صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

give their malice; be a servant of servants; and condescend to do the lowest offices for the lowest of mankind.

177. Struck with the sight of so fine a tree, he hastened to his own, hoping to find as large a crop upon it; but, to his great surprise, he saw scarcely any thing, except branches, covered with moss, and a few yellow leaves.

178. In sleep's serene oblivion laid, I've safely passed the silent night; again I see the breaking shade, again behold the morning light.

179. New-born, I bless the waking hour; once more with awe, rejoice to be; my conscious soul resumes her power, and soars, my guardian God, to thee.

180. That deeper shade shall break away; that deeper sleep shall leave mine eyes; thy light shall give eternal day; thy love, the rapture of the skies.

181. In the sight of our law the African slave trader is a pirate and a felon; and in the sight of heaven, an offender far beyond the ordinary depth of human guilt.

182. Between Nose and Eyes a strange contest arose; the spectacles set them unhappily wrong; the point in dispute was, as all the world knows, to which the said spectacles ought to belong.

183. What hope of liberty is there remaining, if whatever is their pleasure it is lawful for them to do; if what is lawful for them to do, they are able to do; if what they are able to do, they dare do; if what they dare do, they really execute; and if what they execute, is no way offensive to you ?

184. Mercury, I won't go in a boat with that fellow. He has murdered his countryman; he has murdered his friend; I say I won't go in a boat with that fellow, I will swim over the river; I can swim like a duck.

185. It is not the use of the innocent amusements of life which is dangerous, but the abuse of them; it is not when they are occasionally, but when they are constantly pursued; when the love of amusement degenerates into a passion; and when from being an occasional indulgence it becomes an habitual desire.

186. The prevailing color of the body of a tiger is a deep tawny, or orange yellow; the face, throat, and lower part of the belly are nearly white; and the whole is traversed by numerous long black stripes.

187. The horse next to the Hottentot is the favorite prey of the lion; and the elephant and camel are both

highly relished; while the sheep, owing probably to its woolly fleece, is seldom molested.

188. The lion, with his strong teeth, breaks large bones with the greatest ease; and he often swallows their fragments along with the flesh.

189. The horse is quick-sighted; he can see things in the night which his rider cannot perceive; but when it is too dark for his sight, his sense of smelling is his guide.

190. In summer, horses in the country feed on grass or on grass and oats; in winter they eat oats, corn, and hay. When grazing in the pasture, they always choose the shortest grass, because it is the sweetest; and as they have cutting teeth in both their jaws, they can eat very near the ground.


The semicolon is sometimes used for a question, and sometimes as an exclamation.


192. Hast thou not set at defiance my authority; violated the public peace, and passed thy life in injuring the persons and properties of thy fellow-subjects?

193. Oh it was impious; it was unmanly; it was poor and pitiful!

194. Have not you too gone about the earth like an evil genius; blasting the fair fruits of peace and industry; plundering, ravaging, killing, without law, without justice, merely to gratify an insatiable lust for dominion?

195. Art thou not, fatal vision, sensible to feeling as to sight? Or art thou but a dagger of the mind; a false creation, proceeding from the heat-oppressed brain?

196. Has Mercury struck thee with his enfeebling rod; or art thou ashamed to betray thy awkwardness? [This sentence should be read as directed in Lesson 4.]

197. By such apologies shall man insult his Creator; and shall he hope to flatter the ear of omnipotence? Think you that such excuses will gain new importance in their ascent to the Majesty on high; and will you trust

the interests of eternity in the hands of these superficial advocates?

198. And shall not the Christian blush to repine; the Christian from before whom the veil is removed; to whose eyes are revealed the glories of heaven?

199. Why, for so many a year, has the poet and the philosopher wandered amidst the fragments of Athens or of Rome; and paused with strange and kindling feelings, amidst their broken columns, their mouldering temples, their deserted plains? It is because their day of glory is passed; it is because their name is obscured; their power is departed; their influence is lost !

200. Where are they who taught these stones to grieve; where are the hands that hewed them; and the hearts that reared them?

201. Hope ye by these to avert oblivion's doom; in grief ambitious, and in ashes vain ?

202. Can no support be offered; can no source of confidence be named?

203. Is this the man that made the earth to tremble; that shook the kingdoms? That made the world like a desert; that destroyed the cities?

203. Falsely luxurious, will not man awake; and, springing from the bed of sloth, enjoy the cool, the fragrant, and the silent hour to meditation due and sacred song?

204. But who shall speak before the king when he is troubled; and who shall boast of knowledge when he is distressed by doubt?

205. Who would in such a gloomy state remain longer than nature craves; when every muse and every blooming pleasure wait without, to bless the wildly devious morning walk ?

206. Farewell! May the smile of Him who resides in the heaven of heavens be upon thee; and against thy name, in the volume of his will, may happiness be written!

207. What a glorious monument of human invention, that has thus triumphed over wind and wave; has brought the ends of the earth in communion; has established an interchange of blessings, pouring into the sterile regions of the north all the luxuries of the south; diffused the light of knowledge and the charities of cultivated life; and has thus bound together those scattered portions of the human race, between whom nature seemed to have thrown an insurmountable barrier!

208. Who that bears a human bosom, hath not often felt, how dear are all those ties which bind our race in gentleness together; and how sweet their force, let fortune's wayward hand the while be kind or cruel?

209. If it was intended for us as well as you, why has not the Great Spirit given it to us; and not only to us, but why did he not give to our forefathers the knowledge of that book, with the means of rightly understanding it?



The Colon consists of two periods placed one above the other, thus:

Sometimes the passage ending with a colon is to be read with the voice suspended; but it should generally be read with the falling inflection of the voice. In this lesson the falling inflection is required.

The general rule when you come to a colon is to stop just long to count three; or three times as long as you are directed to pause at a comma.


210. The smile of gaiety is often assumed while the heart aches within: though folly may laugh, guilt will sting.

211. There is no mortal truly wise and restless at the same time: wisdom is the repose of the mind.

212. Nature felt her inability to extricate herself from the consequences of guilt: the gospel reveals the plan of Divine interposition and aid.

213. Nature confessed some atonement to be necessary: the gospel discovers that the atonement is made. 214. Law and order are forgotten: violence and rapine are abroad: the golden cords of society are loosed.

215. The temples are profaned: the soldier's curse resounds in the house of God: the marble pavement is trampled by iron hoofs: horses neigh beside the altar.

216. Blue wreaths of smoke ascend through the trees, and betray the half hidden cottage: the eye contemplates well thatched ricks, and barns bursting with plenty: the peasant laughs at the approach of winter.

217. The necessaries of life are few, and industry secures them to every man: it is the elegancies of life that empty the purse: the knick-knacks of fashion, the gratification of pride, and the indulgence of luxury, make a man poor.

218. Your tree was as fruitful, and in as good order as his: it bore as many blossoms, and grew in the same soil: only it was not fostered with the same care. Edmund has kept his tree clear of hurtful insects: you have suffered them to eat up yours in its blossom.

219. My dear children, I give you these trees: you see that they are in good condition. They will thrive as much by your care as they will decline by your negligence: their fruits will reward you in proportion to your labor.

220. But Abraham pressed him greatly: so he turned, and they went into the tent: and Abraham baked unleavened bread, and they did eat.

221. A bee among the flowers in spring is one of the most cheerful objects that can be looked upon. Its life appears to be all enjoyment: so busy and so pleased: yet it is only a specimen of insect life, with which by reason of the animal being half domesticated we happen to be better acquainted.

222. 'Tis a picture in memory distinctly defined, with the strong and unperishing colors of mind: a part of my being beyond my control, beheld on that cloud, and transcribed on my soul.

223. Bare trees and shrubs but ill you know could shelter them from rain or snow: stepping into their nests they paddled: themselves were chilled, their eggs were addled: soon every father bird and mother grew quarrelsome and pecked each other.

224. Yet such is the destiny of all on earth: so flourishes and fades majestic man.

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