Anno know it. But they when they were de- Capernaum. Etat. 31. parted, fpread abroad his fame in all 31. Mat. ix. Minift. 2. *Mat. xiii. 54. a that country. SE CT, LIX. Jefus cureth one that was dumb and AS 33. Miracle, S they went out, behold they.32. Mat. ix. brought to him a dumb man poffeffed with a devil. And when the devil was caft out, the dumb fpake: and the multitudes marvelled, faying, It was never fo feen in Ifrael. But the 34Pharifees faid, He cafteth out devils through the prince of the devils. SE C T. LX. Jefus goes to Nazareth, is defpifed of Nazareth. condition. A [Fefus] went out from 1. Mar. vi. thence and came into his own country, and his difciples follow'd him. And when the fabbath day was come, 2. he began to teach in the fynagogue, and many hearing him were aftonifhed, faying, From whence hath this man thefe things? and what wisdom is this which is given unto him, that even fuch mighty 200rks are wrought by his hands? Is 55. Mat. xii. * not this the carpenter's fon? Is not his mother Nazareth. mother called Mary? and his brethren Anno Fames, and Fofes, and Simon, and Fudas? Etat. 31. Mat. xiii. 56. And his Sifters, are they not all with us? Mar. vi. Miracle. Galilee. с Minift. 2. 3. whence then hath this man all thefe Mat. xiii. 5. Mat. ix. 35. d And he could there do no mighty work, fave that he laid his hands upon a few fick folk, and healed them. And he marvelled becaufe of their unbelief. SECT. LXI. Jefus goes and teaches about the Cities A 37. SECT. Jefus fends out the twelve Apoftles to Galilee, Mat. x. I. THEN [Jefus] called his twelve 1. Luk. ix. Mar. vi. 7. a Tdifciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils [and] unclean fpirits, to caft them 1. Mat x. Luk.ix.I. out, and to heal all manner of fick-.. nefs and all manner of difeafe. с 3: 4. 5: 7. Mar. vi. 5. Mat. x Now the names of the twelve Apo- 2. ftles are thefe: The firft, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother, James the fon of Zebedee, and John his brother, Philip and Bartholomew, Thomas, and Matthew the publican, James the fon of Alpheus, and Lebbeus, whofe firname was Thaddeus, Simon the Canaanite, and Judas Iscariot, who alfo betrayed him. Thefe twelve Jefus fent forth, two by two, and com. manded them faying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not. But go 6. rather to the loft sheep of the house of Ifrael to preach the kingdom of God. And as ye go, preach, faying, The king- 7. Mat. x. dom of heaven is at hand. Heal the fick, 8. Mar. vi.7, cleanfe the Lepers, raife the dead, caft out devils, freely ye have received, free Mar. vi.7. Luk. ix. 2. d ¿ Luk.ix.2. Luk. ix.3. f * 2. Luk. ix. ly give. And he commanded them 8. Mar. vi. that they should take nothing for their journey, Galilee. Mat. x. Mar. vi. Mat. X. 9. Ætat. 31. Minift. 2. journey, fave a staff only, [Saying] Anno * Provide neither gold nor filver, nor 10. brass in your purfes: Nor ferip for your & Mar. vi.8. journey, neither two coats, neither Shoes, 9. nor flaves: But be fhod with fandals, 10. and not put on two coats (for the workman is worthy of his meat.) And into what foever city or town, Joever boufe ye enter into, 10. who in it is worthy, and till ye depart from that place. Luk. ix. 4 Mar. vi. Mat. x. Mar. vi. 11. 12 13. 14. h and what* enquire there abide Mat.x.11. "And when ye come into an house, "falute it, and if the house be worthy "let your peace come upon it; but if it be not worthy, let your peace re ૯ Luk. ix. 4. turn to you: and whofoever fhall not receive you, nor hear your words, Luk. ix. 5. . "when ye depart out of that house or city, thake off the duft of your feet * Mat. x. 15.for a teftimony against them. Ve- *, Mat. ix. 16. "rily I fay unto you, it fhall be more "Behold, I fend you forth as fheep cels, and they fhall fcourge you in 18. their fynagogues. And ye fhall be "brought before governours and kings "for my fake, for a teftimony against 19." them and the Gentiles. But when "they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye thall fpeak: for it " fhall Anno "fhall be given you in that fame hour Galilee. Etat. 31. "what ye thall fpeak. For it is not 20. Mat. x. Minift. 2. ye that fpeak, but the fpirit of your "Father which speaketh in you. And "the brother fhall deliver up the bro- 21. to be put to death. And ye fhall be 22. "The difciple is not above his Ma- 24. preach ye upon the houfe tops. And 28. "Are |