Doctrines, Morals, and Institutions of Christianity. 18mo. pp. 130, cloth, 1s. 6d. (Simpkin) ... [1275 BLAIR (Hugh)-Sermons: with Life. By James Finlayson. New edit. 8vo. pp. 710, cl. 6s. (H. G. Bohn).. [1276 BLENKARN (John)-British Timber Trees; their Rearing and Subsequent Management. New edit. 12mo. pp. 290, sewed, 1s. 6d. (Books for Country) (Routledge)[1277 BRADSHAW'S Railway Through-Route to India, Turkey, Persia, Egypt, and China. New edit. square 16mo. cloth, 5s. (W. J. Adams). . [1278 BRANCHARDIERE (Mdlle. Riego) -La Mode Winter Book. Square 16mo. pp. 14, sewed, 6d. (Simpkin) [1279 BRISCOE (Mrs.)-A Woman's Life. 2 vols. post 8vo. pp. 700, cloth, 21s. (Saunders & O.)............ ..[1280 BREMNER (W. L.)—The Pilot of the Pentland Frith; and other Poems. 3d edit. 12mo. cl. 2s. 6d. (Simpkin) [1281 .... BRITISH (The) EMPIRE, Historical, Biographical, and Geographical; with Introductory Sketch. By Sir Edward Shepherd Creasy. New edit. post 8vo. pp. 600, cloth, 10s. 6d. (Griffin).. [1282 BRODIE (Sir Benjamin C.)- Psychological InquiriesSecond Part: being a Series of Essays intended to illustrate some points in the Physical and Moral History of Man. 12mo. pp. 260, cloth, 5s. (Longman) [vide Adv. 275].. [1283 BROOKES (R.)—A General Gazetteer in Miniature. New edit. revised, and Supplement added, by A. G. Findlay. 18mo. pp. 920, cloth, 5s. (Tegg) (vide Adv. 255] .... [1284 BRYCE (James)-The Universal Gazetteer. 3d edit. thoroughly revised. 8vo. pp. 820, cl. 8s. 6d. (Griffin).. [1283 BUNTING (Jabez)-Sermons. Vol. 2, post 8vo. pp. 500, cloth, 7s. (Mason) ..[1286 ....... BUNTLINE (Ned)-Thayendanegea the Scourge; or, the War-Eagle of the Mohawks. 12mo. pp. 130, sewed, 6d. (Beadle's Sixpenny Tales) (Beadle).. [1287 BUNYAN (J.)-Pilgrim's Progress. With illustrations. New edit. 12mo. cloth, 5s. (Seeley). .... [1288 BURKE (Mrs. L.)-Illustrated Language of Flowers. New edit. 18mo. cloth, 1s. (Routledge)...... .[1289 BURKE (Sir B.)—Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland. 4th edit. 2 parts. Part 1, royal 8vo. pp. 800, sewed, 25s. (Harrison).... . (1999 BURTON (John Hill)-The Book Hunter, &c. Post 8vo. pp. 390, half-bound, 7s. 6d. (Blackwood) . [1291 Essays from Blackwood's Magazine. The volume is remarkable for choice typography, ornaments, and paper. BUSTEED (N. W.)-King Barnaby; or, Maidens of the Forest a Romance of the Mickmacks. 12mo. pp. 94, sewed, 6d. (Beadle's American Library) (Beadle) ..[1292 CAMERON (Mrs.) Emma and her Nurse, and the Mother's Grave. New edit. 12mo. pp. 200, cloth, is. 6d. (Houlston) ....[1293 CASSELS (Walter R.)-Cotton: an Account of its Culture in the Bombay Presidency. Prepared from Government Records and other Authentic Sources, in accordance with a Resolution of the Government of India. Royal 8vo. (Bombay) pp. 350, cloth, 16s. (Smith & E.) ........[1296 CHAMBERS'S Outlines of the Principal Countries and Islands in the World: in a Series of Sixteen Coast Maps, carefully laid down from the "People's Atlas." 4to. sewed, 38. (Chambers).. ..{1297 CHEFFINS (C. R.)—Visitors' Railway Station Map of London and its Environs. 12mo. plain, 6d.; coloured, Is. (Cheffins). . [1298 CIVIL SERVICE ARITHMETIC; containing, in addition to the Ordinary Arithmetical Course, upwards of Two Hundred Questions proposed at recent Civil Service Examinations; their Answers, Hints for Solutions, and the Names of the Departments in which each Question has been proposed. 12mo. (Dublin, McGlashan) pp. 176, sewed, 2s. 6d. (Simpkin)... ...... [1299 COTTON (G. E.)-Instructions in the Principles and Practice of Christianity. 5th edit. 18mo. cloth, 2s. 6d. (Longman) . [1300 COBDEN (Richard)-The Three Panics: an Historical Episode. Svo. pp. 152, sewed, 1s. (Ward)... [1301 COE (Charles Clement)-Outlines of a Christian Faith. Post 8vo. pp. 164, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Whitfield) ........[1302 COMYN (L. N.)-Ellice: a Tale. Post 8vo. pp. 450, cloth, 9s. 6d. (Longman) [vide Adv. 275] .[1303 COOLEY (Arnold J.)-A Dictionary of the English Language, exhibiting the Orthography, Pronunciation, and Definition of Words, according to the prevailing usage of correct Writers and Speakers; with additional "Notations" of Words differently pronounced by different Orthoepists; and including the Participles, Adverbs, Substantives, and other Derivatives not generally found in Dictionaries; and also a large number of Classical and Foreign Words, and Terms of Modern Art and Science. Post 8vo. pp. 980, hf.-bd. 7s. (Chambers) [1304 CRAIK (George L.) A Manual of English Language, from the Norman Conquest. With numerous Specimens. Post 8vo. pp. 560, cloth, 7s. 6d. (Griffin) ..[1305 CRUCHLEY'S New Guide to London, 1862. 12mo. sewed, 2s. 6d.; with map, 3s. 6d. (Cruchley).... .......[1306 CRUDEN (Alexander)-A Complete Concordance to the Old and New Testament. With Sketch of the Life of the Author by William Youngman. New edition, royal 8vo. cloth, 13s. (H. G. Bohn)... CYCLOPÆDIA of RELIGIOUS .[1307 DENOMINATIONS. .......... .......... 4th edit. post 8vo. cloth, 3s. 6d. (Griffin) [1308 DALE (Jas. Murray)—The Clergyman's Legal Handbook. 3d edit. 12mo. pp. 374, cloth, 6s. (Seeley) . . [1309 DE QUINCEY-English Mail Coach and other Writings. (Works, Vol. 4.) Post 8vo. (Edinburgh, Black) pp. 350, cloth, 4s. 6d. (Longman)....... ..[1310 DISRAELI (B.)-Henrietta Temple: a Love Story. New edit. 12mo. pp. 313, sewed, 1s. (Routledge)........ [1311 DIVINE (The) FOOTSTEPS in HUMAN HISTORY. Svo. pp. 446, cloth, 10s. 6d. (Blackwood) [vide Adv. 311... ...[1312 The Author sums up his work as intended to show that the disturbing commotions and revolutionary overturnings of the passing epoch are significant of the advent of that era of rapid transition accompanied by violence which was to precede and prepare for the grand consummation of human history. ......... DOD (Robert P.)-The Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage, 1862. 12mo. pp. 760, cloth, 10s. 6d. (Whittaker)[1313 DODD (George)-Where do we Get it, and How is it Made? a Familiar Account of the Modes of Supplying our Everyday Comforts and Luxuries. With Illustrations by William Harvey. 12mo. pp. 290, cl. 3s. 6d. (Hogg) [1314 DOLLINGER (Dr.)-The Church and the Churches; or, the Papacy and the Temporal Power: an Historical and Political Review. Translated by William Bernard Mac Cabe. 8vo. pp. 480, cloth, 15s. (Hurst & B.) [vide Adv. 267]... . [1315 EDGEWORTH (Miss)-Lame Jervas. 18mo. (Edinburgh, Gordon) pp. 88, sewed, 4d. (Gordon's School and Home Series) (Simpkin) . [1316 EDGEWORTH (Miss)-To-Morrow. 32mo. (Edinburgh, Gordon) pp. 92, sewed, 4d. (Gordon's School and Home Series) (Simpkin) ..[1317 ESSAYS and REVIEWS (Replies to). With Preface by the Bishop of Oxford. 2d edit. with a Note by Professor Owen. 8vo. pp. 520, cloth, 12s. (J. H. Parker) [vide Adv. 272]. .[1318 FLETCHER (Joseph)-The History of the Revival and Progress of Independency in England. Vol. 1, 12mo. pp. 300, sewed, 1. (Snow) FLOWER GARDEN and KITCHEN GARDEN. Practical Instructions for Management of Flowers, Shrubs, Vegetables, Herbs, &c. 12mo. sd. 1s. (Ward & L.)[1320 FOES (The) of OUR FAITH, and How to Defeat Them; or, the Weapons of Our Warfare with Modern Infidelity. By a well-known Author. 12mo. pp. 408, cloth, 5s. (Darton) .[1321 ... [1319 The preface asserts that the author is one of the most successful writers of the day-who is "anxious that the public should form their opinion of the merits of the work without reference to his name." One of the objects is indirectly to meet the arguments of the Essays and Reviews. FRESHFIELD (Mrs. Henry)-A Summer Tour in the Grisons and Italian Valleys of the Bernina. Post 8vo. pp. 300, cloth, 10s. 6d. (Longman) [vide Adv. 275]..[1322 With full-page tinted lithographs. GIBSON (W. S.)-An Historical Memoir on Northumberland, descriptive of its General History, &c. 12mo. cloth, 2s. 6d. (Longman)... .[1323 ....... GLADWELL (Rev. A.)-Sermons. 12mo. (Dublin, Herbert) cloth, 2s. 6d. (Hamilton). .[1324 GOLD FIELDS (The) of BRITISH COLUMBIA. 8vo. pp. 26, sewed, 3d. (Rixon & A.)........................... . [1325 GOSTICK (Jesse)-The Employment of the Dead. 8vo. pp. 72, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Author)..... [1236 Religious and Moral Essays, and incidents supposed to be spoken and related by the ghosts of deceased persons. .... GRAHAM (G. F.)- English Grammar Practice; or, Exercises on the Etymology, Syntax, and Prosody of the English Language, adapted to every form of Tuition. 12mo. pp. 280, cloth, 4s. 6d. (Longman)... [1327 GREEN (Rev. Charles)-Brief Memorials of the late Rev. Charles Green, of Worcester College, Oxford, Missionary and Secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. 12mo. pp. 128, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Rivingtons) [vide Adv. 302 [1328 The subject of the biography was born in 1829. He was ordained to the Curacy of Folkestone, Kent, in 1854; appointed to a Curacy in Lambeth, with special charge of the Verulam Episcopal Chapel, in 1857; and appointed to the Missionary Establishment in Bombay, where he died, in 1860. GURNALL (William)-The Christian in Complete Armour. New edit. revised by Rev. John Campbell. 8vo. pp. 840, cloth, 98. (Tegg) [vide Adv. 286] ..[1329 GURNEY (Rev. Archer)-Restoration; or, the Completion of the Reformation. 2d and enlarged edition. 8vo. pp. 80, sewed, 2s. 6d. (Hayes) .......[1330 HANDBOOK of BRITISH COLUMBIA, and Emigrant's Guide to the Gold Fields. With Map and 2 Illustrations from Photographs by M. Claudet. 12mo. pp. 82, sewed, 1s. (Oliver) ..[1331 Entirely composed of the recent letters from Columbia, published in The Times. HANDBOOK (The) of TURNING. cloth, 7s. 6d. (Saunders & 0.) New edit. 12mo. .[1332 HARDING (George R.)--A Handy Book of Ecclesiastical Law, especially adapted for the Use of the Clergy and Solicitors. 2d edition, 12mo. pp. 356, cloth, 7s. 6d. (Crockford). .[1333 HAYWARD (W. Stevens)-Hunted to Death; or, Life in Two Hemispheres: a Tale of Love and Adventure. 12mo. pp. 234, sewed, 1s. (Shilling Volume Library) ...[1334 (Ward & L.)... HAZLITT (William Carew)-The Great Gold Fields of Cariboo; with an Authentic Description, brought down to the Latest Period, of British Columbia and Vancouver Island; with an accurate Map. 12mo. pp. 190, boards, 1s. (Routledge) ..[1335 HOLLAND (Sir Henry)-Essays on Scientific and other Subjects, contributed to the Edinburgh and Quarterly Reviews. 8vo. pp. 500, cloth, 14s. (Longman) [vide Adv. 275] [1336 The subjects are Progress of Science, Life and Organisation, Human Longevity, Roman History, Physical Geography of the Sea, Meteors and Aerolites, Life of Dalton, Humboldt's Cosmos, Modern Chemistry, &c. HOLY (The) YEAR; or, Hymns for Sundays and Holydays, and for other Occasions. 12mo. pp. 400, cloth, 4s. 6d. (Rivingtons) ..[1337 HOMELY HINTS from the Fireside. By the Author of "Little Things." New edit. 12mo. (Edinburgh, Edmonston) pp. 146, cloth, 1s. (Hamilton).. [1338 HOOKER (Sir William Jackson) - Garden Ferns; or, Coloured Figures and Descriptions, with the needful Analyses of their Fructification and Venation; or a Selection of Exotic Ferns adapted for Cultivation in the Garden, Hothouse, and Conservatory. The Drawings by Walter Fitch. Royal 8vo. cloth, 42s. (Reeve) [vide Adv. 301]....... .....[1339 With numerous coloured full-page illustrations from nature. Similar to the author's previous well-known volume on British Ferns. HOOKER (Sir William Jackson)-The British Ferns; or, Coloured Figures and Descriptions, with the needful Analyses of the Fructification and Venation of the Ferns of Great Britain systematically arranged. The Drawings by Walter Fitch. Royal 8vo. cloth, 42s. (Reeve) (vide Adv. 301].. 1340 HOPKINS (Samuel) - The_Puritans; or, the Church, Court, and Parliament of England during the Reigns of Edward VI. and Queen Elizabeth. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 42s. (Trübner).. .... [1341 HUGHES (Thomas)-Adaptation; or, Mutual Fitness between the Order of Things and Man. 12mo. cloth, 1s. (Hamilton) [1342 IRVING (Edward)-Life of (Minister of the National Scotch Church, London), illustrated by his Journals and Correspondence. By Mrs. Oliphant. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 836, cloth, 30s. (Hurst & B.) [vide Adv. 267].... [1343 The subject is the once famous preacher in the " unknown tongue." IRVING (Washington)-Life and Letters. Edited by his Nephew, Pierre M. Irving. 3 vols. Vol. 1, post 8vo. pp. 390, cloth, 78. 6d. (Bentley) .[1344 Mainly compiled from papers committed to the author by Washington Irving, with the understanding that they were to form the materials for a future biography. ......... JOHNSON (G. B.)-Our Principles; or a Guide for those holding or seeking Fellowship in Congregational Churches. 2d edit. 12mo. cloth, 9d. (Ward) ...... [1345 JOURDAN (Beatrice)-Sunshine at Last: a Tale for the Young. 12mo. pp. 164, cloth, 2s. (Whitfield)...... ... [1346 JUKES (Andrew) - The Church of Christ: Notes on St. Matthew xvi. 13-19. 18mo. pp. 52, cloth, 6d. (Hamilton) [1347 LAWSON (William)-Geography of the British Empire. 12mo. (Edinburgh, Gordon) pp. 320, cloth, 3s. (Hamilton).... ..[1348 LEVER (Charles)-Charles O'Malley the Irish Dragoon. 2 vols. Vol. 1, 12mo. pp. 380, boards, 2s. (Select Library) (Chapman & H.) [vide Adv. 277].... .......... [1349 LEWIN (Thomas)-The Invasion of Britain by Julius Cæsar; with Replies to the Remarks of the AstronomerRoyal, and of the late Camden Professor of Ancient History at Oxford. 2d edit. 8vo. pp. 260, cloth, 10s. (Longman) .. [1350 LITTLE WALTER; or, a Mother's First Lessons on Religious Subjects. 2d edit. post 8vo. pp. 280, cloth, 3s. 6d. (Whitfield) [1351 Extra LONDON LABOUR and the LONDON POOR. LOWRES (Jacob) - Companion to English Grammar: MACQUEEN (John Fraser)-Chief Points in the Laws of War and Neutrality, Search and Blockade; with the Changes of 1856, and those now proposed. 12mo. pp. 120, cloth, 3s. (Chambers) ..[1357 MANGNALL (Richmal) Historical and Miscellaneous Questions. New edit. by Joseph Guy. 12mo. bound, 4s. 6d. (Tegg) .... [1358 MARKLAND (J. H.)-The Offertory the most 'excellent way of contributing Money for Christian Purposes. 2d edit. revised and enlarged, 2d. (J. H. & J. Parker) [1359 MARRYAT (Capt.)-Mr. Midshipman Easy. New edit. 12mo. pp. 280, sewed, 1s. (Routledge)........ ... [1360 MARSHALL (Frederick)-Population and Trade in France in 1861-62. Post 8vo. pp. 290, cloth, 8s. (Chapman & H.) [vide Adv. 295) [1361 MAYHEW (Henry) and BINNY (John) - The Criminal Prisons of London, and Scenes of Prison Life. With numerous Illustrations from Photographs. Royal svo. pp. 640, cloth, 10s. 6d. (Griffin)... . [1366 MELVILLE (G. J. Whyte)-Good for Nothing; or, All Down Hill. 2d edit. post 8vo. pp. 440, cloth, 6s. (Parker & Son) ... [1367 MELVILLE (G. J. Whyte)-Market Harborough ; or, How Mr. Sawyer went to the Shires. 4th edit. Inside the Bar, or, Sketches at Soakington. Post 8vo. pp. 390, cloth, 5s. (Chapman & H.) .[1369 MILL (John Stuart)-A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive. 5th edit. 2 vols. 8vo. pp. 1090, cloth, 25s. (Parker & S.) . [1369 MILLER (Hugh)-Essays, Historical and Biographical, Political and Social, Literary and Scientific. Post 8vo. (Edinburgh, Black), pp. 500, cl. 7s. 6d. (Hamilton) [1370 Articles reprinted from the Witness newspaper, of which the late Hugh Miller was Editor for sixteen years. The volume is published under the superintendence of Mr. Peter Bayne. MILLS (John)-The Old English Gentleman; or, the Fields and the Woods. 5th edit. 12mo. pp. 300, boards, 2s. (Ward & L.) ..[1371 MILLS (Thos.)-The Doubting Christian obtaining the Light of Life. 2d edit. 12mo. cl. 2s. 6d. (Hamilton)[1372 MOOR (The) COTTAGE: a Tale of Home Life. Cheap edit. post 8vo. cloth, 6s. (Macmillan).............. ...[1373 MORGAN (G. O.)-Statutes and General Orders relating to the Practice, Pleading, and Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery. 3d edit. enlarged, 8vo. cloth, 288. (Stevens) ..[1374 MORRIS (J. W.)-John Milton: a Vindication specially from the Charge of Arianism. 12mo. pp. 126, cloth, 28. 6d. (Hamilton)...... ..... [1375 NAPIER (Joseph)-Lectures on Butler's Analogy of Religion to the Constitution and Course of Nature. Delivered before the Members of the Dublin Young Men's Christian Association. Part 1, post 8vo. (Dublin, Hodges & S.) pp. 156, sewed, 2s. (Simpkin)....... : [1376 NARES (Lient George L.)-Seamanship. 2d edit. with upwards of 350 illustrations from Drawings by J. Murray. 8vo. (Portsea, Griffin) pp. 240, cloth, 218. (Longman)[1377 OWEN a Waif. By the Author of “No Church." 3 vols. post Svo. cloth, 31s. 6d. (Hurst & B.) [vide Adv. 263][1378 PALMER (Mrs. Phoebe)-The Way of Holiness; with Notes by the Way. New edit., with Preface by Rev. Thomas Collins. ismo. pp. 360, cloth, 1s. (Heylin)[1379 PAYN (James)-Melibus in London. Reprinted from Chambers's Journal. 12mo. pp. 230, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Macmillan) [vide Adv. 236]... ... [1380 PETERSDORFF (Sergeant)-The Principles and Practice of the Law of Bankruptcy and Insolvency. New edit. royal 8vo. pp. 250, sewed, 3s. (Simpkin)................................[1381 PHILLIMORE (Robert)-Speech in the Case of the Office of the Judge promoted by the Bishop of Salisbury against Williams, delivered on the 9th, 10th, and 11th of Feb. 1862 (from the Notes of the Shorthand Writer), and the Criminal Articles against Dr. R. Williams. Svo. pp. 214, cloth, 5s. (Saunders & O.) ..[1382 PILGRIMS of FASHION: a Novel. By K. C. 8vo. pp. .[1383 350, cloth, 10s. (Trübner) PLAIN SERMONS for Country People. By a Clergyman. No. 1, 12mo. sewed, 6d. (published fortnightly) (Saunders & 0.). ......[1384 PLATT (Wm.)-Yorke House: a Novel. 3 vols. post svo. cloth, 31s. 6d. (Newby).... [1285 PRATT (W. Tidd)-The Law relating to Friendly Societies, with Notes, &c. 6th edit. 12mo. pp. 200, bds. 5s. (Shaw & S.). .[1386 PULPIT ILLUSTRATIONS: being a Storehouse of Similes, Allegories, and Anecdotes, selected from Spencer's "Things New and Old," and other Sources. Post Svo. (Edinburgh, Ogle & M.), pp. 366, cl. 6s. (Hamilton)[1387 Spencer's Things New and Old, from which the work is chiefly compiled, was a large folio volume published in 1658, with a Preface by the celebrated Thomas Fuller. MATTHAY (T.)-A German Grammar. cloth, 2s. 6d. (Nutt) ... [1364 12mo. pp. 10, (1365 PUNCH. Vol. 15 (Re-issue), 4to. boards, 5s. (Bradbury & E.) ... [1358 PUNCH. (Re-issue.) Vols. 14 and 15 (1848), 1 vol. 4to. cloth, 10s. 6d. (Office) ..[1389 May 1, 1862 RAMSAY (Edward B.)-The Present Position of the Epis- The author is of opinion that an assimilation of the RANKEN (Major)-Canada and the Crimea; or, Sketches A portion of the work has already appeared in a The first edition was published in 1840. Considerable ROBIN HOOD. Ballads and Songs relating to that cele- SMITH (Edward)-Consumption; its Early and Reme- STAINED GLASS WINDOWS (Illustrated Catalogue of). man. ........ .[1405 STOWE (Harriet Beecher)-Agnes of Sorrento. Post 8vo. SUSAN. By the Author of "Oceanus." 12mo. pp. 108, The author pleads strongly in favour of justice to the TARBUCK (Edward Lance)-The New Illustrated London ........ [1410 TAYLOR (Henry)-St. Clement's Eve: a Play. 12mo. pp. 190, cloth, 5s. (Chapman & H.) [vide Adv. 295] ....[1411 TEGNER (E.)-Frithiof-Saga, by Blackley. 12mo. (Dublin' McGlashan) pp. 200, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Simpkin) ...... [1412 THOMSON (Rev. R. Wodro w).-The Amateur Rosarium : a Manual of Directions regarding the Culture, Propagation, and Varieties of the Rose. 12mo. (Edinburgh, Paton & Ritchie) pp. 126, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Hamilton) [1413 THORNTON (Cyril)- Conyers Lea; or, Sketches of Character, Military, Magisterial, and Episcopal. Post 8vo. .[1414 pp. 397, cloth, 10s. 6d. (Saunders & O.)............ A tale or series of incidents relating to Lancashire life. TRANSACTIONS of the OBSTETRICAL SOCIETY of LONDON. Vol. 3, for the Year 1861. 8vo. pp. 520, cloth, ..[1415 15s. (Longman) TWEEDIE (Rev. W. K.)- Early Choice: a Book for Daughters. New edit. post 8vo. cl. 3s. 6d. (Nelson)[1416 TYNDALL (John)-Mountaineering in 1861: a Vacation Tour. 8vo. pp. 110, cloth, 7s. 6d. (Longman) [vide Adv. ...[1417 275j... With full-page illustrations of Alpine scenes. Edited by Francis Galton. With Ten Maps to illustrate VACATION TOURISTS, and NOTES of TRAVEL in 1861. the Routes. 8vo. pp. 420, cloth, 14s. (Macmillan) [vide ..[1418 Adv. 236].. . [1419 VILLIERS (Bp.)-Family Prayers. 4th edit. 12mo. cloth, 3s. 6d. (Nisbet) VLIELAND (J. W.)-Theory and Practice; or, a Progressive, Clear, and Practical Course of German Lan..... [1420 guage. 12mo. cloth, 4s. 6d. (Simpkin).......... ...... VOICES of the NINETEENTH CENTURY. Post 8vo. WESTROP (T.)-Sixty Psalms, Hymns, and Sacred Songs. .[1423 WHITBREAD'S New Distance Map of London, 1862. WOOD (Mrs. Henry)-The Channings. 3 vols. post 8vo. 8vo. ..[1431 A principal feature of the work is to give in detail the various steps of procedure in a criminal trial. It contains a copious alphabetical table of the cases referred to. YOUNG (Arthur)-The Farmer's Calendar: entirely rewritten to present date. By John Chalmers Morton. 2d edit. 8vo. pp. 650, half bound, 10s. 6d. (Routledge)[1432 YOUNG (John Radford)-A Course of Elementary Mathematics, affording Aid to Candidates for Admission into .[1433 either of the Military Colleges. 2nd edit. 8vo. pp. 640, cloth, 12s. (W. H. Allen)... |