11 Whilst pride's insulting foot would spurn, And wicked hands my life surprise, 12 Their mischiefs on themselves return; Down, down they're fall'n, no more to rise. PSALM XXXVII. T HOUGH wicked men grow rich or great, Thy anger or thy envy raise; Secure from danger and from want: 4 Make his commands thy chief delight; And he, thy duty to requite, Shall all thy earnest wishes grant. 5 In all thy ways trust thou the Lord, And he will needful help afford, To perfect every just design; Nor let thy anger fondly rise, Thy wav'ring heart espouse their crime; Whilst only they the land enjoy, Who trust on him, and wait his time. 10 How soon shall wicked men decay! Their place shall vanish quite away, Nor by the strictest search be found; 11 Whilst humble souls possess the earth, Rejoicing still with godly mirth, With peace and plenty always crown'd. 12 While sinful crowds, with false design, And gnash their teeth and threat'ning stand; 13 God shall their empty plots deride, And laugh at their defeated pride: He sees their ruin near at hand. 14 They draw the sword, and bend the bow, The poor and needy to o'erthrow, And men of upright lives to slay; 15 But their strong bow shall soon be broke, Their sharpen'd weapon's mortal stroke Through their own hearts shall force its way. 16 A little, with God's favour bless'd, That's by one righteous man possess'd, The wealth of many bad excels; 17 For God supports the just man's cause; But as for those that break his laws, Their unsuccessful power he quells. 18 His constant care the upright guides, And over all their life presides; Their portion shall for ever last: 19 They, when distress o'erwhelms the earth, Shall be unmov'd, and even in dearth, The happy fruits of plenty taste. 20 Not so the wicked man, and those Who proudly dare God's will oppose; Destruction is their hapless share: Like fat of lambs, their hopes, and they, Shall in an instant melt away, And vanish into smoke and air. PART III. 21 While sinners, brought to sad decay, Still borrow on, and never pay, The just have will and power to give; 22 For such as God vouchsafes to bless, Shall peaceably the earth possess; And those he curses shall not live. 23 The good man's way is God's delight; He orders all the steps aright Of him that moves by his command; 24 Though he sometimes may be distress'd, Yet shall he ne'er be quite oppress'd; For God upholds him with his hand. 25 From my first youth, till age prevail'd, I never saw the righteous fail'd, Or want o'ertake his num'rous race; 26 Because compassion fill'd his heart, And he did cheerfully impart, God made his offspring's wealth increase. 27 With caution shun each wicked deed, In virtue's ways with zeal proceed, And so prolong your happy days; 28 For God, who judgment loves, does still Preserve his saints secure from ill, While soon the wicked race decays. 29, 30, 31 The upright shall possess the land; His portion shall for ages stand; His mouth with wisdom is supply'd; His tongue by rules of judgment moves; His heart the law of God approves; Therefore his footsteps never slide. PART IV. 32 In wait the watchful sinner lies, And, when he's sentenc'd, set him free. 34 Wait still on God; keep his command, And thou, exalted in the land, Thy bless'd possession ne'er shall quit: Thou shalt a safe spectator sit. That spreads its pleasant branches round: 36 But he was gone as swift as thought; And, though in every place I sought, No sign or track of him I found. 87 Observe the perfect man with care, And mark all such as upright are; Their roughest days in peace shall end. 38 While on the latter end of those Who dare God's sacred will oppose, A common ruin shall attend. 39 God to the just will aid afford; Their only safeguard is the Lord; Their strength in time of need is he: 40 Because on him they still depend, The Lord will timely succour send, And from the wicked set them free. : 9 But, Lord, before thy searching eyes All my desires appear; And sure my groans have been too loud, Not to have reach'd thine ear. 10 My heart's oppress'd, my strength decay'd, My eyes depriv'd of light; 11 Friends, lovers, kinsmen gaze aloof On such a dismal sight. 12 Meanwhile, the foes that seek my life Their snares to take me set; Vent slanders, and contrive all day To forge some new deceit: 13 But I, as if both dear and dumb, Nor heard, nor once reply'd; 13 My heart did glow with working thoughts, And no repose could take; Till strong reflection fann'd the fire, And thus at length I spake: 4 Lord, let me know my term of days, 5 My life, thou know'st, is but a span; And every man, in best estate, But vanity appears. 6 Man, like a shadow, vainly walks, With fruitless cares oppress'd; He heaps up wealth, but cannot tell By whom 'twill be possess'd. 7 Why then should I on worthless toys With anxious cares attend? On thee alone my steadfast hope Shall ever, Lord, depend. 8, 9 Forgive my sins; nor let me scorn'd By foolish sinners be; For Iwas dumb, and murmur'd not, Because 'twas done by thee. 10 The dreadful burden of thy wrath In mercy soon remove; Lest my frail flesh, too weak to bear 11 For when thou chast'nest man for sin, Thou mak'st his beauty fade, (So vain a thing is he) like cloth By fretting months decay'd. 12 Lord, hear my cry, accept my tears, And listen to my prayer, 14 Quite deaf and dumb, like one whose As all my fathers were. tongue With conscious guilt is ty'd. 15 For, Lord, to thee I do appeal, My innocence to clear; Assur'd that thou, the righteous God, My injur'd cause wilt hear. 16 "Hear me," said I, "lest my proud foes "A spiteful joy display; "Insulting, if they see my foot "But once to go astray." 17 And, with continual grief oppress'd, To sink I now begin; 18 To thee, O Lord, I will confess, To thee bewail my sin. 19 But whilst I languish, my proud foes 20 Even they whom I oblig'd, return I choose the path that's right. 22 Make haste to my relief, O thou, Who my salvation art. Who sojourn like a stranger here, 13 O! spare me yet a little time; My wasted strength restore, Before I vanish quite from hence, And shall be seen no more. PSALM XL. I Waited meekly for the Lord, Till he vouchsaf'd a kind reply; Who did his gracious ear afford, To hopes of like deliv'rance raise. The power of numbers, speech, and thought. 6 I've learnt that thou hast not desir'd Off'rings and sacrifice alone; Nor blood of guiltless beasts requir'd 9 In full assemblies I have told Nor did, thou know'st, my lips withhold The hairs of this afflicted head; 13 But, Lord, to my relief draw near, And add to that deliv'rance speed. 14 Confusion on their heads return, Who to destroy my soul combine; Let them, defeated, blush and mourn, Ensnar'd in their own vile design. 15 Their doom let desolation be, With shame their malice be repaid, Who mock'd my confidence in thee, And sport of my affliction made. 16 While those who humbly seek thy face, To joyful triumphs shall be rais'd; And all who prize thy saving grace, With me resound, The Lord be prais'd. 17 Thus, wretched though I am and poor, Of me th' Almighty Lord takes care; Thou God, who only can'st restore, PSALM XLI. APPY the man whose tender care Relieves the poor distress'd! When troubles compass him around, 2 The Lord his life, with blessings crown'd, "When shall he die," say they, "and men "Forget his very name?" 6 Suppose they formal visits make, 'Tis all but empty show; They gather mischief in their hearts, And vent it where they go. 7, 8 With private whispers, such as these, To hurt me they devise: "A sore disease afflicts him now; "He's fall'n, no more to rise." 9 My own familiar bosom-friend, On whom I most rely'd, Has me, whose daily guest he was, 10 But thou my sad and wretched state, Before thy glorious face. 13 Let therefore Israel's Lord and God From age to age be bless'd; And all the people's glad applause With loud Amens express'd. PSALM XLII. A S pants the hart for cooling streams, When heated in the chase; So longs my soul, O God, for thee, And thy refreshing grace. 2 For thee, my God, the living God, My thirsty soul doth pine; O! when shall I behold thy face, Thou Majesty Divine? 3 Tears are my constant food, while thus Insulting foes upbraid; "Deluded wretch! where's now thy God? "And where his promis'd aid?" 4 I sigh, whene'er my musing thoughts Those happy days present, When I, with troops of pious friends Thy temple did frequent. When I advane'd with songs of praise, My solemn vows to pay, And led the joyful sacred throng, That kept the festal day. 5 Why restless, why east down, my soul? Trust God; who will employ His aid for thee, and change these sighs 6 My soul's cast down, O God! but thinks On thee and Sion still; From Jordan's bank, from Hermon's heights, And Mizar's humbler hill. 7 One trouble calls another on, And, gath'ring o'er my head, Fall spouting down, till round my soul 8 But when thy presence, Lord of life, 9 God of my strength, how long shall I, Like one forgotten, mourn; Forlorn, forsaken, and expos'd To my oppressor's scorn? 10 My heart is pierc'd, as with a sword, While thus my foes upbraid: "Vain boaster, where is now thy God? "And where his promis'd aid?" 11 Why restless, why cast down, my soul? Hope still; and thou shalt sing The praise of him who is thy God, J Thy health's eternal spring. PSALM XLIII. UST Judge of heav'n, against my foes Do thou assert my injur'd right; O set me free, my God, from those That in deceit and wrong delight. 2 Since thou art still my only stay, Whilst me insulting foes oppress? And in thy sacred temple pray. To God, who is my only joy; And well-tun'd harps, with songs of praise, Shall all my grateful hours employ. 5 Why then cast down, my soul? and why So much oppress'd with anxious care? On God, thy God, for aid rely, Who will thy ruin'd state repair. O Lord, our fathers oft have told our attentive ears, Thy wonders, in their days perform'd, 2 How thou, to plant them here, didst drive The heathen from this land, Dispeopled by repeated strokes. Of thy avenging hand. 3 For not their courage, nor their sword, Nor strength, that from unequal force 4 As thee their God our fathers own'd, To us deliv'rance bring. 5 Through thy victorious name, our arms, The proudest foes shall quell; And crush them with repeated strokes, 6 I'll neither trust my bow nor sword, 17 On us this heap of woes is fall'n; All this we have endur'd; Yet have not, Lord, renoune'd thy name, Or faith to thee abjur'd: 18 But in thy righteous paths have kept Our hearts and steps with care; 19 Though thou hast broken all our strength, And we almost despair. 20 Could we, forgetting thy great name, On other gods rely, 21 And not the Seacher of all hearts The treach'rous crime descry? 22 Thou see'st what suff"rings, for thy sake, We every day sustain; All slaughter'd, or reserv'd like sheep Appointed to be slain. 23 Awake, arise; let seeming sleep No longer thee detain; Nor let us, Lord, who sue to thee, For ever sue in vain.. 24 O! wherefore hidest thou thy face From our afflicted state, 25 Whose souls and bodies sink to earth With grief's oppressive weight. Yet for thy mercy's sake. PSALM XLV. THILE I the King's loud praise rehearse, Indited by my heart, W 7 But thee, who hast our foes subdu'd, In God we will rejoice all day, PART II. 9 But thou hast cast us off; and now For thou no more vouchsaf'st to lead 10 Since when, to every upstart foe. And with our spoil their malice feast, Who bear us ancient spite. 11 To slaughter doom'd, we fall, like sheep, Or (what's more wretched yet) survive, 12 Thy people thou hast sold for slaves, That not thy treasure, by the sale, 13, 14 Reproach'd by all the nations round, The heathen's by-word grown; My tongue is like the pen of him 2 How matchless is thy form, O King! 3 Gird on thy sword, most mighty Prince; With glorious ornaments of power, Majestic pomp display. 4 Ride on in state, and still protect Whilst thy right hand, with swift revenge, 5 How sharp thy weapons are to them Down, down they fall, while through their heart The feather'd arrow flies. 6 But thy firm throne, O God, is fix'd, Thy sceptre's sway shall always last, By righteous laws secure. 7 Because thy heart, by justice led, Which, from the stately wardrobe brought, 1 10 But thou, O royal bride, give ear, And to my words attend; Forget thy native country now, And every former friend. 11 So shall thy beauty charm the King, Nor shall his love decay; For he is now become thy Lord; To him due rev'rence pay. 12 The Tyrian matrons, rich and proud, Shall humble presents make; And all the wealthy nations sue Thy favour to partake. 13 The King's fair Daughter's fairer soul All inward graces fill; Her raiment is of purest gold, 14 She in her nuptial garments dress'd, The triumph moves along; Whom thou to diff'rent realms may'st send, 17 Whilst this my song to future times And makes the world, with one consent, G PSALM XLVI. OD is our refuge in distress; In him, undaunted, we'll confide; 2,3 Though earth were from her centre tost, And mountains in the ocean lost, Torn peace-meal by the roaring tide. 4 A gentler stream with gladness still The city of our Lord shall fill, The royal seat of God most high : 5 God dwells in Sion, whose fair towers Shall mock th' assaults of earthly powers, While his Almighty aid is nigh. 6 In tumults when the heathen rag'd, And kingdoms war against us wag'd, He thunder'd, and dispers'd their powers: 7 The Lord of hosts conducts our arms, Our tower of refuge in alarms, Our fathers' Guardian-God and ours. 8 Come, see the wonders he hath wrought, On earth what desolation brought; How he has calm'd the jarring world: And earth her Sov'reign Lord confess: All ye people, And with triumphant voices sing; No force the mighty power withstands Of God, the universal King. people, clap your hands, 3, 4 He shall opposing nations quell, And with success our battles fight; Shall fix the place where we must dwell, The pride of Jacob his delight. 5, 6 God is gone up, our Lord and King, With shouts of joy, and trumpets' sound, To him repeated praises sing, And let the cheerful song rebound. 7, 8 Your utmost skill in praise be shown, For him who all the world commands, Who sits upon his righteous throne, And spreads his sway o'er heathen lands. 9 Our chiefs and tribes that far from hence To serve the God of Abr'am came, Found him their constant sure defence How great and glorious is his name! PSALM XLVIII. HE Lord, the only God, is great, In Sion, on whose happy mount, 2 Her towers, the joy of all the earth, 3 God in her palaces is known; His presence is her guard : 4 Confed'rate kings withdrew their siege, And of success despair'd. 5 They view'd her walls, admir'd, and fled, With grief and terror struck; 6 Like women, whom the sudden pangs Of travail had o'ertook. 7 No wretched crew of mariners Appear like them forlorn, When fleets from Tarshish' wealthy coasts By eastern winds are torn. 8 In Sion we have seen perform'd A work that was foretold, In pledge that God, for times to come, will uphold. 9 Not in our fortresses and walls 11 Let Sion's mount with joy resound; |