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النشر الإلكتروني

minifters, And fo I think, our minifters are not free of our blood; for when they fpeak against us, and the way, it hardned thefe bloody traitors, and emboldned them to take our lives.

I leave my teftimony against them, for they have caufed many poor things to err from the way of God, and many have made minifters their rule, and fo the blind have led the blind, and both have fallen into the ditch together. And some think and lay, "O can we quit fo many godly minifters ?" We dow not quite them; but I affure you ye fhall get a share of the wrath and ftroke, which God hath prepared for these backfliders and betrayers of their truft. O! I wonder what is the reason that men count it their wisdom to deny God, who has been fo kind to them, and how have many a day delighted to commend his love to me, with the hazard of their lives; for which I fhall be a witnefs against them. Now I have no more to say; be faithful unto death, or elfe, Wo, wo, wo, to you that are owning him at this day. if ye do not own him in all his offices, as King, Prieft, and Prophet: ( my dear love! well is me that ever he let him know that his love was better than life. Wo to that creature, that will not love my lovely Lord Jefus Chrift.

Now farewel lovely and fweet Scriptures, which was always my comfort in the midft of all my difficulties: Farewel faith, farewel hope, farewel wanderers, who have been comfortable to my foul, in the hearing them commend Chrift's love. Fare wel brethren, farewel fifters, farewel christian acquaintances, farewel fun, moon, and ftars. And now welcome my lovely and heartfome Chrift Jefus, into whofe hands I commit my fpirit throughout all eternity. I may fay "Few and evil have the days of the years of my pilgrimage been," I being about twenty years of age.

From the Folbooth of Edinburgh. the Women-houfe on the cait fide of the prifon, Jan. 11th, 1681.


This Martyr, though both young in years, and of the weaker fex, (which heightens the difcovery, how brutally furious and mad thefe perfecutors were) was fo fingularly affitted of the Lord in his caufe, and had fuch difcoveries of his fpecial love to her foul that the was nothing terrified by her adverfaries; when the was brought from the Tolbooth to the Council-houfe to be carried to her execution; as the came out of the fol booth-door feveral friends attending her, fhe was obferved to fay with a furprizing cheerfulness and air of heavenly savi

ment, "Behold I hear my beloved faving unto me, Arife my "love, my fair one, and come away." And being brought to the Council, Bifhop Paterfon being refolved, feeing he could not deftroy her foul, yet to grieve and vex it,, faid. Marion, you faid you would never hear a Curate, now you fhall be forced to hear one, upon which he ordered one of his Suffragans, whom he had prepared for the purpose, to pray; fo foon as he began, fhe faid to her fellow-prifoner Isabel Alifon, Come Ifabel, let us fing the xxiii Pfalm, which accordingly. they did; Marion repeating the Pfalm, line by line, without book, which drowned the voice of the Curate, and extremly confounded the perfecutors. Being come to the fcaffold, after finging the lxxxiv Pfalm, and reading the iii of Malachy, the faid, I am come here to day for avowing Chrift to be head of his Church, and king in Zion. O feek him, Sirs, feek him and ye fhall find him; I fought him, and found him, I held him, and would not let him go. Then the briefly narrated the manner now fhe was taken, and recapitulated in fhort the heads of her written teftimony, faying to this effect, "I going out of "Edinburgh to hear the perfecuted gofpel in the fields, was "taken by the way with foldiers, and brought in to the guard, "afterwards I was brought to the Council, and they queftion"ed me if I knew Mr. Donald Cargil, or if I heard him

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preach? I answered, I blefs the Lord I heard him, and my "foul was refrelhed with hearing him, for he is a faithful Mi"nifter of Jefus Chrift. They alked, if I adhered to the pa "pers gotten at the Ferry? I faid, I did own them, and all the reft of Chrift's truths; if I would have denied any of them, my life was in my offer; but I durft not do it; no, "not for ny foul. E'er I wanted an hour of his prefence, I had rather die ten deaths. I durft not fpeak against him, " left I fhould have finned againft God. I adhere to the Bible "and Confeffion of Faith, Catechifms and Covenants, which are according to this Bible, (whereupon fhe clap'd her hand' 66 upon the Bible.) I alfo adhere to the teftimonies given by' "the faithful witneffes of Chrift, that have gone before us on fcaffolds, and in the fields. I leave my teftimony against all "Quakers, Jefuites, indulgencies, and all profane and un

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godly perfons, and mainly all Covenant-breakers, and per"fecutors of his way and truths, which I am here to feal with is my blood; against all payers of cefs, and bonders, and a-' gainft all oppreffion or murdering, They fay, I would mur"der, but I declare I am free of all matters of fact; I could never take the life of a chicken, but my heart fhrinked.* But it is only for my judgment of things I am brought here. I leave my blood on the council, and the Duke of

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York; at this the foldiers interrupted her and would not allow her to fpeak any: But the cried out, "I leave my blood on all ungodly and profane wretches" The most of her dif courfe was of God's love to her, and the commendation of free grace; and the declared the had much of the Lord's prefence with her in prifon, and faid, "I blefs the Lord, the inare is "broken and we are escaped; and when come to the Ladder"foot, the prayed. And going up the Ladder, the said, O! my fair one, my lovely one, come away; and fitting down "on the ladder fhe faid, I am not come here for murder, for they have no matter of fact to charge me with, but only my judgment. I am about twenty years of age; at fourteen or "fifteen I was a hearer of the Curates and indulged, and while I 86 was a hearer of thefe, I was a blafphemer and Sabbath breaker and a chapter of the Bible was a burden to me; but fince I heard this perfecuted gofpel. I durft not blafphame, nor "break the Sabbath, and the bible became my delight. With this the Major called to the Hangman to caft her over, and the murderer presently choaked her.

The joint Teftimony of WILLIAM GOUGER, CHRISTOPHER MILLER, and ROBERT SANGSTER, who lived. in the Shire of Stirling and fuffered at the Grass-market of Edinburgh, March 11th, 1680. Directed to the Shire of Stirling.


He Lord in his holy providence having fingled us out of that thire, to feal his controverted truths with our blood; we could not but leave a line behind us, (we being Stirlingfhire men) to let you know wherefore we are come here this day, to this place of execution; that it is for adhering to that which Minifters and Profeffors are difowning; and the Lord, feeing it fit to honour us beyond others, now in this day of defection and backdrawing from the truth. We tell you that it is truth we are to fuffer for; although ye condemn us in it, and fay, that we have a hand in our own death; yet, we durft not, for our fouls, do otherwife, or elfe we would have been fure of the broad curfe of God on us, and our life both. You may think, that it is a novelty of our head, that we are brought hither for; but if any of you have that love to the Lord, that you seemed to have once a day, you would count it your duty, as well as ours, to contend for the sweet truths of God, when you fee him fo wronged, and his rights fo ufurped and taken from, him who was both fweet and kind to poor things at hill

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des, and especially among you of that thire Q firs! you may take fhame to you, for all that you have done against the honour of God, that have seen his goings fo ftately among the meeting of his people; that will not contend for lovely Chrift. O! do ye not think that a fad day will come on you, for jining with God's enemies, who have broken covenant with him and fhed the blood of the faints, and trampled on the honour of God, and ye will not fear to join with them for all the blood they have thed, you will still join with them; and though you profefs, that you have love to the Son of God, and that your zeal for the Lord God of Hofts is not abated; vet. you will go on with them, and bond and comply in paying of cefs and militia money, to maintain a party against God and his work, which once in a day you were forward to maintain, and would have ventured your life in the maintaining of it Cagainst all the Lord's enemies. You may juftly take thame to your felves, for your preferring the things of time to the sweet Crofs of lovely Chrift. O firs! what think ye will your doon be, that have done fo much against the honour of a holy God? indeed you may look out for wrath, and that of the fadeft fort.

Now as dying men, we tell you, that there are fad days abiding you, for what you have done to the honour and glory of God, if ye get not fpeedy repentance. Therefore as you

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would answer in the great day, make confcience of what ye do. Remember that you will count and reckon for all that you have done, and will be reckoned as guilty of the blood of the faints, as the worst enemies amongst them all. Therefore as dying men, we charge you with guilt, or else it will be worfe for you. O firs! fear the Lord's wrath, and fall to and mourn for what you have done. O cry_mightily for repentance, or elfe will you get Judas's reward. For you are the perfons that have betrayed the Son of God, and expelled him out of your coafts. You were thinking that he was like to prove a costly Chrift, and therefore you of that fhire would give confent to banifh him away from among you. You would not hear tell of a field preaching for fear of hazard O Sirs! take it to confideration, and lay to heart what a hand you have in banithing Chrift and the gofpel out of Scotland, as we are fure, it was not your parts to have done fo No, no, it was not your part to have given lovely Chrift fuch an affront, the fweet days that you have had long fince, might have made you give royal Jefus better quarters, though you should go to the gibbet for it, and lofe your gear. For your doing as you have done, is a denying of him before men. Take it as ve will, we must tell you, as in the fight of the living God, before whom we are

riow to appear, and get our fentence for all that we have done; You are the only fhire that has denied lovely Chrift quarters, for he sent an offer to you to the Torwood, and ye would not Hear it. Well, it is likely, there are many of you that will ne ver get another, there are fome of you that would not go to hear, but forbade others to go, and thought it was duty not to go; and fome of you were at that preaching, and made a bad ufe of it. O remember firs! you have rejected Chrift. We tell you it as dying men, you will count for it ere it be long," for our Lord did not fend the gofpel to the Torwood for nought, but it will accomplish that for which it was fent firs! be afraid and tremble, for judgment is at the door, and indeed your fentence will be fore to abide, it will be more tolerable for open enemies in the day of judgment, than for you We are afraid when we think, what judgments will be on you fhortly, for confidering what pains has been taken on you of that thire, and how tender the Lord has been of you,, in training you up for fuffering, and has given you trials, and you have endured them, and he has taken them off again, and given you forer trials and he has delivered you out of thefe. It had been better for you that you had been at the preaching, though you should have gotten the gallows the very next day, than to have done what ye did, and that you will find ee it be long.

O what of his kindnefs have you met with at fuch places!. You dare not fay, " That he has been a barren wilderness, or "a land of drought to you." Teftify against him, if he was not kind to you, fo long as ye abode by him, he abode by you, and he was tender of you, fo long as ye kept faithful to him; but after ye turned into the enemies camp then he turned to be your enemy, and fought against you, and in all you do, God will be feen to be against you. You may thrive in the world, but it will be a dear thriving to you, you will get the wrath of God with it But ye have done with thriving in the worship of God. Indeed there are many of you, that hold your life no more of God. Remember we tell you of it, who are within a few hours of eternity. Now it is like you will not notice, what the like of us fay, but will alledge that we are dying as fools, and have no Prefbyterian principles, but notions; but we fay the contrary: We fay, we are not fools as to that, however the world may think and look on us as fuch; We fay, we have Prefbyterian principles, and are Prefbyteri ans in our judgments, and will make it appear, that we die as Christians, and as those that own the truths of God, and are ftanding to what Minifters once taught us, although this day, they are turned to the contrary, and condemning us,

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