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are matters of faith. They fay in Logick,that demonftratio à pofteriori, is the weaker demonftration, that à priori is much ftronger: for this depends on the cause, and that on the effect. So is it in beleeving.. A beleeving, à priori, from the perfwafion of what God faith, from his goodnesse and truth) is more ftrong then a beleeving à pofteriori (that is) from a fruition or apprehenfion of what God doth.

8. The more dull and uncheerful the heart is, this fhews the faith to be weak: A fad Spirit and a weak faith, ufually are companions: for a strong faith breeds much peace in the conscience, Rom 5,2 and rejoycing, 1Pet.1.8. In whom (though sou ye fee him not) yet beleving yere joyce with joy sunspeakable and full of glory: fuch a faith as this hath got to much affurance, but uncheerfulneffe of heart argues either, as yet the want of all affurance, or affurance very weak.

9. The more anxious, and careful the foule isitis a figne of a weak faith. What shall we enter and what shall we drink and what shall we put son? This our Saviour faith in Matthew 6. fhewes little faith. For the leffer the things are for which we are to truft, the more weakneffe is there if we do diftruft, especially where the helper is fufficient and willing, and hath paft his promife; Now, God is willing to do for Beleevers more then all the earth is worth, and hath done greater matters for them; And therfore a suspicion of him for small matters, fhews but a small perswafion.

10. The more apt the heart is to be offended at the estate of Chrift, it is a figne that faith is weak. This is evident in the Difciples who being weak in faith, Chrift was forced to keep many things in, because they were not able to bear them; and when he spake of his fufferings, and departing from them, they were much amazed and troubled..

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5. Demonftrations of the



Hus for the difcoveries of faith in weaknesse : Now follow the demonstrations of the truth in faith though weak.

The truth of faith hath a great latitude, it is not confined to fuch an height, to fuch a point of eminency, as some conceive: Look as beat hath feverall degrees, and as health hath many Species, and as life hath many fteps within which the true nature of them may be feated, fo is it with faith, the true nature of it may be in a great measure, and yet in a leffer measure, and though weak faith be not ftrong, yet it is faich: weaknesse is not like death, which is opposed to life,but like infirmity, which is opposed to strength. Strong faith is weak faith more perfected, and weak faith is strong faith in difpoficion, in tendancy; it is within the compaffe. Negation is one thing, imperfection is another thing; no faith is quite oppofite to faith, but weak faith if it be oppofed to ftrength, yet it is not opposed to truth.

Now the truth of weak faith may appeare in these

truth of weak things.


First, though weak faith be notsure that Chrift is its Saviour yet weak faith will honour Chrift as its Lord: though it cannot fee Chrift, beftowing it felf on the foal, yet it will make the foul to refigne up it felf to Chrift: Though it cannot finde comfort, yet it will oppofe fin: though it cannot comprehend Chrift, yet it would not willingly offend Chrift. Faith in ftrength can put out it felfe in perfwafion, I know that my redeemer liveth, Job 19. Yet faith in weaknese, (as was that of Thomas) can put forth it Jelf in fubjection, My Lord,and My God; I will have no Lord but Christ, 70.20.

The vitall act of faith is not reflexive but direct. It is not this Chrift is mine, but this I receive, and embrace Chrift, now the weak faith cannot fetle its title to Chrift, fo as strong faith can do, yet it can vindicate the title that Chrift bath to the foul, though it cannot fee its own propriety in Chrift, yet it can main. taine Chrifts propriety to it, it doth acknowledge, it doth yield unto no Law, or power, or right, over the foul but Chrifts: it looks

looks on finne as an enemy, though it cannot fee Christ as a friend.

2. What weak faith doth want in the breadth of perfuafion that it makes up in the depth of humility. A weak believer,though he carnot fee himself great in Gods eyes, yet he doth appeare low in his own eyes; it will not quarrell wich God, because he opens himself no more, but abafeth it felf, because it is moft unworthy of the least of truth and goodnesse.

There be two things which all true faith will work.

One is to value Chrift.

Another is to under value our felves; it can put glory on Christ, and take fhame to it felte; He is the fweeteft Saviour, and I am the greatest finner..

Faith usually as in one of these,either in receiving or in abafing: For either it makes the foul to fee its happineffe in Chrift, which breeds joyfulneffe, or to fee its own unworthy vilenesse, becaufe of fin,and fo it caufeth lowlineffe of fpirit. Strong faith (like fobn) can be in Chrifts bofome but weak faith, (like Pe ter) will fall down at Chrifts feet; ftrong faith may be seen by the eye, and weak faith by the knee, that ftands up and blessed God for Chrift, this falls down and begs of God for Chrift. And this, not for my fake O Lord, for to me belongs nothing but shame and confufion,) but for thy goodneje fake, O Lord, (for to thee belong mercies and forgiveneffes )

3 Weak faith,though it hath but tender confidences of its interest in Chrift, yet it hath ftrong diflikes, and combates with that unbelief which hinders his perfwafion. Though weak faith cannot fee Chrift as its eafe, &c. yet it can feel unbelief as its burden and trouble.

There are two things (if I mistake not) which accompanie all true faith,and the weakest.

One is to magnifie the state in Chrift.

Another is to diflike the state out of Chrift: O happy is that man, who can comprehend, as he is comprehended, Lith weak faith, and what fhall I do with this unbelieving heart, this doubting, fufpecting, fearful heart? fhall I alwaies queftion, fhall lalwaies find these difputings, carnal reafonings, reelings, staggerings? Lord help this unbelief, Lord perfwade this heart of mine, T



Luke 9.

caufe it to trust in thy falvacion in Chrift, fay anto my foul, that thou art my falvation.

The weak beleever hath many prayers in his heart, many tears in his eyes, and many conflicts in his minde; he believes and doubts, he prayes and doubteth, he mornes and doubleth, yet though he doubts he will believe, and though he doubts he will pray, and because he ftill doubts he will therefore ftill morne, He looks often towards Chrift, Othat I could believe, he looks often on his own heart, why wilt thou not yet believe, he looks up to God; O make me to believe, fometimes he fpends his time in prayer for more faith, fomtimes in difpute with his weak faith, one maine difference 'twixt him and the ftrong believer is this, that the strong believer hath got into Chrifts armes; and this weak beleever is fighting for the way unto him.

Weak faith, will not reft in weakneffe, if truth be in it. In a weak child, well and living, there are two qualifications of life, one is this, that it is Alive; another is this, that it is Progreffive, it will be doing, and it will be encreasing. So it is with al true faith,though weak:it is a drawing of the foul unto Christ, yea it is a drawing of fomething more from Chrift unto the foul; what hinders it, that grieves it, and what it wants, after that it longs and craves. No grace is right which is idle, or labours not to exceed it felf. Lord help my unbelief,faid that weak believer. O Lord encreafe our faith, faid they of little faith. The weak criple, he would be lying at the Pool, and fo will weak faith, it will be at the meanes of strength: It loves to be doing about Christ, and to be where the ftrength of Christ is revealed.

It is wife to obferve the grounds of its fears and doubtings, and carefull to remove them. O how earneft is the weak believer to heare what God will fpeak unto him, and if at any time the foul can get by the affiftance of the Word, to clofe with mercy and Chrift, it is revived with joy of tears, and falls down with thanks, Lord what is thy fervan!!

Nay,if it bath apprehended, but a hint, but a crevife, if it be enabled but a little to ftep above its dark doubtings, to apprehend but a darting beame, any perfwafion that all is well or will be fo, it is refreshed, and faith that God is good.I obferve that the weak childe will be much after the breafts, and the weak man


will handle his staffe much, and the weak believer will be much at the places and ordinances, and wayes of more ftrength.

It is with faith,as it is with a blade of corn, at the first the eare of graine is quite skinned over, yet it breaks open afide and at length is the very top of the ftalk. So faith at firft is swathed over with doubtings, (none but a tender and merciful God can fee that little muftard-feed) but at length, it opens to more ad herence on God and Chrift,and promifes, and in time it can triumph against its former feares and fufpitions. Or it is like a weak man recovering: if he can but stand, its well, then if he can let on in a few paces with his ftaff,then if his motion can be fingle, then if longer, then if stronger; fo is it with faith, if it can make the foul to look upon Chrift, then if it could look on bim as mine, then if fo without fear, then if fo with joy, then if fo with ftrength, and stedfaftneffe.

It will not rest in weakness, though it begins in weakness, buc like the weak Ivie which is winding up the tree,fo will faith be winding up the foul higher and higher into Chrift by the help of his Spirit, of his Promises, of his Word, and of his Sacra


5.Weak faith will yet venture the foul upon Chrift, though it cannot cleare its title, nor answer its feares, nor (to its own fenfe) rely on Chrift; yet if the foul be put and determined to one of thefe, either to renounce all hope in Christ, and fo to beloft, or to put it felf uponChrift, though it hath no inward encouragement from it felf: I fay at fuch a time, even weak faith will discover it felf, it will not renounce its hidden intereft in Chrift, but will roule the foul on him; If 1 perish, I perish, yet I will cleave to Chrift, yet I will caft my foul on him and on his blood, and righteoulneffe.



TH "He third general which we observed to the former fcruple The concorwas the concordance of all faith which is true (whether strong dance of all is true or weak) in fundamentall comforts.

T 2

faith in foure

First, things.

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