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النشر الإلكتروني

-(and) afraid. I see the flashes of thy lightning wild, and in the very grave would hide my head.

582. Sourceless and endless God! compared with thee life is a shadowy, (and not only a shadowy, but also a) momentary dream; and (even) time, when viewed through thy eternity, (is) less than the mote of morning's golden beam.

583. What excuse can the Englishman plead? (Will he plead) The custom of duelling? An excuse, this (is) that in these regions cannot avail.

The spirit that made him draw his sword in the combat against his friend, is not the spirit of honor; it is the spirit of the furies, (it is the spirit) of Alecto herself (who was the chief of the furies.) To her he must go, for she has long dwelt in his merciless bosom. 584. Curse these cowardly covenanters what (shall we do) if they tumble down upon our heads pieces of rock from their hiding places? (Shall we) advance? Or (shall we) retreat?

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585. To save a bishop, may I name a dean? (May you name) a dean, Sir? No; his fortune is not made, you hurt a man that's rising in the trade. If (I may) not (name) the tradesman who set up to day, much less (may I name) the apprentice who to-morrow may (set up.)

586. And what are things eternal? Powers depart, (and therefore they are not things eternal) possessions vanish, (and therefore they are not things eternal) and opinions change, (and therefore they are not things eternal) and passions hold a fluctuating seat;-(and therefore they are not things eternal) but, by the storms of circumstance unshaken, and subject neither to eclipse nor wane, duty exists-immutably survives! What (is there) more that may not perish?

587. So goes the world; if (you are) wealthy, you may call this (man your) friend, that (man your) brother ;friends and brothers all (men will be to you) (or you may call all men your friends and brothers.)

588. I once saw a poor fellow (who was both) keen and clever, witty and wise; -he paid a man a visit, and no one noticed him, and no one ever gave him a welcome. (It is) Strange, cried I, whence is it (that this man is so much neglected?) He walked on, this side (of the room)

and then on that (side of the room;*) he tried to introduce a social chat; now here, now there, in vain he tried (to introduce a social chat.) Some (persons, when he spoke to them) formally, and freezingly replied (to him ;) and some (persons made him no proper answer, but) said by their silence (you would) better stay at home (than come here where you are not wanted.)

589. A rich man burst the door. (A man who was) As Croesus rich. I'm sure he could not pride himself upon his wit; and as to wisdom he had none of it. He had what's better; he had wealth. What a confusion, (there was when he entered the room.) All (who are in the room) stand up erect-These † (persons in this part of the room) crowd around to ask him of his health; (and) these (persons in another part of the room) arrange a sofa or a chair, and these (persons) conduct him there. (Some said to him) Allow me, sir, the honor (of handing you a chair, or of conducting you to it.) Then (they made) a bow down to the earth. Is't possible to show meet gratitude for such kind condescension ?‡

*This example shows very clearly how the proper intonation of the voice is intimated by supplying the ellipses; although the sense is sufficiently clear as the sentence is expressed.

It may here be observed that a pause should be made in every elliptical sentence long enough to pronounce, or rather to think over, the words which are omitted. The above extract affords a clear illustration of this remark.

It may perhaps be thought that some ellipses are unnecessarily supplied in the preceding sentences-but the practical teacher will readily allow that a correct analysis is indispensable to the correct reading of a sentence; and that the facilities afforded to a child in his first attempts, cannot be too great. It will be borne in mind that this book is designed for very young, as well as for more advanced pupils.



The word antithesis means opposition or contrast. In all sentences in which an emphatic word occurs, there is an antithesis expressed or understood; and it is necessary to be able to distinguish the words which form the antithesis, or which are contrasted, in order to ascertain which word should be emphasized. Thus, in the sentence given in the introduction to the 23d Lesson. "Shall you ride totown to-day?"-if the answer be, No, I shall walk, there is an antithesis, or contrast, in the words ride and walk, which shows that ride is the emphatic word. Again, if the answer be, No, I shall ride into the country, the antithesis is in the words town and country, which shows that the word town is the emphatic word. Once more,-Iƒ the answer be, No, but I shall go to-morrow, the antithesis is in the words to-day and to-morrow; which shows that the word to-day is to be emphasized.

[It is thus seen, that it is necessary that the pupil should study out the meaning of a sentence, and be able to form the antithesis upon which the emphatic words depend, in order to read it correctly and expressively. This exercise will often require a degree of judgment and discrimination not to be expected in a child, until the assistance of the teacher comes to his aid. Indeed, it is this very thing which constitutes the whole ART of reading, and which often renders it a subject of deep study even to matured minds. It is, however, a subject of such paramount importance, that it must not be overlooked nor neglected even in the lessons of very young pupils. The assistance afforded the pupil in this lesson, will lead his mind, it is thought, to a correct understanding of the subject, and enable him to apply his powers successfully to the analysis of other sentences, in which no aid is furnished for him.]

In this lesson the emphatic word which forms the antithesis is printed in capitals, and the member of the antithesis which is understood is supplied in Italic letters between crotchets. The pupil will first read the whole passage, and then read it with the omission of the part in crotchets.

590. Mercury, Charon's boat is on the OTHER side of the water, (and as there will be time enough before he gets over to THIS side) allow me, before it returns, to have some conversation with the North American savage, whom you brought hither at the same time that you conducted me to the shades.

591. Why judge you then so hardly of the dead?

(I judge so hardly of the dead, not for any thing that he has DONE but) For what he left UNDONE.

592. This man of half a million (was not DESTITUTE of them, but he) HAD all these public virtues that you praise.

593. The darts of anguish (may STRIKE, but they) FIX not where the seat of suffering hath been thoroughly fortified by acquiescence in the will supreme, (not only for a short period, but) for TIME and for ETERNITY.

594. Hereditary bondmen! Know ye not, who would be free (must not depend upon the assistance of others, but) THEMSELVES must strike the blow? By THEIR right arm (not by the right arm of OTHERS) the conquest must be wrought.

595. Where'er we tread (it is not a coмMON spot, but) 'tis HAUNTED, HOLY ground.

596. Authors of modern date are (not so POOR as they formerly were, but they are) WEALTHY fellows. (It is not for the benefit of his ASSISTANCE) 'Tis but to snip his LOCKS they follow now the golden haired Apollo.

597. Yet none but you by NAME the guilty lash; (others lash them in a DIFFERENT manner.)

598. It is often said by inconsiderate men, that TIME (not INCLINATION) is wanted for the duties of religion. 599. My friends! (do not be HASTY, but) be CAUTIOUS how ye treat the subject upon which we meet.

600. Misses! the tale that I relate (is not intended for your DIVERSION alone, but it) seems to carry this LESSON : Choose not alone a proper MATE, but proper time to


601. As much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all MEN, (but not with all WOMEN.)

602. You did not read that last sentence correctly; for by emphasizing the word MEN, you made it appear as if the Apostle meant that you might quarrel with WOMEN and CHILDREN, (if you would live peaceably with MEN.)

Now his meaning is, that you should live peaceably with ALL men, (not with your FRIENDS alone, but with ALL MANKIND.)

[Sometimes both the words which constitute the antithesis are expressed; as in the following sentence.]

603. It is from UNTAMED PASSIONS, not from WILD BEASTS, that the greatest evils arise to human society.

604. By wisdom, by art, by the united strength of a civil community, men have been enabled to subdue (not only ONE SINGLE lion, bear, or serpent, but) the WHOLE RACE of lions, bears, and serpents.



When a number of particulars are mentioned in a sentence, it is called an Enumeration.

In many sentences of this kind, it is proper to use the falling inflection of the voice at each of the numbers of the enumeration, except the last but one, which should be read with the rising inflection. The following sentences are of this kind. In order to assist the pupil, the acute and grave accents are used to designate the inflections of the voice, according to the principles stated in Lesson 22, page 49.

605. But who the melodies of morn can tell? - The wild brook babbling down the mountain's sìde; the lowing herd; the sheepfold's simple bèll; the pipe of early shepherd, dim descried in the lone vàlley; echoing far and wide, the clamorous horn along the cliffs above; the hollow murmur of the ocean tìde; the hum of beès; the linnet's lay of lóve; and the full choír* that wakes the universal grove..

* Pronounced quire.

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