صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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ALL Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.'

The existence of four gospel narratives is a plain evidence that it is our duty studiously to compare one with the other, and so derive from the several parts of each, fitly compacted, ONE comprehensive and harmonious history.*

In the Evangelical records, we have but little of the private history of our blessed Lord; and that little is chiefly to be gathered from the gospels by St. Matthew and St. Luke. Without their histories we should be ignorant of the parentage, birth, and infancy of Jesus; and it is from their testimony alone that we are happily able to discover the fulfilment of that which was written by the prophets, concerning his early life.

St. Mark's gospel is evidently accommodated to St. Matthew's; and to St. John we are indebted for the particulars of every visit of our Lord to Jerusalem during his ministry, except the last Passover, at which he was crucified, and which they all concur in recording.

*Like the subject to which they relate, they are so connected that ONE ENTIRE HISTORY of this one entire scheme is made up of them all.' See Greswell On the Regularity of the Gospels, and on their Supplemental Relation to each other.

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