صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني



ET all the list'ning world attend, And my instruction hear;

Let high and low, and rich and poor,

With joint consent give ear.

20 For man, how great soe'er his state, Unless he's truly wise,

As like a sensual beast he lives,

So like a beast he dies.

3 My mouth with sacred wisdom fill'd, Shall good advice impart;


The sound result of prudent thoughts, Digested in my heart.

4 To parables of weighty sense


HE Lord hath spoke, the mighty God Hath sent his summons all abroad, From dawning light, till day declines: The list'ning earth his voice hath heard, And he from Sion hath appear'd,

Where beauty in perfection shines. 3, 4 Our God shall come, and keep no more Misconstru'd silence, as before;

But wasting flames before him send : Around shall tempests fiercely rage, Whilst he does heav'n and earth engage

His just tribunal to attend. 5, 6 Assemble all my saints to me, (Thus runs the great divine decree) That in my lasting cov'nant live, And off'rings bring with constant care: The heav'ns his justice shall declare;

For God himself shall sentence give. 7, 8 Attend, my people; Israel, hear; Thy strong accuser I'll appear;

Thy God, thy only God, am I; 'Tis not of off'rings I complain, Which, daily in my temple slain, My sacred altar did supply. 9 Will this alone atonement make? No bullock from thy stall I'll take,

Nor he-goat from thy fold accept: 10 The forest beasts, that range along, The cattle too, are all my own,

That on a thousand hills are kept. 11 I know the fowls, that build their nests In craggy rocks; and savage beasts,

That loosely haunt the open fields: 12 If seiz'd with hunger I could be, I need not seek relief from thee,

Since the world's mine, and all it yields. 13 Think'st thou that I have any need On slaughter'd bulls and goats to feed,

To eat their flesh and drink their blood? 14 The sacrifices I require, Are hearts which love and zeal inspire, And vows with strictest care made good. 15 In time of trouble call on me, And I will set thee safe and free;

And thou returns of praise shalt make. 16 But to the wicked thus saith God: How dar'st thou teach my laws abroad,

Or in thy mouth my cov'nant take? 17 For stubborn thou, confirm'd in sin, Hast proof against instruction been,

And of my word didst lightly speak: 18 When thou a subtle thief didst see, Thou gladly with him didst agree,

And with adult'rers didst partake. 19 Vile slander is thy chief delight; Thy tongue, by envy mov'd, and spite, Deceitful tales does hourly spread: 20 Thou dost with hateful scandals wound

I will my ear incline;

Whilst to my tuneful harp I sing
Dark words of deep design.

5 Why should my courage fail in times
Of danger and of doubt,

When sinners, that would me supplant,
Have compass'd me about?

6 Those men, that all their hope and trust
In heaps of treasure place,
And boast in triumph, when they see
Their ill-got wealth increase,
7 Are yet unable from the grave
Their dearest friend to free;
Nor can, by force of bribes, reverse
Th' Almighty Lord's decree.
8,9 Their vain endeavours they must quit;

The price is held too high;
No sums can purchase such a grant,
That man should never die.

10 Not wisdom can the wise exempt,
Nor fools their folly save;

But both must perish, and in death
Their wealth to others leave.

11 For though they think their stately seats
Shall ne'er to ruin fall,

But their remembrance last in lands
Which by their names they call;
12 Yet shall their fame be soon forgot,
How great soe'er their state;
With beasts their memory, and they,
Shall share one common fate.


13 How great their folly is, who thus
Absurd conclusions make!

And yet their children, unreclaim'd,
Repeat the gross mistake.
14 They all, like sheep to slaughter led,
The prey of death are made;
Their beauty, while the just rejoice,
Within the grave shall fade.
15 But God will yet redeem my soul;
And from the greedy grave

His greater power shall set me free,
And to himself receive.

16 Then fear not thou, when worldly men
In envy'd wealth abound;

Nor though their prosp'rous house increase,
With state and honour crown'd.

17 For when they're summon'd hence by

They leave all this behind;


No shadow of their former pomp

Within the grave they find:

18 And yet they thought their state was blest, Thy brother, and with lies confound

Caught in the flatt'rer's snare,

Who with their vanity comply'd,

And prais'd their worldly care.

19 In their forefather's steps they tread;

And when, like them, they die, Their wretched ancestors and they

In endless darkness lie.

The offspring of thy mother's bed. 21 These things didst thou, whom still I strove To gain with silence, and with love,

Till thou didst wickedly surmise,
That I was such a one as thou;
But I'll reprove and shame thee now,
And set thy sins before thine eyes.



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AVE mercy, Lord, on me,
As thou wert ever kind;

Let me, oppress'd with loads of guilt,

Thy wonted mercy find.

2, 3 Wash off my foul offence,

And cleanse me from my sin;

For I confess my crime, and see

How great my guilt has been.

4 Against thee, Lord, alone,

And only in thy sight,

And thy own city flourish long,
By lofty walls secur'd.
19 The just shall then attend,
And pleasing tribute pay;
And sacrifice of choicest kind
Upon thy altar lay.


N vain, O man of lawless might,

Since God, the God in whom I trust,

Vouchsafes his favour still.

2 Thy wicked tongue doth sland'rous tales

Maliciously devise;

And, sharper than a razor set,

It wounds with treach'rous lies.

3, 4 Thy thoughts are more on ill than goods

Have I transgress'd; and, though condemn'd, Thy tongue delights in words, by which

Must own thy judgment right.

5 In guilt each part was form'd

Of all this sinful frame;

In guilt I was conceiv'd, and born
The heir of sin and shame.

6 Yet thou, whose searching eye
Does inward truth require,
In secret didst with wisdom's laws
My tender soul inspire.

7 With hyssop purge me, Lord,
And so I clean shall be;

I shall with snow in whiteness vie,

When purify'd by thee.

8 Make me to hear with joy Thy kind forgiving voice;

That so the bones which thou hast broke

May with fresh strength rejoice.

9, 10 Blot out my crying sins,
Nor me in anger view :

Create in me a heart that's elean,
An upright mind renew.


11 Withdraw not thou thy help, Nor cast me from thy sight;

Nor let thy holy spirit take

Its everlasting flight.

12 The joy thy favour gives,

Let me again obtain;

And thy free Spirit's firm support

My fainting soul sustain. 13 So I thy righteous ways To sinners will impart;

Whilst my advice shall wicked men

To thy just laws convert. 14 My guilt of blood remove,

My Saviour, and my God;
And my glad tongue shall loudly tell
Thy righteous acts abroad.
15 Do thou unlock my lips,

With sorrow clos'd and shame;

So shall my mouth thy wondrous praise To all the world proclaim.

16 Could sacrifice atone,

Whole flocks and herds should die; But on such off rings thou disdain'st

To east a gracious eye.

17 A broken spirit is

By God most highly priz'd;

By him a broken contrite heart

Shall never be despis'd.

18 Let Sion favour find,

Of thy good will assur'd;

On lies than truth, employ'd;

The guiltless are destroy'd.

5 God shall for ever blast thy hopes,

And snatch thee soon away;

Nor in thy dwelling-place permit,

Nor in the world, to stay.

16 The just, with pious fear, shall see

The downfal of thy pride; And at thy sudden ruin laugh,

And thus thy fall deride:

7 "See there the man that haughty was,


"Who proudly God defy'd,

Who trusted in his wealth, and still "On wicked arts rely'd."

8 But I am like those olive-plants
That shade God's temple round;
And hope with his indulgent grace
To be for ever crown'd.

9 So shall my soul, with praise, O God, Extol thy wondrous love;

And on thy name with patience wait;

For this thy saints approve.

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The sons of men to view;

To see if any own'd his power,

Or truth or justice knew.

3 But all, he saw, were backward gone,

Degen'rate grown and base;
None for religion car'd, not one
Of all the sinful race.

4 But are those workers of deceit
So dull and senseless grown,
That they like bread my people eat,
And God's just power disown?

5 Their causeless fear shall strangely grow; And they, despis'd of God,

Shall soon be foird; his hand shall throw

Their shatter'd bones abroad.

6 Would he his saving power employ
To break our servile band,
Loud shouts of universal joy

Should echo through the land.

ORD, save me, for thy glorious name,
thy strength appear,

To judge my cause; accept my prayer,
And to my words give ear.

3 Mere strangers, whom I never wrong'd, To ruin me design'd;

And cruel men, that fear no God,

Against my soul combin'd.

4, 5 But God takes part with all my friends,

And he's the surest guard;

The God of truth shall give my foes
Their falshood's due reward;

While I my grateful off'rings bring,
And sacrifice with joy;

And in his praise my time to come
Delightfully employ.

7 From dreadful danger and distress
The Lord hath set me free;
Through him shall I of all my foes
The just destruction see.



IVE ear, thou Judge of all the earth, And listen when I pray;

16, 17 But I will call on God, who still

Shall in my aid appear;

At morn, at noon, and night, I'll pray; And he my voice shall hear.


18 God has releas'd my soul from those That did with me contend;

And made a num'rous host of friends

My righteous cause defend.
19 For he, who was my help of old,
Shall now his suppliant hear;
And punish them whose prosp'rous state
Makes them no God to fear.
20 Whom can I trust, if faithless men
Perfidiously devise

To ruin me, their peaceful friend,
And break the strongest ties?

21 Though soft and melting are their words,
Their hearts with war abound;
Their speeches are more smooth than oil,
And yet like swords they wound.
22 Do thou, my soul, on God depend,
And he shall thee sustain;

He aids the just, whom to supplant
The wicked strive in vain.

23 My foes, that trade in lies and blood,
Shall all untimely die;
Whilst I, for health and length of days,
On thee, my God, rely.



O thou, O God, in mercy help; For man my life pursues;

Nor from thy humble suppliant turn
Thy glorious face away.
2 Attend to this my sad complaint,
And hear my grievous moans;
While I my mournful case declare,
With artless sighs and groans.
3 Hark how the foe insults aloud!
How fierce oppressors rage!

Whose sland'rous tongues, with wrathful hate,
Against my fame engage.

4, 5 My heart is rack'd with pain; my soul
With deadly frights distress'd;

With fear and trembling compass'd round,
With horror quite oppress'd.
6 How often wish'd I then, that I
The dove's swift wings could get;
That I might take my speedy flight,

And seek a safe retreat.

7, 8 Then would I wander far from hence, And in wild deserts stray,

Till all this furious storm were spent,

This tempest pass'd away.

9 Destroy, O Lord, their ill designs,
Their counsels soon divide;

For through the city my griev'd eyes
Have strife and rapine spy'd.

10 By day and night, on every wall
They walk their constant round;
And in the midst of all her strength
Are grief and mischief found.

11 Whoe'er through every part shall roam,
Will fresh disorders meet;

Deceit and guile their constant posts
Maintain in every street.
12 For 'twas not any open foe
That false reflections made;

For then I could with ease have borne
The bitter things he said:

'Twas none who hatred had profess'd,
That did against me rise;

For then I had withdrawn myself

From his malicious eyes.

13, 14 But 'twas e'en thou, my guide, my


Whom tend'rest love did join;

Whose sweet advice I valued most;

Whose prayers were mix'd with mine.

15 Sure vengeance, equal to their crimes,

Such traitors must surprise,

And sudden death requite those ills

They wickedly devise.

To crush me with repeated wrongs,

He daily strife renews.

2 Continually my spiteful foes

To ruin me combine;

Thou see'st, who sitt'st enthron'd on high,

What mighty numbers join.

3 But though sometimes surpris'd by fear,

On danger's first alarm;

Yet still for succour I depend

On thy Almighty arm.

4 God's faithful promise I shall praise,

On which I now rely;

In God I trust, and, trusting him,

The arm of flesh defy.

5 They wrest my words, and make them speak

A sense they never meant;

Their thoughts are all, with restless spite,

On my destruction bent.

6 In close assemblies they combine,

And wicked projects lay;

They watch my steps, and lie in wait

To make my soul their prey.
7 Shall such injustice still escape?
O righteous God arise;

Let thy just wrath, too long provok'd,
This impious race chastise.

8 Thou numb'rest all my steps, since first

I was compell'd to flee;

My very tears are treasur'd up,

And register'd by thee.

9 When therefore I invoke thy aid,

My foes shall be o'erthrown;

For I am well assur'd that God

My righteous cause will own.

10, 11 I'll trust God's word, and so despise.

The force that man can raise;

12 To thee, O God, my vows are due;

To thee I'll render praise.


And thou wilt still secure

The life thou hast so oft preserv'd,

And make my foot-steps sure: 14 That thus protected by thy power,

I may this light enjoy; And in the service of my God

My lengthen'd days employ.

HY mercy, Lord, to me extend; On thy protection I depend; And to thy wing for shelter haste, Till this outrageous storm is pass'd. 2 To thy tribunal, Lord, I fly, Thou sov'reign Judge, and God most high, Who wonders hast for me begun, And wilt not leave thy work undone. 3 From heaven protect me by thine arm, And shame all those who seek my harm; To my relief thy mercy send,

And truth, on which my hopes depend. 4 For I with savage men converse, Like hungry lions wild and fierce; With men whose teeth are spears, their words Envenom'd darts and two-edg'd swords. 5 Be thou, O God, exalted high; And, as thy glory fills the sky, So let it be on earth display'd, Till thou art here, as there, obey'd. 6 To take me they their net prepar'd, And had almost my soul ensnar'd; But fell themselves, by just decree, Into the pit they made for me. 70 God, my heart is fix'd, 'tis bent, Its thankful tribute to present; And, with my heart, my voice I'll raise To thee, my God, in songs of praise: 8 Awake, my glory, harp and lute, No longer let your strings be mute; And I, my tuneful part to take, Will with the early dawn awake. 9 Thy praises, Lord, I will resound To all the list'ning nations round; 10 Thy mercy highest heaven transcends; Thy truth beyond the clouds extends. 11 Be thou, O God, exalted high; And, as thy glory fills the sky, So let it be on earth display'd,

Till thou art here, as there, obey'd.

Or must not innocence appeal

To heaven from your decree?

2 Your wicked hearts and judgments are
Alike by malice sway'd;

Your griping hands, by weighty bribes,
To violence betray'd.

3 To virtue strangers, from the womb
Their infant steps went wrong;

They prattled slander, and in lies
Employ'd their lisping tongue.
4 No serpent of parch'd Afric's breed
Does ranker poison bear;

The drowsy adder will as soon

Unlock his sullen ear.

5 Unmov'd by good advice, and deaf
As adders they remain;

From whom the skilful charmer's voice
Can no attention gain.

4 In haste they run about, and watch
My guiltless life to take;
Look down, O Lord, on my distress,
And to my help awake.

5 Thou, Lord of Hosts, and Israel's God,
Their heathen rage suppress;
Relentless vengeance take on those
Who stubbornly transgress
6 At ev'ning, to beset my house,
Like growling dogs they meet;
While others through the city range,

And ransack every street.

7 Their throats envenom'd slander breathe
Their tongues are sharpen'd swords;
"Who hears?" say they, "or, hearing, dares
"Reprove our lawless words?"

8. But from thy throne thou shalt, O Lord,
Their baffled plots deride;

And soon to shame and scorn expose
Their boasted heathen pride.

9 On thee I wait; 'tis on thy strength
For succour I depend;

'Tis thou, O God, art my defence,

Who only can defend.

10 Thy mercy, Lord, which has so oft

From danger set me free,

Shall crown my wishes, and subdue

My haughty foes to me.

11 Destroy them not, O Lord, at once,
Restrain thy vengeful blow;
Lest we, ungratefully, too soon
Forget their overthrow.

Disperse them through the nations round

By thy avenging power;


Do thou bring down their haughty pride,
O Lord, our shield and tower.

12 Now, in the height of all their hopes,

Their arrogance chastise;

Whose tongues have sinn'd without restraint, And curses join'd with lies.

13 Nor shalt thou, whilst their race endures,

Thine anger, Lord, suppress;
That distant lands, by their just doom,
May Israel's God confess.
14 At ev'ning let them still persist
Like growling dogs to meet,
Still wander all the city round,
And traverse every street.

15 Then, as for malice now they do,
For hunger let them stray;
And yell their vain complaints
Defeated of their prey.


16 Whilst early I thy mercy sing,
Thy wondrous power confess;
For thou hast been my sure defence,
My refuge in distress.

17 To thee with never-ceasing praise,
O God, my strength, I'll sing;

Thou art my God, the Rock from whence

My health and safety spring.

God, who tour troops dispersed,
Forsaking those who left thee first;

As we thy just displeasure mourn,
To us, in mercy, Lord, return.

O lodge me safe beyond the react

Of persecuting power;

3 Thou, who so oft from spiteful foes
Hast been my shelt'ring tower.
4 So shall I in thy sacred courts
Secure from danger lie;

Beneath the covert of thy wings,
All future storms defy.

5 In sign my vows are heard, once more I o'er thy chosen reign;

6 O! bless with long and prosp'rous life The king thou didst ordain.

7 Confirm his throne, and make his reign Accepted in thy sight;

And let thy truth and mercy both

In his defence unite.

8 So shall I ever sing thy praise,
Thy name for ever bless;
Devote my prosp'rous days to pay
The vows of my distress.



Y soul for help on God relies; From him alone my safety flows: My Rock, my Health, that strength supplies To bear the shock of all my foes. 3 How long will ye contrive my fall, Which will but hasten on your own? You'll totter like a bending wall, Or fence of uncemented stone. 4 To make my envy'd honours less, They strive with lies, their chief delight;

2 Our strength, that firm as earth did stand, For they, though with their mouths they bless,

Is rent by thy avenging hand;

O! heal the breaches thou hast made:

We shake, we fall, without thy aid! 3 Our folly's sad effects we feel;

For, drunk with discord's cup we reel: 4 But now, for them who thee rever'd, Thou hast thy truth's bright banner rear'd. 5 Let thy right hand thy saints protect; Lord, hear the prayers that we direct: 6 The holy God has spoke; and I, O'erjoy'd, on his firm word rely: To thee in portions I'll divide Fair Sichem's soil, Samaria's pride; To Sichem, Succoth next I'll join, And measure out her vale by line. 7 Manasseh, Gilead, both subscribe To my commands, with Ephraim's tribe; Ephraim by arms supports my cause, And Judah by religious laws.

8 Moab my slave and drudge shall be, Nor Edom from my yoke get free; Proud Palestine's imperious state Shall humbly on our triumph wait. 9 But who shall quell these mighty powers, And clear my way to Edom's towers? Or through her guarded frontiers tread The path that doth to conquest lead? 10 Ev'n thou, O God, who hast dispers'd Our troops (for we forsook thee first); Those whom thou didst in wrath forsake, Aton'd, thou wilt victorious make. 11 Do thou our fainting cause sustain; For human succours are but vain. 12 Fresh strength and courage God bestows: 'Tis he treads down our proudest foes.

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In private curse with inward spite.
5, 6 But thou, my soul, on God rely;
On him alone thy trust repose:
My Rock and Health will strength supply

To bear the shock of all my foes.
7 God does his saving health dispense,
And flowing blessings daily send:
He is my fortress and defence;

On him my soul shall still depend.
8 In.him, ye people, always trust;
Before his throne pour out your hearts;
For God, the merciful and just,
His timely aid to us imparts.
9 The vulgar fickle are and frail;
The great dissemble and betray;
And, laid in truth's impartial scale,
The lightest things will both outweigh..

10 Then trust not in oppressive ways;
By spoil and rapine grow not vain;
Nor let your hearts, if wealth increase,
Be set too much upon your gain.
11 For God has oft his will express'd,
And I this truth have fully known;
To be of boundless power possess'd
Belongs, of right, to God alone.
12 Though mercy is his darling grace,
In which he chiefly takes delight;

Yet will he all the human race
According to their works requite.

God, my gracious God, to thee
My morning prayers shall offer'd be;

For thee my thristy soul does pant:
My fainting flesh implores thy grace
Within this dry and barren place,

Where I refreshing waters want. 20! to my longing eyes, once more That view of glorious power restore, Which thy majestic house displays:

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