RUIN OF ROME: OR, APOSITION UPON THE #HỌLL Wherein is plainly fhewed and proved, that the Pors Written especially for the comfort of Proteftants, and BY THE REV. ARTHUR DENT, PREACHER AT SOUTH-SMOOBURY IN ESSEX. To which is added, ΑΝ ΕΡΙΤΟΜΕ Of the Rev. Mr. BRIGHTMAN'S Expofition GLASGOW: FRINTED BY NAPIER AND EHULL, FOR SAMUEL GARDNER, THE PUBLISHER, To be a father to the fatherless, is pro perly the virtue of the Moft High, and therefore fit for those who bear his name. and office upon earth. Among whom (Right Honourable) seeing it hath pleased his Majefty to count your Lordship faithful, and to put you in fo high a fervice, fhall (I affure myfelf) be matter of rejoicing unto your Lordship, to take the patronage of this poor orphan, which knoweth not whither to fly for fuccour, but to you, who did fo many ways com mend your favour to his late deceafed father, that if he had lived to the birth of this his laft offspring it was his full purpose (as many can witnefs) to have committed it unto your Lordship's protection, as most fit among many to take this patronage upon you. That this young infant growing up under your roof, may in time effect that indeed, whereof it bears the name, to be The Ruin of Rome. To fpeak of the excellent parts thereof, and of what hope it is like to be in the church of Chrift, I think needlefs, and I fear the note of partiality, it fhall fpeak for itfelf, and (I doubt) will commend to all pofterity his worthy father's memory. Now for myfelf (Right Honourable) being fo ftraitly bound to this duty, in regard of my near conjunction with my late brother Mr. Dent, and great importunity of his poor widow, was the inore willingly drawn hereunto in two refpects. The one to give fome public teftimony of my love towards him, and reverence of the rare grace which we all (who cnjoyed his fweet fociety) did continually in our comfort behold in him. Whofe learning his labours do fhew; whofe diligence, yea extreme and unwearied pains in His miniftry publicly, privately, at home, and abroad, for twenty-four years at leaft, all our country can teftify. All which being adorned with fo fpecial humility, do make his name the greater, and our lofs the more grievous. I may not leave out this, which I avow to be as certain, as it is fingular, that befides all other his great labours, he had (with the apoftle) a fpecial care of all the churches night and day, by, study and fervent prayer, procuring the profperity of Zion, and the ruin of Rome. And to end with his bleffed end, his life was not more profitable to others, than his ́ death is peaceable to himfelf; fcarce a groan to be heard, though his fever muft needs be violent which difpatched him in three days. And having made a pithy confeffion of his faith, this faith faid he, have I preached, this faith have I lived in, this faith I do live in, and this faith would I have fealed with my blood, if God had fo thought it good, and tell my brethren fo; and drawing near his end, he faid, "I have fought the good fight, I have finished my courfe, I have kept the faith: and now is that crown of righteoufnefs laid up for me, the which the Lord that righteous Judge 'fhall give me in that day;' and fo gave up his laft breath with thefe words, I have feen an end of all perfection, but thy law is exceeding large.' . The other refpect, my fpecial good Lord, for the which I am the more willing to come thus upon the ftage, though my part be fmall, full fuitable to my ability, is, that I might be as the mouth of many, to pub lifh to pofterity, what high account all that |