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also the passages which speak of Jesus as sitting at the right hand of God, or the right hand of power, or the right hand of the majesty on high; and he concluded with an exhortation to look to Jesus as the Alpha and the Omega, the Good Shepherd, the Great Physician, who hath all power in heaven and on earth, and in whom dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.

universally accepted by mankind; the Father? The twofold consciousthat doubtless in many cases these ness of our Lord while in this world conceptions were vague and sensual; was remarked upon; and it was but a knowledge of God cannot rise shown that the human was not born above the mental and moral condition perfect, but made perfect through of either Christians or heathen, the suffering. The human and Divine idea of God being elevated according were distinct so long as the human to the state of regeneration. Thus it was not perfect, and it was during this is said by the Psalmist, "With the state that the Lord prayed, "Not My merciful Thou wilt show Thyself will," the will of the human, “but merciful; with an upright man Thou Thine," the will of the Divine, “be wilt show Thyself upright; with the done." The lecturer next proceeded to pure Thou wilt show Thyself pure; explain such texts as those that teach and with the froward Thou wilt show that Jesus was sent from the Father Thyself froward." And again, "Thou by showing that the Father who sent thoughtest that I was altogether such was not another God outside of Jesus, an one as thyself." From this cause but the Father within, "He that arises diversity of thought and seeth Me seeth Him that sent Me;" numerous differing ideas concerning God; and hence it behoves all men to go to the Divine Word and seek to learn therein of God Himself. To know God is the Christian's first duty. If upon the altar of the sanctuary, in popular creeds, the nature of God is said to be unknown, then in the language of the apostle we proclaim, 66 Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, Him declare we unto you.' On Wednesday April 7th, the Rev. The fundamental teaching of the Bible W. O'Mant of Nottingham lectured is that God is one, "Hear, O Israel, on "The Spiritual World." The Lord our God is one Lord." And reverend gentleman said: "The subject the Word as clearly states that this before us is important for several one God would come into the world reasons: Firstly, We ourselves are and become the Saviour and Redeemer spiritual beings and denizens of the of mankind, "There is no God else spiritual world. Hence to be ignorant beside Me; a just God, and a Saviour: of that world is to be ignorant of our there is none beside Me." Jesus own selves, and to understand that therefore was "God manifested in the world promotes the truest self-knowflesh," "Emmanuel, God with us. ledge. And, moreover, as God is a This is the clear teaching of Holy Spirit, a knowledge of the spiritual Scripture; and the man, or the doc- world conduces to a knowledge of God. trine, that states that there are more The Bible is also written by those who than one God presumes to know had a knowledge of that world, and it better than God Himself, and follows includes facts relating to that world, the tradition of men rather than the and therefore a knowledge of the words of Revelation. The Holy Spirit spiritual world helps us to understand is the Spirit of Truth; it is the the Bible. There is so much that is Divine Proceeding, the Comforter, the supernatural in the "Word" that it Lord coming in a new form, "I will is impossible to comprehend that great not leave you comfortless, I will come revelation without a knowledge of to you. Mr. Fairweather next pro- this subject. And as the Bible is ceeded to explain the Scripture para- the guide of life, the importance of doxes upon this subject; but, he stated, the one is measured by the importance whether he were able to explain them of the other.

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or not, would not alter the funda- "We shall endeavour first to answer mental doctrine of the Bible, that the question, 'Where is the Spiritual "God is one," and that this God is World?' Inasmuch as the spiritual the Saviour. He proceeded to answer world is not a world of the same kind the question, Why Jesus prayed to as this, there is no need for us to locate

it in space at all. It does not bear the same special relation to our world as Jupiter does, because it is a different kind of world. Hence it may be as to space in the same space as our natural world-in the same space without displacing it. And so it is. It is the soul of the natural world, and may be said to occupy the world in some such a way as the soul of a man occupies and vivifies his natural body. It is therefore in the material world, and in the vegetable world, and in the animal world. To every close and accurate observer of external things there is something-some power and intelligence that is non-material-closely allied to every object. This the greatest philosophers have remarked; and while some express their ignorance of its nature, the New Church truths teach us that it is the spiritual world. The spiritual world therefore is in us and we are in it. Our feelings and thoughts and sentient life are all in the spiritual world. "We next consider briefly what this spiritual world is. It is substantial, not shadowy, as some may assert. Substance is that which stands under, as the etymology of the word indicates. The spiritual world is the real substance, and this natural world is only a series of phenomena. Moreover, the spiritual world is the world of causes. All causes are there. To the accurate thinker physical causes will be thought of as antecedents. The spiritual world consists of the living men who have lived on this earth, and in its widest sense of all who have lived on any and every earth and have passed away. They form the animating soul of all natural creation, and the Divine Being is perpetually pouring forth His creative energy through them into nature, which is moulded by the medium through which it passes. In asmuch as we all must pass into this world at death, the subject glows with interest to every man who is wise enough to pay heed to his own destiny, and is neglected only by the careless and worldly. A knowledge of this world is an explanation of most of the mysteries that have for so many ages perplexed mankind. The two worlds, the spiritual and the natural, being so intimately united the one cannot be understood without a knowledge of the other."

The third lecture was on the subject of "Man in Eden and the Fall," by the Rev. J. Ashby of Derby, who on introducing his subject to the audience spoke of it as being most important on account of its connection with the fundamentals of theology, for unless we have true ideas of the nature of the fall of man we shall not be able to comprehend the nature of the work of redemption. He remarked that the record which speaks of the early history and condition of our race must always be interesting to the thoughtful mind, and that this is especially the case when the history is given with a Divine authority. The early chapters of the Bible are written in a style common to all the records we have pretending to describe the commencement of the Eastern and other nations of antiquity. They are of a similar allegorical kind. We are led from these considerations, combined with others, to conclude that the accounts given in Genesis, which are generally regarded as descriptive of the origin of the natural world and the creation of humanity upon it, rather relate to the moral and spiritual character, the sentiments and religious conditions of men, which are presented through their corresponding images in nature. Thus when we read of heaven and earth we are to understand not the physical, but spiritual creation. Mankind were created not in possession of mental and spiritual qualities, but with the capabilities merely, which being developed could entertain the most exalted perceptions of wisdom and the holiest principles of virtue. Thus before the Fall man was born into conditions in these respects very similar to those into which he has since been born. The beginning of the race, like the beginning of the individual, was an age of ignorance-but of innocence-the ground of progressive and perfecting manhood. Perfection is reached by gradual progression, "first that which is natural, afterwards that which is spiritual.' From this Mr. Ashby drew the conclusion that the Fall was also gradual, denoted in the first instance by its being said that something was not good. The first act of descent may be described as intentional, but not malignant. The Fall, therefore, was not a sudden calamity, but a series of downward steps. Eden was expressive of the pleasurable

condition of love and wisdom enjoyed privilege of New Churchmen, and theirs

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by the people called Adam; the garden denotes their intellectual condition. Passages of Scripture were quoted to confirm this view. Mr. Ashby further went on to show the meaning of the trees of the garden and of the serpent which tempted Eve, and many passages were brought forward showing that the serpent was used in Scripture in a symbolic way; as when our Lord says, "Behold, I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, "Be ye wise as serpents." The serpent denoted the sensual faculty, either as an instrument of good-a servant, or as tempting man to a downward course and making him of the earth, earthy. This interesting lecture was brought to a close by inviting the friends present to ask questions or for further explanation. After the lectures many tracts were distributed and many "Silent Missionaries" sold.


also is the responsibility. Those whose religious excellence is rooted in love are addressed here by the term Zion and exhorted to get up into the high mountain. They are to rise to higher motives, nobler aims, and loftier ends; they must rise to the loftiest eminence of a love of God that they may read the heavenly tidings from afar and signal them on to the inquiring and hungering souls that are around. Those, again, whose religious excellence is grounded in faith are addressed by the term Jerusalem, and exhorted to lift up their voice with strength. They believe, therefore they must speak, and their shout of these good tidings must be made strong by the spirit of goodness. Fear not, but lift it up, and say to the cities of Judah, "Behold your God!" Show to the dwellers in Christian doctrines the Lord in all those glorious aspects, that the good tidings may carry strength and joy to the believer's heart. Mr. Westall then said he felt the appeal to have an especial application to himself in commencing his duties as minister of the Middleton Society, and it should be his humble but earnest endeavour to obey this sublime injunction of the Lord. But the appeal was also addressed to his hearers, for all according to their ability; and in their varied walks of life could get up into the high mountain, and lift up their voice with strength, and make known these good tidings to the people around.

MIDDLETON.-The Rev. W. Westall commenced his pastorate of the Middleton Society on Sunday, April 11th, and preached to good congregations both morning and evening. For his morning text he took the words of Isaiah xl. 9, "O Zion, that bringest good tidings, get thee up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength: lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God!" He showed that this figure was taken from the ancient custom of signalling news from His evening text was taken from the mountain tops and employing men Proverbs xxvi. 20, "Where no wood is, fleet of foot to carry the news to the there the fire goeth out." He showed city below, first shouting the tidings to that proverbs were the sayings of wisa watchman upon the city wall, who dom, and presented us with some of the sang them out again to the neighbouring best lessons of life in the fewest words. watchman, and he to the next, until The proverb of this text is no exception the news encircled the city and became to the rule; it recognises the great noised about by the inhabitants within. truth, that there are fires within as well He then showed that, important as the as fires around, and of the fires within tidings were of our Lord's First Advent, it is well that some should be extinthe tidings of His Second Advent are of guished and others be kept alive. The increased value; for they set forth fire of strife is kept alive by tale-bearHis Divine attributes and character, His ing, and the fire of revenge by retaliaworks of Redemption and Salvation, tion; and if these fires are to go out, it His Divine Providence, Man's future must be by ceasing to heap this fuel life, and the Holy Word in a new and upon them. Spiritually, wood is typical more glorious light, and in an aspect of external goodness, the good of that is destined to carry comfort, obedience, of external acts. And among strength, and joy to thousands of embar- the many uses performed by acts of rassed and distressed minds. The bring- goodness is this, that they serve as fuel ing of these good tidings is the especial to the sacred fires of love within the

soul. If the love of honesty is to be disappointment that it is now discovered kept burning within the breast, it must that these services cannot be held at the be by practising that which is honest in time announced. The work, although the world; if the love of truthfulness in an advanced state, is not sufficiently is to be kept alive within us, it must be forward to enable the Society to enter by being truthful in the life; if the on its possession for their public worship love of chastity is to be kept glowing in at so early a period. The services the heart, it must be by observing that announced are, therefore, necessarily which is chaste and pure in conduct. delayed, but will take place at an It is the same with the love of God. If early time, of which due notice will be we would keep the love of God burning given. We doubt not that many memwithin the soul we must obey Him bers of other New Church Societies who and do His Divine commands. "He are interested in the good work in which that hath My commandments and our friends have been employed will doeth them, he it is that loveth Me." render a hearty assistance on the So with the love of the Church; it can occasion. only be kept alive by serving the Church and ministering to her varied SALISBURY.-April 18th, Mr. Jones wants. If this be not done, the love of Winchester visited the Society by dieth out, for where no wood is the fire special request and delivered two disgoeth out. The priests not only put courses, preaching in the morning from wood upon the fire of the Jewish altar, Isa. xl. 3-5. After briefly stating some but removed the ashes. Many are the of the unsatisfactory efforts that had ashes that accumulated in the burning been made to maintain its literal teachof these sacred fires in the performance ing, he drew attention to the necessity of use; and we must not only put on of elevating the low and sensual wood, but remove the ashes if these fires affections and removing the mountains are to burn with increased purity and of pride as a preparation for the coming strength in the soul. He then showed of Jesus in the mind. His evening that the lesson was a most important text was taken from John vi. 53; and one to young people who had life yet in his able explanation of the spiritual before them and their characters to manner of complying with the Lord's form. It is of the very first importance request, and the necessity of doing so that these religious fires should be for the preservation of spiritual life, kindled within their breasts, and when Mr. Jones not only gave great pleasure kindled, that they be kept burning to the members of the Church, but there for ever. In this age of religious appeared to interest and impress several laxity and indifference there is danger strangers who were present. lest we forget the proverb, "Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out."


SOUTHPORT.-One of the great efforts And the man in whom this sacred fire of the popular Christian communities has died out is bereft of its illuminating of late years has been directed to the power and of the blessed influence it erection of large and elegant churches was designed to shed upon his character in the fashionable and much-frequented and life both here and in the world to watering-places of the kingdom. come. Both services were well appre- was felt that members of churches ciated, and gave hope that the new spending portions of their time with pastorate would be attended with good. their families in these places were not provided with suitable and sufficient RADCLIFFE, NEAR MANCHESTER.-This accommodation for their public worship, Society has been for some time occupied and were in danger of being drawn in the erection of a large and elegant away into the vortex of pleasure and church on the site of two former build- neglect of the duties of the Sabbath. ings which have been successively The New Church is too small a body outgrown. The new building is ap- to do much in this direction. proaching completion, and the Society effect has been made, however, at were assured that it would be ready Southport, which has not been unsucfor opening at Whitsuntide. Public cessful. The nave of a somewhat services were accordingly arranged and extensive church was some time since advertised, and it is with a feeling of erected and neatly and comfortably



fitted up for public worship. An at the next meeting of the Society in acendowment provided by Mr. Becconsall cordance with a resolution of the Church enabled the Society to obtain the services Committee. It is certainly a most imof a minister, and New Church families portant one, and the Society ought to visiting this attractive watering-place act with great wisdom in relation to it. are thus supplied with a conveniently situated and comfortable place of worship. The church, however, has no schoolroom attached, and it is now proposed to erect the chancel and apply it to school purposes. The cost will be about £450, towards which, and the clearing off of a debt which remains on the church, the Society has obtained promises amounting to £520. By means of the continued assistance of their friends and a bazaar, which it is proposed to hold, they hope to accomplish both these important works.

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"This Manual," writes the editor, "is published for the purpose of acquainting the members of the Society and congregation with the work and services of our Church. It is intended that every Manual shall contain some truth of the New Church which will make it worthy of attention, besides the notices of the work and services of the Society."

The church in Avenham Road, Preston, has sustained a loss by the removal of Mr. Samuel Booth Wilding into the spiritual world. He had been in a declining state of health for several years, and since 1875 had been deprived of his sight. He bore his long affliction with fortitude and exemplary patience, and on the 2nd of April passed gently and peacefully away. Mr. Wilding was in his sixty-ninth year, was intimately associated with the Becconsalls, who built and endowed the church of which he had been a consistent member for forty years, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him.

Departed this life, at Newcastle-onTyne, February 17th, Miss Elizabeth Mary Davidson, in her forty-first year. During her whole life she was a consistent and exemplary member of the New Jerusalem Church. We may truly say she "adorned the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. A faithful and dutiful daughter, a beloved sister, and a valued friend. Her end was eminently peaceful.

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From this Manual we learn that no At Accrington, on 5th April, Mr. rental of any kind is charged for sittings Jacob Bridge, aged seventy-one years. in the Church, the best as well as the Our departed friend had been connected poorest being entirely free. Individuals with the Church the greater part of his and families, however, are allowed to life, at one time taking an active part in select and retain the seats which they its management, and always exhibiting prefer, many of them occupying the a steady Christian deportment. He bore same position from year to year, their his sufferings with much patience; preferences and possession being re- commending his spirit into the hands of spected by others, -it being understood his loving Saviour, quietly passed from that the seats must be occupied before his earthly to his heavenly home. the commencement of worship to secure them.

Among other important questions which will come before the Society at its quarterly meeting will be the one of providing a new house of worship. This question is forced upon the Society by the large and increasing number of the congregation, and the impossibility of providing comfortable sittings for all who desire to hear the truths of the New Church. This subject is presented


On April 20th, Martha, the beloved wife of Captain James Ward of Bright lingsea, passed into the spiritual world in the forty-first year of her age. As the eldest daughter of Mr. William Clarey, she was well known to New Church visitors to Brightlingsea. She was warmly attached to the New Church in which she was baptized, and was active in the performance of various uses in the Society.

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