THE ANTI-JACOBIN REVIEW AND MAGAZINE, OR, Monthly Political and Literary Censor, FROM JANUARY TO APRIL (INCLUSIVE,) -1803- WITH AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING AN AMPLE REVIEW OF FOREIGN LITERATURE. PRODESSE ET DELECTARE. VOL. XIV. LONDON: Printed, for the Proprietors, at the Anti-Jacobin Press, No. 3, Southampton-Street, Strand, AND PUBLISHED AT THE ANTI-JACOBIN OFFICE, NO.3, SOUTHAMPTON-STREET, STRAND, 1 1803, ---- THE ANTI-JACOBIN Review and Magazine; &c. &c. &c. For JANUARY, 1803. Proprietates ingeniorum difpicere prorfus necessarium est; erit alius hiftoriæ magis idoneus, alius compofitus ad carmen, alius utilis studio Juris, ut nonnulli rus fortale mittendi. QUINCT. ORIGINAL CRITICISM. The History of France from the earliest Times to the Death of Louis the fifteenth. By John Gifford, Esq. one of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the Counties of Middlesex, Effex, Surry, and Kent, &c. &c. A NEW EDITION; with Portraits, and historical Plates. 4 vols. large quarto. PP. 2686. 81.8s. Published by Whittle, at the Anti-Jacobin Office, Southampton-street; Rivingtons, St. Paul's Church Yard; Cobbett and Morgan, PallMall. 1802. THE HE first edition of this History was published, we believe, before the French revolution, and consequently long before the establishment of our Review. It received, however, the commendations of the critics of that day, and even of fuch of them as could be least suspected of partiality to the principles of the author. One. of these observed, " It may be confidered as filling up pretty completely the excellent outline of the President Henault. The style, which is uniformly preserved through the work, is clear and correct, with few attempts at embellishment. On the whole it appears to us to be a performance which those who read to be informed, or who with to collect materials for speculation, will peruse with advantage and pleasure." * Another critic thus speaks of it.--" If by complete the author mean entire" (what else could he mean?) "his work will certainly have in this view a kind of merit, which few real histories * Monthly Review enlarged. Vol. 10. p. 122. NO. LV. VOL, XIV. B can 364618 |