صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

to reject with impartiality such as have not duly qualified themselves for the important task of religious inftruction. Your Lordship has done ftill more. Having obferved the inconvenience arifing from the want of a proper foundation for Theological acquirements, you devoted your time and thoughts to the compofition of a Treatife, from which the ftudent in Divinity may not only gain a general acquaintance with the fubject, but alfo be affifted in extending his inquiries to the collateral branches of that most invaluable fcience.

I CAN fcarcely flatter myself, my Lord, that an attempt, so humble as mine, can be materially useful in promoting the great ends, which your Lordship has fo laudably kept in view. But I fhall not regret the attempt I have made, if it only give me an opportunity of bearing teftimony to your Lordship's exer


tions, and of expreffing my ardent hope, that fuch exertions may induce the co-operation of all, whofe ftation in the Church enables them to pursue measures equally honourable to themselves, and ufeful to the cause of Christianity.

I AM the more anxious to hold up your Lordship's conduct in these inftances to applause and to imitation, because a fort of paradoxical


diftinction has been fometimes fet between found Divines and useful Minifters-a diftinction very convenient, no doubt, for thofe, who would deprive the Church of it's moft effectual defence against the oppofite, but equally fatal, extremes of Infidelity and Fanaticism. Well does it behove the appointed Guardians of our national faith to confider, by what better means they can fecure it from the dangers with which

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which it is menaced, by an avowed contempt for all religion on the one hand, and a fantastic pretence to exceffive fan&tity on the other, than by encouraging an accurate and profound knowledge of the holy Scriptures among the Teachers of religion. A learned Clergy, employing their knowledge with zeal, and tempering their zeal with charity, is the best preservative, under Providence, against that ignorance and immorality, which, a&ting upon different intellects and different tempers, may frequently be regarded as alike productive of Scepticism and Superftition.

THAT your Lordship may enjoy a continuance of health and happinefs, and be long enabled to distinguish yourself in the cause of true religion; whether it be openly affailed by the furious zeal of the


Unbeliever, or fecretly undermined by the fpecious errours of the Enthufiaft; is, My Lord, the unfeigned with of

Your Lordship's

Truly Faithful,

and Obedient Servant,


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