ON THE DEDICATION OF THE NEW CHURCH. 1 Peter, iii. 15.-Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is On the kind and degree of evidence necessary to establish the Doctrine of the Trinity, and by which we might B MEMOIR OF THE REV. S. C. THACHER. SAMUEL COOPER THACHER, the author of the following Sermons, was born in Boston, on the 14th of December, 1785. He was the son of the Rev. Peter Thacher, D.D. who in the January of the same year had been installed minister of the Brattle Street Church; to which situation he was called from Malden, a village in the neighbourhood of Boston, where he had discharged the pastoral duties for the first fifteen years of his ministry. He is still remembered by many of the inhabitants both of Malden and Boston as an eloquent preacher, sincere patriot, and excellent man. He was so remarkable for the glowing piety and ready language of his devotional exercises, that the celebrated Whitfield is said to have called him "the young Elijah."* * A memoir of Dr. Thacher, by the Rev. Dr. Eliot, was published in the Massachusetts Historical Collections, vol. viii. Old Series. C |