love them upon a principle of faith, in the name, for the sake, and as members of Jesus Christ. Luke vi. 37. Forgive, and it shall be forgiven you. Give me, O my God, a heart full of Christian meekness and charity, that I may willingly forget the evil, I have received, and be always disposed to do good to others. We love our neighbour after a christian manner, when we love him for God's sake; and for God's sake do him good. 1 THE LITANY. O God, the Father of Heaven; have mercy up-on me, keep, and defend me. O God the Son, Redeemer of the world; have mercy upon me, save, and deliver me. O God the Holy Ghost; have mercy upon me, strengthen, and comfort me. Remember not, O Lord, my offences, nor the offences of my forefathers; nor take Thou vengeance of our sins. Spare us, good Lord, spare thy people, whom Thou hast redeemed with thy most precious blood, and be not angry with us forever. From thy wrath and heavy indignation; from the guilt and burden of my sins; from the dreadful sentence of the last judgment ; Good Lord, deliver me. From the sting and terrors of conscience; from impatience, distrust, and dispair; from extremity of sickness and pain, which may withdraw my mind from God; Good Lord, Deliver me. From the bitter pangs of eternal death; from the gates of hell; from the powers of darkness; and from the illusions of Satan; Good Lord, deliver me. / By thy manifold and great mercies; by thy manifold and great merits; by thine agony and bloody sweat; by thy bitter cross and passion; by thy mighty resurrection; by thy glorious ascension, and most acceptable intercession; and by the graces of the Holy Ghost; Good Lord, deliver me. For the glory of thy name; for thy loving mercy and truth's sake; Good Lord, deliver me. In my last and greatest need; in the hour of death; and in the day of judgment ; As Thou hast delivered all thy saints and servants, which called upon Thee in their extremity; Good Lord, deliver me; and receive my soul for thy mercy's sake. Be merciful unto me, and forgive me all my sins, which by the malice of the devil, or by my own frailty, I have at any time of my life committed against Thee. Lay not to my charge, what in the lust of the eye, the pride of life, or vanity, I have committed against Thee. Lay not to my charge, what by an angry spirit, by vain and idle words, by foolish jesting, I. have committed gainst Thee. Make me partaker of all thy mercies and promises in Christ Jesus. Vouchsafe my soul a place of rest in the paradise of God with all thy blessed Saints; and my body part in the blessed resurrection. O Lord God, Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world; Have mercy upon me. Thou, that takest away the sins of the world, Grant me thy peace. Thou, that sittest at the right hand of God, Have mercy upon me. Have mercy upon me, receive my prayer, which Thou hast tought me. Our Father, who art in Heaven &c. O Lord, deal not with me after my sins; nór reward me after my iniquites. O God, merciful Father, that despiseth not the sighing of a contrite heart, nor the desires of such, as be sorrowful; mercyfully assist my prayers, which I make before Thee; at those times espe. cially when I am preparing for death and eternity. O Lord, graciously hear me, that those evils, those illusions, and assaults, which my great enemy worketh against me, may be brought to nought, and by the providence of thy goodness dispersed; that thy servant, being delivered from all temptations, may give thanks to Thee with thy Holy Church to all eternity. Amen. Let us endeavour by timely repentance to prevent the reproaches, which otherwise our consiences will cast upon us at the hour of death. The support of a penitent at the hour John iii. 16. God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish; but have everlasting life. 1 John ii. 1. We have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; who came into the world to save sinners; who died for us, when we were his enimies, that he might offer us unto God. Our Judge himself hath assured us, that all sins shall be forgiven the sons of men. |