صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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THE CHRISTIAN REVIEW is the leading exponent of the doctrines, polity, and mea-

sures of the Baptists of the United States; and in literary and critical ability is

among the ablest reviews in our country. It is well worthy the patronage of all

Baptists. Its contents are all original, and no pains is spared to secure the highest

degree of talent and learning in the denomination.- Western Watchman, St. Louis.

"The friends of sacred literature must feel proud of this Quarterly."-Family

Mag. of Lit., Art, and Science.

One who has long been a reader of the Review, writes:

"I have been thinking for the past eighteen months that I must discontinue the

Review, as I have been so afflicted with sore eyes that I have been unable to read

but one article in it for that length of time, but have concluded to continue it-

have it bound, and leave it as a rich legacy to my family-and a monument of my

religious views, that it may speak when I am no more."

"It seems more and more to be an indispensable companion in the professional

labors of the ministry, as well as an inestimably entertaining and useful journal.

for family and private reading. I cannot do without it "-A Pastor.

"It is the only Baptist Quarterly, furnishes much valuable reading, and is

worthy of extensive patronage."-Religious Herald, Richmond.

"The articles are able and scholarly; and the critical and popular are judi-

ciously blended."-Christian Herald, Detroit.

"As is its custom, a rich variety of matter is presented to the reader. A decided

improvement is seen in the mechanical department of this able Quarterly, in each

succeeding number."— Western Recorder, Louisville, Ky.

[blocks in formation]
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