TWENTY Charges against the Methodists answered by the Word of God, for their Encouragement, and Conviction of their Enemies. ALSO, A Short Dialogue between a Member of the Church of England, and a Soul under Conviction of Sin. By the fame Author. To which is added, A Gospel Catechism for Young Christians. Price 1 d. N. B. The Bookfellers in Great-Britain may be fupplied with any Number of The Chriftian's Pocket Companion, or the above Pamphlets, by applying to the Author at Pembroke; or to Mr. Edmonds, at the Coventry Crofs, Holborn, London. THE HE Candid Reader is requested to correct the following Errors, occafioned by the Author's Distance from the Prefs, viz. Page 43. 1. 1. for which (Faith)-read which (Knowledge). 44.1. 4. 1ft Col. Poetry, for Calfary-read Calvary. 70. 1. 5. for every read a very. 168. 1. 1. for paptized read baptized. 141. m. 269. THE HE following Tract is defigned for four Sorts of People: Ift, Those who neither fear God, or regard Man, to fuch I would recommend the Text, Reflections, and Verses for July 16, and the Reft to the fame Purpose. 2d, Such as the Prodigal Son, who are just come to themfelves, who are under Convictions for Sin, let me entreat them seriously to perufe March 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and many others of the like Sort, for their Comfort. 3d, Thofe, who believe on the Lord Jefus Chrift, who have found Redemption in his Blood, even the Forgiveness of all their Sins, let them fee the Bleffings they are intitled to in June 11, 13, 26, 27, &c. 4th, Thofe who defire to be fanctified throughout Body, Soul, and Spirit, Here they will find how they. ought to live, to watch, and to pray, that they may finish their Courfe with Joy, and glorify God here, in their Bodies and Spirits, which are his: To this End let them frequently be meditating on March 31, April 6, June 9, July 2, 3, 6, 7, &c. May the Lord accompany it with his Bleffing to every Soul into whole Hands this may come! Amen. PERIE To the READER. ERHAPS few Books, lately published, have been more ufeful, to serious and pious Readers, than that intitled, The Golden Treafury. It will be eafily obferv'd, that This is wrote on the fame Plan: Containing a short Exercife of Devotion, for every Day in the Year. The chief Difference between the one and the other, I apprehend, is this: The Reflections here are abundantly deeper: They not only contain the first Principles of Re ligion, [ ] ligion, Repentance towards GoD, and Faith in CHRIST, the Doctrine of Juftification, and the New Birth, but likewife the whole Work of GOD in the Soul of Man, till being rooted and grounded in Love, be is able to comprehend with all Saints, what is the Breadth, and Length, and Depth, and Height: And to know the Love of Chrift which paffeth Knowledge, and to be filled with all the Fulnefs of GOD. Pembroke, July 30, 1764. John Wesley. AND when eight Days were accomplished for the circumcifing of the Child, his Name was called Jefus, which was to named of the Angel, before he was conceived in the Womb, Luke ii. 21. Give me, Lord, the Grace, which thou haft hereby merited for me, to circumcife the Pride and Impurity of my Heart, and whatever remains in me of Adam's Corruption. By this firft Effufion of his Blood, he exércifes the Office of a Saviour, at the fame Time that he takes the Name. How adorable are these first, Fruits of his Pains! Let this holy Name be ever my Refuge and Confidence, my Strength and Support, my Peace and Confolation: And let it be truly to me a Name of Salvation. Exert upon my Heart, O JESUS! the Right and fovereign Power which it gives thee to fave me. Salvation from our Sins we found, JESUS from (not in) our Sins, Doth ftill his People fave: Our Priest and King we have: |