this character he was appointed by his Father, as the Saviour of his own choice; the atonement which he was pleased to accept; the Redeemer in whom his soul delighted. He knew the way of righteousness; and was perfectly acquainted with eternal life. In the world, where that life is found, he had ever dwelt; and from the beginning had been possessed of all the things which constitute its nature, or bring it into existence. As he had alway pleased God; so he knew entirely the things, with which he is pleased. The doctrines, therefore, and the precepts, the disposition of the heart and the conduct of the life, which secure his favour; he was wholly qualified to teach, and enjoin. In all things, also, he was made like unto us, his brethren; sin only excepted; that he might be a merciful and faithful High Priest in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the sins of the people: for in that he himself hath suffered, being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted. Nor was he less willing, than able, to accomplish our salvation. For this single purpose, he entered voluntarily on the most arduous of all enterprises; descended from heaven; made himself of no reputation; or as in the original language, emptied himself; i. e. of his supreme external glory; took upon him the form of a servant, and was found in fashion as a man. In this situation he obeyed the law, which man had broken, and thus magnified and made it honourable, in the sight of the universe; atoned for the sins, which they had committed; was made a curse, to deliver those, who were under the curse of the law; and became obedient to death; even the death of the cross; that we might live. His willingness to save, even to the uttermost, who can question? These things are equally evidences, that he is faithful to save, and can never be changed from a purpose, which he has thus undertaken. In the mean time, he is the same yesterday, to-day, and forever: the same divinely great, excellent, and glorious person, from everlasting to everlasting. From the beginning he rejoiced in the habitable parts of the earth, and his delights were with the sons of men. That love for men, with which he prayed, and died, on the cross, ever dwells in his bosom; susceptible of no change, no decay. All possible confidence is therefore due to him, and may be safely placed on him; for he is just such a Saviour as we need, such an High Priest as became us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, made higher than the heavens, and seated on the right hand of the throne of the majesty on high: where he ever appears in the presence of God for us, to make an eternal and effectual intercession. 4thly. The blessings, to which he invites us, and which he will bestow on all, who heartily accept of them, strongly illustrate the truth of the doctrine. These blessings are noble, exquisite, and enduring, beyond the conception of finite minds. They extend alike to the soul and to the body; they fill time; they spread through eternity. In this world, they are formed of unceasing protection, guidance, support, consolation, holiness, peace which passeth all understanding, hope which is an anchor to the soul in the stormy sea of life, and joy which the world can neither give nor take away. They include the best provision for our wants, the best conduct of our lives, and the perfect security of our well being. They commence with our sanctification; they attend us through life; they accompany us in death; they follow us beyond the grave. In the future world, they assume a still brighter aspect. There our vile bodies will be refashioned like unto Christ's glorious body; according to that mysterious working, whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself. Adorned, and invigorated, with youth, strength, beauty and immortality, they will be re-united to our minds, made perfectly holy and excellent. In the highest heavens, the house of God, we shall dwell in his presence, be made members and brethren of his family; advance forever in knowledge and virtue, in wisdom and loveliness, in peace and joy; meet the smiles of infinite complacency, commence a pure and perpetual friendship with the world of sanctified minds, become sons, and kings, and priests, to God the Father; and joint heirs with the Redeemer to his immortal inheritance; shall be with him where he is; and shall behold and receive the glory, which he had with the Father before ever the world was. Are not these blessings great enough to fill the wishes even of an immortal mind? Could an Angel ask more? Can we hope for the one half of these? Can we realize, can we believe, that they will be given to such beings as we are? Yet these, and far more than human language can express, or human imaginations conceive, he possessed from everlasting; and these he has of his own accord, unasked, undesired, proffered to our acceptance: declaring that all things in the universe, in time and through eternity, shall work together for good to them that love God. 5thly. The terms, on which these blessings are given, clearly impress the truth of the doctrine. A sincere, cordial acceptance of these blessings, and of him as the Author and Giver of them; is all that is required. Who could wish for easier terms? In this great and essential condition is included a hearty, faithful and final renovation of an evil, guilty, odious and despicable Character; the parent of all other misery, and itself finished and endless misery. On the other hand, we are required, also, to assume the honourable character of holiness; to become virtuous, useful, and amiable; to love and obey, to believe and imitate, Christ; to exercise an evangelical benevolence to our fellow creatures; to sustain an unblameable character; and to direct our views to great and deserving objects. We must efface the image of apostate Adam, and be instamped with that of JEHOVAH. What terms, were they left to our own choice, could we devise more easy, more reasonable, more desirable? They are terms, indispensably necessary to make us possessed of the blessings given; and they are all that is necessary. They are blessings, great and glorious in themselves; and the efficacious means of immortal blessings. The sacrifices, which we make, are sacrifices of loss, shame, and ruin; the character, which we assume, is in itself gain immense and eternal. 6thly. The truth of the doctrine is also illustrated by this great fact, that he has completely disclosed the means, by which these blessings may be attained. He has taught us all the knowledge, useful to this end. He has taught the character and pleasure of God; his designs, his providence, and his promises. He has also discovered to us our character. guilt, danger, and wants. His own excellency and amiableness, the necessity of his interference on our behalf, and the greatness of his love to us, he has proved, beyond a question, by his humiliation, life and death; by every thing which he has done, and by every thing which he has suffered. The truths, universally, which we must believe, the duties which we must do, the dangers which we must shun, and the means of our escape and safety; he has set before us in language which cannot be misunderstood, unless we choose to misunderstand it. Motives innumerable and infinite he has presented to us in the most affecting forms: purification from sin, and deliverance from woe; the enjoyment of his love; the possession of endless life, knowledge and virtue, undisturbed safety, peace, and joy; and the communion and friendship of the whole body of the wise and good in the great kingdom of JEHOVAH. All times, places and things, impress these motives on our hearts, and bring them up to our view, with an efficacy, which cannot be described. These instructions, and these motives, he has also caused to be written with the unerring hand of his own Spirit. The book, in which they are contained, is thus rendered every day, and in every place, a certain, standing guide; a closet monitor, a perpetual preacher of righteousness; a visitor at the daily board; a companion in every walk, and in every solitude. To render its monitions and counsels effectual to our salvation, he has sent his own divine Spirit into the world, to convince us of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment; to incline us to hear and to obey, to be wise and to be safe; to preserve, comfort, quicken and direct us in our wanderings, doubts and dangers; and to conduct us in the end to his house and family in the heavens. To these things he has added his own perfect Example, as a complete pattern of righteousness for our imitation; and a glorious combination of motives for our encouragement and support. He has thus taught us how to live, and how to die; how to please God, and how to gain a blessed immortality. He has taught us in what manner we may resist temptation, grow in grace, and in favour with God and man; and in the end become meet to be partakers, with him, in the inheritance, which is undefiled and fadeth not away. Finally, to remove all our doubts and fears, and to seal the truth and certainty of every thing which he has taught and pro mised, and of every thing which he has undertaken or done, he has voluntarily ascended the cross, and poured out his blood on the accursed tree. In this amazing transaction, he has laced on his instructions, and conduct, the stamp of infinity, the seal of a God. REMARKS. From these observations. which, if I mistake not, place the doctrine beyond debate, we can scarcely fail to remark in the 1st place, The very different views, which men and Angels have entertained of the character and mediation of Christ, as expressed in their different treatment of this glorious person. When the Redeemer of mankind was about to appear in this guilty world, Gabriel descended from heaven, to announce his advent to Zacharias; and came, a second time, to declare the same glad tidings to his mother Mary. His actual birth an Angel published with peculiar exultation to the Bethlehem shepherds; and, in connection with a choir of his dignified companions, sung his natal hymn, and the goodness and glory of God displayed in his mission, as they rose to the heavens. After his temptation was ended, a band of these celestial beings appeared, again, to minister to his wants, and to receive his commands. In the garden of Gethsemane, one of their number came. to strengthen him, under his agony, charged, as there is good reason to believe, with a message from on high. An Angel rolled away the stone from his sepulchre, whose countenance was like lightning, and at whose presence the earth trembled, and the Roman guards became as dead men. Two Angels, humbly seated in his tomb, announced his resurrection to his desponding followers. Two Angels, in shining garments, comforted and instructed them again, when he made his final ascension to the right hand of God. Angels repeatedly appeared to protect, relieve and guide, his disciples, in the progress of their arduous ministry. The same heavenly messengers taught St. John the glorious things, which the Apocalypse discloses concerning all the following ages of time. Throughout the whole multitude of the heavenly host, exquisite joy has been diffused by every victory of the Cross, over ignorance, sorrow. and sin; and the repentance of one returning sinner |