CHRISTIAN LITURGY, AND BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER; CONTAINING THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE SACRAMENTS, AND OTHER RITES AND CEREMONIES OF THE APOSTOLIC CATHOLIC, OR Universal Church of Christ. WITH COLLECTS AND PRAYERS, AND EXTRACTS FROM THE PSALTER, OR PSALMS OF DAVID. FOR THE USE OF THE CHURCH OF AMERICA. ALSO A COLLECTION OF PSALMS. AND HYMNS FOR PUBLIC WORSHIP. BOSTON: WILLIAM D. TICKNOR & COMPANY. 1846. 13993. f.2 CONTENTS. 1. Introduction. 2. Order for Holy Scriptures, Feasts, Holidays, Fasts, &c. 3. A Summary of Christian 4 Private Devotions. 5. Forms of Prayer to be used in Families. 6. Matins, or the Order for Morning Prayer 7. Vespers, or the Order for Evening Prayer 8. The Litany. 9. Prayers of Adoration, Pe- tition, and Thanksgiv- ing. throughout the Year. 10. Selection of Collects. 11. The Collects, Epistles, and Gospels, to be used 12. The Altar Service. 13. The Eucharist. 14. The Ministration of Pub- lic Baptism of Infants in the Church. 15. The Ministration of Pri- Chapel. vate Baptism of Children in Houses. 27. 28. 16. Principles for Young Children, to teach them the Elements of Chris- tianity followed by the Christian's Catechism. 17. The Order of Confirma- tion or Laying on of Hands upon those who 29. 30. An Office of Institution of Ministers into Parish- es or Churches. Selections of Psalms and Hymns, for the use of the Apostolic Catholic or Universal Church of Christ. Index of Subjects. Index of First Lines. |