The Science of, 2007 - 310 من الصفحات The Science of Spirituality is a ground-breaking book that integrates the individual systems of science, psychology, philosophy, spirituality and religion into a unified system that describes the multi-dimensional nature of man and the universe. It provides a more comprehensive description of reality than conventional science can offer and fully explains the mechanisms behind an array of paranormal phenomena that mainstream science chooses to ignore. It explains the science behind religious, spiritual and new-age belief systems, and sheds light on some common misconceptions. The Science of Spirituality systematically describes the mechanisms behind a diverse range of subject matter including: consciousness, sleep and dreams, reincarnation, religion, creation, evolution, space and time, higher dimensions, heaven and hell, ghosts, angels and demons, out of body experiences, near death experiences, clairvoyance, psychic abilities, personal development, meditation and the meaning of life. |
Preface | 5 |
Introduction | 9 |
Deconstruction | 11 |
Common Ground | 33 |
The MultiDimensional Universe | 41 |
Creation | 49 |
The Mechanics of Creation | 59 |
The MultiDimensional Human | 71 |
Mans Five Bodies | 161 |
Sleep and Dreams | 183 |
Reincarnation | 197 |
Paranormal Phenomena | 213 |
Good and Evil | 233 |
The Laws of Life | 251 |
Personal Development | 265 |
Meditation | 279 |
Consciousness Defined | 91 |
Levels of Consciousness | 115 |
Space and Time | 133 |
The Planes of Existence | 139 |
List of Diagrams | 293 |
Bibliography | 297 |
301 | |
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
active actually akashic record aspect awareness bad karma become behaviour black magicians causal consciousness causal lotus causal plane causal world centre Christ civilised clairvoyants cosmic created devas dimensions dreams Earth egregors emotional and mental emotional body emotional consciousness emotional world energy enlightened esoteric etheric body everything evolution evolutionary evolve experiences fifth kingdom Figure greater causal body group soul guardian angel heart chakra higher planes human kingdom humanistic stage incarnation individual karma knowledge lesser causal body level of consciousness level of development life-forms lives meditation mental body mental consciousness mental molecule mental plane mental world meta-conscious molecular monad nature negative existence non-physical objective consciousness ourself out-of-body out-of-body experiences patterns perceive perception person petals physical body physical brain physical plane physical world physical-etheric body planetary hierarchy second triad seven planes sleep solar system spiritual sub-conscious subplanes subtle bodies super-conscious tertiary matter thought-form thoughts unity consciousness universe vibrations waking consciousness