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النشر الإلكتروني

he will also be enabled to form an idea of the talents and piety of the YOUNGER CELLERIER from Sermon XII. which was kindly communicated to the Editor by the author himself.

Another name, not less entitled to the respect of the friends of religion, which is associated with these in the present volume, (see Sermon II.) is that of the Rev. C. E. F. MOULINIÉ; who, in the course of forty years of unremitted public service, has employed himself in the publication of a variety of tracts and theological works, which, altogether, may be regarded as a complete course of divinity. Thus, his intention in his "Lettres à une Mère Chrétienne," was to lead men to embrace the truths of the Gospel, by showing them the dignity of their nature, and their relations with the Almighty. (An abridgment of this work was afterwards published under the title of "Moyen de connoitre Dieu.") Shortly after this work, M. Moulinié published his " Instructions et Méditations sur


Jésus Christ;" the object of which is, to consider our Lord in all the various respects in which he is represented to us in revelation. another tract" Enseignement graduel des Vérités religieuses par Jésus Christ et les Apôtres",-he lays down the basis upon which is founded our faith in the mysteries of the Gospel; while, in the "Chaine des Vérités Evangéliques," these truths are presented in a series, so as to form a complete system of belief. But a most important topic remained yet to be discussed-the existence of evil, and the fallen condition of mankind. After having slightly touched upon the subject in his “Promenades Philosophiques et Religiouses aux Environs du Mont Blanc, au Jura, et à l'Hospice du Grand St. Bernard," M. Moulinié undertook a more specific and regular discussion of this question in his " Leçons de la Parole de Dieu sur l'Etendue et l'Origine du Mal dans l'Homme." Finally, in the course of last year, M. Moulinié

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published a volume on the Divinity of Christ, and one on the Redemption of Mankind, to be followed by two others, the subjects of which will be Sanclification, and Final Judgment.

The Rev. PIERRE DEJOUX, a contemporary of these distinguished men, equally indefatigable in his professional exertions, an almost universal linguist, and gifted with rare talents as a teacher, is author of four volumes of sermons, 8vo. entitled " Prédication de l'Evangile." (See Sermon VII.)


In the Rev. PIERRE PICOT, another of her most brilliant ornaments, the Church of Geneva has recently (in 1822) sustained a loss, which will be long and severely felt. Almost fifty years of a successful ministry had endeared him, like a father, to a numerous train of affectionate pupils, by whom his mild and conciliating manners can never be forgotten. Never did an individual exist endowed with finer feelings, less liable to be disturbed by envy

or distrust, or more free from the least tinge of moroseness. His whole life was passed in the exercise of charity and love; whilst the dignity and manliness of his eloquence in the pulpit, never failed to penetrate his delighted auditory with the deep conviction with which he was himself imbued. Of his forcible appeals in the cause of charity, the reader will find a specimen in Sermon X.; nor were the exertions of the same fervid zeal less powerful when kindled into a flame of gratitude and devotion to his Maker.

It is not possible, within the limits of a preface, to perform the agreeable task of pointing out all who are worthy of praise, or fit to be held up for imitation, among the established clergy of Geneva-not to speak of the charge of invidiousness and of prolixity to which the Editor exposes himself, by singling out individuals for that purpose, from a church so distinguished by talent, piety, and virtue. He

cannot but feel, however, that he would be justly liable to the imputation of ingratitude, were he to omit the mention of those, who, to their other claims upon his recollection, have added that of kindly and readily contributing their valuable manuscripts to his work. Among these, he acknowledges himself particularly indebted to the Rev. LOUIS FERRIERE,-the friend of his youth;-who is excelled by none, in a Church where assiduity is the general characteristic, in the conscientious and unremitted discharge of the pastoral functions. The name of Diodati ranks high in the history of the Genevese church; its ancestral respectability is worthily supported by the Rev. AL. A. E. DIODATI, the able and pious author of Sermon VIII.

The Rev. A. THOURON, (see Sermon IX.) is remarkable for his manly and energetic oratory. Educated under the eye of his father, the venerable senior member of the church at Geneva,

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