صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Deac. Let us pray for our Prefbyters; that the Lord would deliver them from every unlawful and wicked action, and preserve them safe and honourable in their Presbytery.

Anfw. Lord, have mercy: We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

Deac. Let us pray for the whole order of Deacons in Chrift, and all the Clergy; that the Lord would preserve them unblameable in their ministry.

Answ. Lord, have mercy: We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

Deac. Let us pray for the King; that he, knowing whose minifter he is, may above all things seek God's honour and glory; and that we and all his subjects, duly confidering whose authority he hath, may faithfully serve, honour, and humbly obey him.

Anfw. Lord, have mercy: We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

Deac. Let us pray for all the royal family, for the nobility, magistrates, and all the people of this realm.

Anfw. Lord, have mercy: We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

Deac. Let us pray for those, who are departed in the faith, and are at rest in Christ; that God, the lover of mankind, who hath received their fouls, would forgive them all their sins voluntary and involuntary, and of his great mercy would gracioufly grant them perpetual peace in the region of the just, who rest in the bosom of Abraham, Ifaac, and Jacob, with all those who have pleased him and done his will from the beginning of the world, in the place whence forrow, grief, and lamentation, are banished away.



Answ. Lord, have mercy: We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

Deac. Let us pray for all virgins, widows, and orphans, for those who live in continence, and lead a pious life.

Anfw. Lord, have mercy: We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

Deac. Let us pray for those who live in marriage and child-bearing, that the Lord would have mercy upon them all.

Anfw. Lord, have mercy: We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

Deac. Let us pray for those that bring forth fruit in the holy church, and give alms to the poor,

Anfw. Lord, have mercy: We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

Deac. Let us pray for those who offer their facrifices and first fruits to the Lord our God; that the most gracious God would reward them with heavenly gifts, and restore them an hundred fold in this world, and grant them everlasting life in the world to come; giving them heavenly things for their earthly, and for their temporal those that are eternal.

Anfw. Lord, have mercy: We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

Deaç. Let us pray for our brethren who are newly converted, that the Lord would confirm and establish them.

Anfw. Lord, have mercy: We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

Deac. Let us pray for those who are afflicted with sickness, [especially the perfons for whom our prayers are defired; This is to be faid when any defire the prayers of the congregation:] that the Lord


would deliver them from all their distempers and infirmities, and restore them in health to his holy church.

Anfw. Lord, have mercy: We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

Deac. Let us pray for all who travel by land or by water, for those who are in hard flavery, and for all who in this transitory life are in trouble, forrow, need, or any other adversity, (especially those for whom our prayers are defired. This is to be faid when any defire the prayers of the congregation.]

Anfw. Lord, have mercy: We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

Deac. Let us pray for those who are in banishment, prifon, or bonds for the name of the Lord, for all who are perfecuted for truth and righteouf ness fake.

Anfw. Lord, have mercy: We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

Deac. Let us pray for our enemies, perfecutors, flanderers, and all who hate us; that the Lord would forgive them, and turn their hearts.

Anfw. Lord, have mercy: We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

Deac. Let us pray for those who are Without, and led away with error, that the Lord would convert them.

Anfw. Lord, have mercy: We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

Deac. Let us remember the infants of the church; that the Lord would perfect them in his fear, and bring them to the measure of adult age.

Anfw. Lord, have mercy: We befetch thee to

hear us, good Lord.

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Deac. Let us pray mutually for one another, that the Lord would keep and preferve us by his grace unto the end, deliver us from the evil one and from all the scandals of those that work iniquity, and conduct us safe to his heavenly kingdom.

Anfw. Lord, have mercy: We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

Deac. Let us pray for every christian soul.

Anfw. Lord, have mercy: We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

Then shall the Priest stand up and fay, the Deacon kneeling,

Keep us, O Lord, and preferve us by thy grace. Answ. Save us, O God, and raise us up by thy mercy.

Then shall the Priest say the following Prayer. Almighty God, O Lord most high who dwel

left in the highest, O thou holy one who restest in thy holy places, thou great monarch of the world without original; who by thy Christ hast caused thy knowledge to be preached unto us, to the acknowledgment of thy glory and of thy name, which he hath manifested to our understandings: Do thou now look down by him upon this thy flock, and deliver it from all ignorance and from every evil work. Grant that this thy people may fear thee with reverence, love thee with affection, and tremble before the face of thy glory. Be merciful and propitious to them, and hearken unto their prayers; and keep them stedfast, unblameable, and unreproveable, that they may be holy in body and foul, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that they may be perfect, and none of them deficient or wanting

wanting in any respect. O thou their defender and powerful God, who acceptest not the persons of men, do thou affift and support this thy flock, which thou hast redeemed with the precious blood of thy Chrift: Be thou their refuge and fuccour, their protector and guardian, their impregnable wall, their bulwark and security: for none can pluck out of thine hand; there is no other God like thee; in thee is our hope and strong confolation. Sanctify them by thy Truth, for thy Word is Truth. O thou, who dost nothing out of partiality or favour, whom it is impoffible to deceive; deliver them from all fickness and infirmity, from all fin, injury, and fraud, from fear of the enemy, from the arrow that flieth by day, and the danger that walketh in darkness; and vouchsafe to bring them to eternal life, which is in Christ thine only begotten Son our God and Saviour; through whom to Thee in the Holy Ghost, be glory and adoration, now and for ever, world without end. Amen,

Then the Deacon standing up and turning towards the People, shall fay,



beg of the Lord his mercies and compassions, that this morning, and this day, and all the time of our pilgrimage may be passed by us in peace without fin: Let us beg of God, that he would send us the angel of peace, and give us a christian end, and be gracious and merciful unto us. Let us commend ourselves and one another to the living God through his only begotten Son.

Anfw. Lord, have mercy: We beseech thee to hear us, good Lord.

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