OF THE LIFE AND WRITINGS OF JOHN CALVIN; COMPILED FROM THE NARRATIVE OF THEODORE BEZA, AND OTHER AUTHENTIC DOCUMENTS, ACCOMPANIED WITH BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE Reformation. BY JOHN MACKENZIE. TAKE ESPECIAL care, before YOU AIM YOUR SHAFTS AT CALVINISM, THAT YOU TOR LIBR FEW-YORK LONDON: BISHOP HORSLEY PRINTED FOR WILLIAMS AND SMITH, STATIONERS' COURT; SOLD ALSO BY THOMAS CONDER, BUCKLERSBURY; [1869.7 PREFACE. a THE great importance of biography, as medium of public instruction, appears to be very generally admitted. Curiosity, a principle of active and extended influence, ever in quest of gratification, cannot be too early supplied with interesting and instructive objects, by an acquaintance with which intellectual attainments, and moral improvement, may be happily promoted. To render biography conducive to these ends, it is obviously necessary, that genuine and attainable excellence of character be carefully attended to in the selection of subjects; as the exhibition of spurious morality, or unattainable perfection, must necessarily defeat the moral effect of the most alluring narrative. Excellence of character, arising from a great variety of causes, must be estimated chiefly by its moral influence; and it is principally under this view, that the enlightened biographer will chuse to pourtray the subjects of his history. As genuine religion forms the basis of public |