PREFACE. By the FRENCH TRANSLATOR, Fo OR fome years paft, the English literature has been efteemed amongst us; and the name of Shakspeare, at firft little known in France, is become more familiar to us. M. de Voltaire himself, by writing against him, has contributed, perhaps, without defign, to extend his reputation. He has inflamed the curiofity of his readers, and he has excited in many a defire of knowing a writer, who, notwithstanding great faults, has captivated, for two centuries, a whole enlightenened nation. Some have read his works, and have mentioned them; others have mentioned them, without having read them. Differtations have been made on his beauties, and on his faults, and Shakspeare has at length begun to engage part of the attention of those who cultivate literature. * The original is in Italian; and may be purchased at Meffrs. Robinfons in Pater-nofter Row, or at Mr. Elmfly's in the Strand. For a 3 For them I publish this extract, perfuaded that fome new ideas on this celebrated poet must meet with their gracious reception. In perusing the work from which I have taken this extract, I found fome fuch ftriking proofs of the taste and impartiality of the author, that I think myself obliged to present them to the public. These two talents are in a critic most effential: they alone give weight and authority to his decifions. The paffages which I fhall quote will have the double advantage of interesting the reader, and of acquainting him with the right which Mr. Sherlock may have to his confidence. Mr. Sherlock fays to his young Italian poet; "Dantè is a great genius, Ariofto is a delightful "and enchanting poet; but neither the one nor "the other can ferve to form your tafte." As a recompence, he does not fail to recommend to him the study of the Greek, Latin, and French poets. Homer, Virgil, and Racine, are the models which he proposes to him; Horace, Longinus, and Boileau, are the mafters from whom he would have him take leffons. "At the moment," fays he, "of a war ber "tween England and France, my young reader "will, perhaps, be furprized at my making an elogium on French literature. He is little acquainted with the principles of my nation. An Englishman dares always do juftice to merit. "When his country requires his talents, he is 66 66 4 66 ready PREFACE. vii "ready to dedicate them to her without referve. "Does the require his blood, he is ready to fhed "it in her fervice, to the last drop. But, at the "fame time, he is incapable of doing injustice to "an an enemy. We are not at war with the French "literature. The men of letters of all nations "should be fellow-citizens. They should live in an "eternal peace, and do juftice to the merits both "of the living and the dead, of London, Paris, "Rome, and Athens." With this profeffion of impartiality Mr. Sherlock introduces his encomiums on Boileau and Racine. He thus speaks of the latter. "Racine, a difciple of Boileau and of the "Greeks, does honour to Paris, and would have "been honoured at Athens. A good tafte, good sense, truth, a knowledge of the human heart, "the pathetic carried to the utmost height; these "are the merits which entitle him to a place be"tween Sophocles and Euripides. The magic "pencil of Correggio, his strength and his graces, "the tenderness and majefty of Guido, the difpofition and design of Raphaël, are united in "this perfect model *. Perfection, if I may fay, is his characteristic. And when, apprized "of the difficulty of making good French verfes, fo To perceive the whole force of this elogium, it is neceffary to read, in Mr. Sherlock's fixth letter on Dryden, the comparison which he makes between Raphael and Correggio. |