142 538 Saints' perseverance, doctrine of 107 487 238 503 Rules for preaching Russia Scotland Stillman, Rev. Dr. biographical Survey of New England church- Scripture passages, criticism on 355 Synod of Albany, extract from imprecations in : 308 Selections 126, 175, 219, 274, 371 423, 473, 518, 572 Self acquaintance, on .. deception, on Seneca Prophet, account of 386 Sergeant, Rev. John, life of 352, the minutes of 333 Tennent, Rev. William, life of 1, 49 on the life of Tenth commandment Theological students, list of Thoughts on the eclipse 355 83, 124 . on the divinity of Christ 365 . 428 396 446 Seventh commandment 369 Shadwick, ordination of .338 Shaw, Rev, Oakes, death of . 440 Thurston, ordination of Short sentences . 428 Trinity, doctrine of the Singular phenomenon . 389 Tyroler almanac for 1805 163 United States. Sixth commandment Sketch of the character and ex- ercises of Miss A. D. . of Rev. Thomas Doolittle 501 of Rev. Thomas Gouge 542 of Rev. Thomas Wads- Sketch of Mr. Vincent Slave trade Smith, Stephen, Esq. death of 229, 240, 331, 384, Vaccination, on 540 441 256, 258 Vincent, Rev. Thomas, sketch of 444 Vote of the New London, Connec- ticut association Wadsworth, Rev. Thomas, sketch of 238 Ward, extract of a letter from 540 a letter 487 280 Spain 485 |