L4 ADVERTISEMENT. 1822 THE Writings in general, and particularly the Expository Works, of Archbishop LEIGHTON, have long been in request for by pious readers among different denominations of Christians. These Volumes of the good Bishop, now presented to the Public, contain 66 1. "A Practical Commentary on the First` Epistle General of PETER." This occupies the whole of the first, and 354 pages of the second volume. 2. "Lectures on Psalm xxxix.; on Isaiah "vi. ; and on Romans xii." 3. "Charges to the Clergy, and Papers given "into the Synod of the Diocess of Dunblane, "in the years 1662, 1665, 1666, 1667, and "1668, by Bishop LEIGHTON." These Charges, &c. are extracted from the Synodbook of the diocess of Dunblane, which was, found in the repositories of the late Bishop ROSE at his death, and which is now preserved in the Public Library of that town. They were never before printed. The press-copy was transcribed from the original, by the Rev. Mr. GILFILLAN, present Burgher Minister of Dunblane. The Letter to the Synod of Dunblane which immediately follows the Charges, was likewise transcribed from the Synod-book by the same Gentleman. This letter had formerly (probably long ago) been extracted; for, it is contained in the volumes of LEIGHTON prefaced by Dr. DODDRIDGE, and is there VOL. I. 327 a mentioned as being taken only from "thentic copy." 4. Seven Letters, written by the Bishop on ' "different occasions. دو 5. "Rules and Instructions for a Holy Life." 6. "Some Historical facts in the life of "LEIGHTON, with his last Will; and some Par"ticulars concerning the founding of the Pub"lic Library at Dunblane:"-extracted from the original Library Catalogue, made up under the direction of Bishop DOUGLAS, just before the Revolution. Although these historical particulars are very detached, yet, as they must be perfectly authentic, and as they have not hitherto been published, they will not be found altogether undeserving a place in this collection. The 1st, 2d, 4th, and 5th of these articles, are printed from the edition of " Archbishop LEIGH"TON'S Expository Works," &c. which was published at Edinburgh, in 1748, by Mr. DAVID WILSON. That edition was corrected by Dr. DODDRIDGE and the Rev. Mr. ROBERT HAMILTON, and was prefaced by the former. The doctor's excellent Preface (with the exception of two or three paragraphs, of local and temporary concern) is prefixed to the present publication. August 10, 1804. READER, I ONLY beg leave to introduce to you ARCHBISHOP LEIGHTON. If you be already acquainted with him, I need not say any more. You are pleased; and. I withdraw, that you may immediately enjoy his edifying discourse. But if you and he have hitherto been strangers, I am sorry for it; because it has been your loss. Having been acquainted with him some years, I recommend him as one of the most pleasing, edifying and savoury companions with whom you can form an intimacy. I have sometimes had occasion to break off the connexions I have formed for myself; and to lament those that I have formed for others. This has made me somewhat cautious in these matters. But it has not been thus in respect to this worthy prelate; who now makes a new appearance upon the public stage. He improves by acquaintance, and (which is not often the case) makes himself dearer by familiarity. I know none like him. And I am persuaded, Christian Reader, that you and I shall reflect upon the opportunity of making LEIGHTON yours with pleasure: and that you will not grudge the small pittance that you part with, for a treasure so valuable. As to his external garb; and the manner in which it is put on; I hope, you will allow, that it is the best in which he has yet made his appearance. This is indeed trivial when compared with internal worth; but it sometimes gives a person courage to speak with a better grace, and makes him heard with greater attention. I beg pardon tor taking this liberty with a character so venerable and exalted, as that of ARCHBISHOP |