By above an Hundred fhort and clear Argu-
ments, expreffed in the terms of the
Compared after a manner entirely new
Digested under the four following TITLES
1. The Divinity of Chrift. 3. The Plurality of Perfons."
2. The Divinity of the Holy 4. The Trinity in Unity.
With a few reflections, occafionally interfperfed,
upon fome of the Arian writers, particularly
Dr. S. Clarke.
To which alfo is prefixed
A Difcourfe to the Reader on the neceffity of Faith
in the true God, and upon diversity of opinion.
By the Reverend WILLIAM JONES
late of Univerfity College in Oxford, Author of
a full Anfwer to an Essay on Spirit.
Thou shalt answer for me, O Lord my God. Pfal. 38. 15.
Not in the words which mans wifdum teacheth, but which the holy
Ghoft teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
Printed at the THEATRE for S. Parker: And Sold by J. Ri-
vington and J. Fletcher in Pater-nofter Row, and E. Withers
at the Seven Stars, near Temple-Bar, London.