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النشر الإلكتروني

nefs, and injuftice alfo, as by no means deferves to be encouraged; yet where a benefit has been receiv'd, for thofe who are oblig'd to defire to acquaint themfelves with the Perfon unto whom they stand indebted, that they may pay a respect at leaft, if they can reach at no more equal Retribution; this has fuch a pretence to gratitude, as may justly demand to be confider d. And it will be fome fatisfaction to the ingenuous enquirer, that tho' he have not inform'd himself in the particulars which he defires, he has not been deficient in the requeft, and knows as much as is poffible.1.

The Reader therefore may please toilunderftand, that fomewhat more than two months fince, I receiv'd a Letter, accompanied with a Roll of Papers, opening the which, I foundoit was written by a hand whiely I was utterly a ftranger to, and that had no name fubfcrib'd; the purport whereof was as followsrolan ailored en ni awoud ylao od os Holida SIR, Tooghib ed dui THE general report of your Candour perfwades to me you will not reject an Address sho from an unknown band, which encourages me to the fending these papers to you, with a define you would please to peruse them, and commit them either to the Prefs or the Fire as you find them worthy. I fhall not need to tell you who I am, for if my fuit be accepted, I have what I defire without it if it


be not, tis my intereft you should not know who 'tis that has thus importun'd you. Your Charity, I aßure my felf, will at a venture pardon,


Your humble Servant.

Twill be fuperfluous to fay how much I was furpriz'd with this fo unufual Address, how much affected with the fingular Modefty and Humility which it expreft: and after all how much tranfported upon viewing the Treasure, which was thus, as from the Clouds dropt into my hands. Nor was I long to determine which of the two ways of difpofal proposed unto me, was to be made ufe of: and indeed I fhould much fooner have perform'd my truft, and taken care that this excellent Tract had immediately feen the light, had it not been needful to tranfcribe the whole, before it could safely be committed to the Prefs.

This I mention, not only to excufe the delay of the Edition, but more efpecially to beg a pardon for the mil-adventures of it. It being not easy in a written Copy, where a recourfe is not to be had to the Author, to do him juftice, and avoid failures and mistakes: which in the present inftance was the more hazardous, in that every departure from the Author's inimitable pattern, would certainly be for the worse.


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By the Author of the WHOLE DUTY OF MAN, &C.

The Eighth Impreffion.

Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a Woman that feareth the Lord, fhe fhall be praised, Prov. 31.30.



Printed at the THEATER. MDCC V.


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