| James Burroughs - 1733 - عدد الصفحات: 296
...God, thou wilt not defpife. Micah VI. 6—8. Wherewith Jhall I come before the Lord, and bow myj'elf before the high God ? Shall I come before him 'with...calves of a year old? Will the Lord be pleafed with thoitfands of rams, or with ten thoufands of rivers of oil? Shall I give myfirft-born for my tranfgrejjion,... | |
| Samuel Croxall - 1735 - عدد الصفحات: 530
...and pretending their Ignorance as a Cloak for their Ihi, by faying, Wherewith jhall I come O befirt before the LORD, and bow myfelf before the high God? Shall I come before him with burnt-offerings, with calves of a year old ? •will the LORD be pleafed with thoufands of rams, or... | |
| Nathaniel Lardner - 1751 - عدد الصفحات: 424
...acceptance. If it were requifite, they would bring the moft numerous, and the moft coftly offerings. Shall I come before him "with burnt offerings, with calves of a year old? " Will God ac" cept now of the ordinarie facrifices, fuch " as we offer upon other occafions, and are <c required... | |
| Thomas Halyburton - 1751 - عدد الصفحات: 552
...plainly enough in the carriage of thefe convinced finners, in that vi of Micah and 6- Wherewith Jball I come before the Lord, and bow myfelf before the high God? jhail I come before him vaith burnt-offerings and calves of a year oU? IVtll the Lord be pleafed -with... | |
| James Hervey - 1755 - عدد الصفحات: 452
...Whole. The Inquiry is exprefled in thefe Words ; Wherewithal jhall I come before the LORD, and b<nv myfelf before the High GOD? Shall I come before Him with Burnt -offer ings, with Calvcs of 'a Tear old? Will the kind to receive it, yet knowing the abfolute Neceflity... | |
| Thomas Halyburton - 1756 - عدد الصفحات: 306
...before the Lord, and bow myfelf be' fore the high God ? Shall 1 come before him with ' burnt-offerings, with calves of a year old ? Will ' the Lord be pleafed with thoufar)4? of rams, or with ' ten thoufands of rivers of oil ? Shall! give my firft ' born for my tramgreffion,... | |
| John Tillotson - 1757 - عدد الصفحات: 496
...the LORD, and bow my felf " before the high GOD ? Shall 1 come before him. " with burnt-offerings, with calves of a year old ? *' Will the LORD be pleafed with thoufands of rams, *c and with ten thoufands of rivers of oyl ? Shall I ** give my firft-born for my... | |
| Horace - 1767 - عدد الصفحات: 428
...ver. 6, (2c.) than which nothing was ever written more rational, or more elegant i Wherewith jhall I come before the Lord, and bow myfelf before the high Go'd? Shall I come before him with BurntOfferings, with Calves of a Tear old ? Will the Lard bt pleafed with tboufands of Rams, or with... | |
| John Witherspoon, William Shenstone - 1768 - عدد الصفحات: 360
...numerous and coftly the vi<ftims, the greater would be their influence : Micah vi. 6. " Wherewith fhall I come before the Lord, and" bow myfelf before the high God? Shall I " come before him with burnt-offerings, \vith: " calves of a year old i Will the Lord be plea*' fed with thoufands of rams,... | |
| John Flavel - 1770 - عدد الصفحات: 528
...their grofs miflakes and errors, about the method of the remiffion of their ftns. " Wherewith fhall I come before the Lord, and bow myfelf " before the...offerings, with calves of a year old ? Will the Lord be pleaf" ed with thoufands of rams, or with ten thoufand of rivers of *' oil ? Shall I give my firft<-born... | |
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